The Almighty Asura

Chapter 3341: : Identity exposure

"Mother, you are relaxing, although you can't ask the teacher, but I have met with the great prince. I promised him. If he happens in the future, my Sima family will help. I ask him, he won't care. ”

Sima Feiyang held the hand of Mrs. Sima and comforted.

Mrs. Sima nodded, and now she only depends on his son.

Mu Feng, Bai Ziyue, Tianzhu, Sima Pingchuan, four people directly rushed to the black prison king.

All the way to the virtual butterfly tearing space to hurry, from the black prison king are more than two hundred light years away, he rushed to the black prison king on the eighth day.

When several people are on the road, they are already negotiating how to pack Sima Feiyang.

"Feng Ge, my Sima family has always been in contact with the Grand Prince. Sima Feiyang wants to help the Sima family to revenge. I am afraid that the Great Prince is a person he has to rely on." Mu Yi, who took Sima Pingchuan.

"The big prince is staying, what is this person doing?" Mu Feng asked.

"This person is the eldest son of the black prison leopard ancestor, the main **** king at the joint stage, the black prison leopard ancestor rarely manages political affairs, retreats behind the scenes, stays in politics, manages political affairs, but there are still 18 brothers. Six of them are the main gods of the realm of the road, and there are many princes who compete with him for power.” Sima Pingchuan said that Mu Yi has integrated his memory, and these things are also known.

"It’s not difficult to kill Sima Fei’s appointment. However, Sima Feiyang is the master disciple and kills him. It’s not a trivial matter. People must be connected to us. I also suppress this person and solve it from the root cause. problem."

The sky stabbed.

"Sima Pingchuan was imprisoned, and everyone knows it. Now he is coming to him, I am afraid he will be suspected." Sima Pingchuan frowned.

"If his backing is the big prince, we might as well give him a bottom-up salary."

Mu Feng glared at his eyes and had a measure in his heart.

"Mu Yi, you still let Sima Feiyang come out, first suppress him, then from the big prince where to get the approval of the Black Prison Palace, we can stand on the heels in the ninth jurisdiction."

Mu Feng said.


Sima Pingchuan nodded.

However, some of them did not know that the Grand Prince had promised Sima Feiyang and began to mobilize the people. He was already preparing to kill Tianma City.

Sima Pingchuan took out the voice of the goddess and contacted his son Sima Feiyang, and Joshua flew out for a while.

Sima Feiyang received his father, and Sima Pingchuan’s voice was also surprised. Didn’t he say that he was arrested by Chiyang Tianzong?

Sima Feiyang's eyes fluttered in the eye, revealing a deep thought. After a long time, he left his own shrine, but did not tell his mother the news.

Among the restaurants in the Black Prison King, in a separate box, Sima Pingchuan is waiting for Sima Feiyang here.

Waiting for Sima Feiyang to come to the meeting, after an hour. Sima Feiyang came as a covenant, but he did not come alone, brought more than a dozen strong men, including two savage Sima family elders.

"Flying." Sima Pingchuan got up and was pleasantly surprised, but he looked at Sima Feiyang and brought so many people, his heart was slightly lingering.

Didn't he come out alone to see him?

"爹" Sima Feiyang smiled in the past, but there were different colors in the eyes, and he secretly looked at the horse.

"No, this guy is suspicious." Mu Feng, who was hiding in the source of Sima Pingchuan, was slightly changed.

Sure enough, this is a few people coming and going, standing in several positions around Sima Pingchuan, and can attack Sima Pingchuan at any time.

"I didn't expect Sima Yun, Sima Teng two elders came, seeing you are fine, I feel relieved in my heart." Sima Pingchuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, are you not caught by the people of Chiyang Tianzong Ye Feng? How come here?"

Sima Feiyang smiled and stared at Sima Pingchuan's eyes.

Sima Pingchuan sighed and said: "I have both harmed the family. I was indeed caught by Ye Feng's people. However, Chiyang Tianzong did not have the main king of the realm. No one is my opponent. This is fortunate. I killed it."

"When people come back safely, just right, today is the birthday of the mother, you have been arrested, but the mother has been worried about you." Sima Feiyang laughed.

"Hey, let your mother worry, regret not to listen to him."

Sima Pingchuan sighed.

"Come, come and grab me!"

Who knows, Sima Feiyang suddenly screamed.


At the same time, several people around the moment burst into magical powers, and the two swords surged in the power of God, and they were immediately placed on the neck of Sima Pingchuan.

There are two others, a sword running through his heart, a knife piercing the two major connections of Sima Pingchuan Dantian.

"What are you doing?" Sima Pingchuan changed his face and then drank.

Sima Feiyang sneered, saying: "Today is not my mother's birthday, but I just confessed to you, saying, who are you? I am afraid that Chiyang Tianzong Ye Feng sent you to kill me."

Sima Pingchuan's look changed slightly, and immediately recalled, this reminds me of the true master's memory, Mrs. Sima's birthday is indeed not today. Just now, he just took it with him. He didn’t think much about it.

"Feng brother, what should I do?" Sima Pingchuan asked.

"Don't panic, let him believe in your identity." Mu Feng let the reincarnation of Sima Pingchuan's Mu Yi calm.

"Flying, what do you say, I am you, Sima Pingchuan, how can you kill you." Sima Pingchuan angered.

"I am very fond of my mother's love, I can't remember my mother's birthday, the little thief, no longer say identity, I immediately killed you."

Sima Feiyang said coldly.

Sima Pingchuan sighed: "Your mother's birthday is the fifth day of September, and there are still two hundred and six million years old in three hundred years. And your birthday is the sixth day of June. If this year is not wrong for the father, you are one thousand two hundred and three. It’s twelve thousand years old.”

Sima Fei raised his brows and heard the suspicion of Sima Pingchuan. Sima Pingchuan smiled bitterly: "I didn't hear anything clearly, I forgot it for a while."

"I have come to see me. I have always come to my shrine in the bright future. Why do you secretly come here to meet me, isn't your heart broken?" Sima Feiyang asked.

Sima Pingchuan had another bitterness and helplessness. He said: "I have just eaten and lost. I have ruined the Sima family. I am also a person who wants to face. Where is the good intention to see you under the eyes of others? You come out to see you."

Sima Feiyang screamed and said: "Are you really me?"

Sima Pingchuan tried to recall the memories of the father and son. He said: "Do you remember when you were 12 years old, peek at your eighteen mothers taking a shower and being interrupted by me?"

Sima Feiyang looked awkward, and other people heard the words and laughed and sneaked into the eyes of Sima Feiyang. Does the son still have this history?

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