The Almighty Asura

Chapter 3115: : Bright arrival

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"Who is coming? Is Luo Tianming himself?"

The figure in the aurora is indifferent.

"No, it is the Luoshan under Luo Tianming," said the wind and shook his head.

"Luo, Luo Tianming's right arm, Luo Tianming, a brother of a compatriot, the strongest Luo Shenzu Zulong blood."

The man's brow wrinkled, his voice became clearer and clearer, and people came out of the aurora.

I saw his body stalwart, a dark gold robes, face Yingwu, thick eyebrows hanging eyes, the whole person standing here, giving people a sense of terror in the face of a big world.

His eyebrows, there is also a closed god!

Emperor release!

Wan Yao Sheng Palace, the strongest man under the sacred Lord, power, status is only under the sacred Lord, the highest elders!

"All the brothers and sisters of Luo Wei have different beliefs, some follow Luo Yuluo, and some follow Luo Tianming, Luo Shenzu, really a powerful and heart-rending race. This time Luo Tianming actually sent If Luo Tian is coming over, I am afraid that it is not a trivial matter. What if I want to see the Lord of the Monster?"

The wind brows and said.

"No, I personally met, and said that the Lord of the Demon is retreating."

The emperor said indifferent.

"To the big brother, there is one more thing. Not long ago, a large number of prisoners suddenly disappeared in the prison. The one that you caught was not seen."

The wind is also reported.

"Without the glory, oh, he has not yet surrendered to the Holy Palace?" The emperor frowned.

"No, this guy has been detained in the prison of God, suddenly disappeared, and all the detained gods, such as the elders of Xing today, are investigating. I suspect that it is the means used by our own insiders to save. Got them."

"A group of small people, since they are not willing to surrender, then die, tell the elders of Tian Xing, after finding out, find the whereabouts, kill them."

The emperor releases cold and indifferent ways.


The wind is respectful.

Then the emperor's release disappeared and entered the innermost space of this side.

Here, it is a special transmission **** array, eighteen huge superstars suspended, forming a special transmission array method.

And the transmission of the array, there are countless stars combined to form a huge array of methods, blocking the space around the transmission array.

What kind of star is there, what is the seal?

The emperor entered the transmission array and instantly came to the other side!

There is no energy in this world, and there is no other law of heaven and earth. It is a two-dimensional space. Only space and time exist, and it is stable and abnormal.

The figure of the emperor appeared in this space.

In this space, another huge figure is sealed here, this is a blue dragon!

How big is this dragon? Unimaginable, I am afraid that the length will not be less than 100,000 miles! Comparable to a huge star! And the horror and fierceness it releases is even more frightening for the Lord God.

However, a huge chain of gods consisting entirely of sky patterns penetrated his huge body, and a chain of heavenly gods sealed him in this huge space.

"The Lord."

The emperor said faintly.


There was a bright light in the sky between the heavens and the earth. It opened a huge dark golden eye, and the heavens and the earth seemed to have more colors.

These huge dragons have a diameter of a thousand miles, so horrible creatures, if they do not know how to destroy the land.

"The emperor released."

The cold voice echoed in the space.

"Leap the horse, let me go out, I can not bother with the mistakes you made."

The great dragon is cold and indifferent.

"Oh, things have developed to this point, I can't go back."

The emperor sneered aloud: "What are you still insisting on? Give me your source, this body is also handed over to me, I can become the strongest person in the realm of the gods, when, what Luoshen world, the Promise Sanctuary The whole world of God, no, even this cosmic chaos four days is our eternal palace."

"You cooperate with them, you are trying to hide from the tiger. You will harm the Wan Yao Palace, the Wan Yao Sanctuary, and even the heavens and the world. Now there is still a chance to get lost. The man is not dead, your ambition will never succeed."

The huge dragon and the cold road.

"You, you have been sitting in this highest position for too long, and even your own pursuits are gone, then you will spend it with me slowly. How long can you hold on? Hahahaha."

The emperor burst into laughter, and then his laughter gradually converges.

"Right, the Lord, tell you, don't pin your hopes on Luo Yu, his time has passed, and now he can't protect himself."

The emperor released the irony.

"He is a miracle person, as long as he is not dead. Anything can be reversed, and you can't kill him, the gods are there, he will never die."

After the huge dragon was finished, he did not respond to him and closed his eyes.

"Yes, then let's go, oh, you probably can't see the day he died."

The emperor’s release also disappeared and left here.

After the emperor’s release, the huge dragon opened his eyes and sighed with a sigh.

"God world, chaos, the universe, the biggest crisis is about to erupt. This storm that sweeps through the sky, Luo Yu, how do you face it..."

In the starry sky outside the sacred sacred territory, a vast and magnificent atmosphere swept the world.

I saw the starry sky, the heaven and earth divine power condensed into a road, and a golden heaven road traversed from the place outside the light years, connecting the sacred sacred domain.

I don’t know how many thousands of feet in this golden sky, it’s too shocking.


A golden dragon collapsed on this golden day road. This dragon has a thousand miles and a huge golden dragon wing. It is a golden dragon.

And the horror of this gold should be enough to scare the Lord.

On the huge dragon's back, carrying this majestic shrine, this shrine is brilliant, but on this dragon's back it feels so small.

In the sacred sacred field, many of the gods who have cultivated the heavens are able to show up. They stand in two rows and stand on both sides of the Golden Heaven Road. They look forward to the dragons that cross the space on the Golden Heaven Road.

At the entrance gate of the Wan Yao Sanctuary, a tall man with a khaki robes and a resolutely dark-skinned man is waiting.

Suddenly, the glare of the gods swept over, and the body of the golden dragon was shrinking. In the above shrine, a figure slowly came out.

The man is a tall, two-meter-tall man, with a long hair rolled up on his shoulders and wearing a golden scale dragon, giving a feeling of wildness and sorrow.

"Welcome to the Light Sanctuary of the Holy Land!"

As he walked down, the main **** of the passing of the road was full of respectful salutes.

And the yellow **** robe man also went to this person, the **** of war in this bright sanctuary, Luo desert!

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