The Almighty Asura

Chapter 3351: : Promise gift

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The man slammed into the shackle, and a guard in front of him rushed out to resist, and then kicked off, but the impact force carried on the other god's body actually collapsed. The king's leg was slightly painful and surprised to see Mu Feng.

The northern Ming Xuan smile is also solidified, and he is beaten by the people he brought.

The eyebrows are slightly loose, and this Mu Feng is indeed a bit of a skill.

"His Royal Highness, can you pass?" Mu Feng looked to the lodge.

"Yes, your strength, you can go to the chaos, he is the two? Is there this strength?"


"The subordinates guarantee that we all have the blood of the ancestors Chiyang Dai people, and they are vulgar, not opponents."

Mu Feng said.

"Well, let's pass you, now that people are here, and there is something to say in this palace."

Looking around at the 90 people below, the old man who was injured by Mu Feng looked at his eyes and looked at Mu Feng. He also listened quietly to the speech.

阎宿道: "The chaos of the chaos, the face of the various hegemons, our black prison palace, can not lift the head in front of each palace, it depends on everyone, although the risk of death in chaos battle is extremely high However, if you can persist in the last person, you will undoubtedly be chaotic, and you can get a lot of resources, equipment, and it’s not difficult to come back to build your own side. More importantly, the opening of Chaos is too early. The top hundred people, there are places to enter, take the line to dominate the machine!"

"Chaos is too early!"

The voices of the gods have become very hot.

Chaos is too early, it is said that it is the birthplace of chaos, Pangu Kaitian, a primitive space left behind.

Every 80 million years, every time, the master will enter into the mystery of the world, and the ordinary **** is not eligible to enter.

"Chaos is too early."

Mu Feng was shocked in his heart. He also heard this place where the ear was shining. It was the beginning of the birth of Chaos and the place where Pangu was born.

However, it is said that there is a big danger, and it is usually the seal of the 72-party hegemony that enters the passageway and is only opened once in 80 million years.

But even if it is open, it is the dominant character who enters it, without the opportunity of the Lord God.

This time, the Chaos Tiandou Conference was held just before the opening of this chaos, and it was not far away.

However, the joy of everyone quickly cooled down. It is rumored that where the master can be trapped and degraded, there are indeed real cases, which is the first danger of chaos.

It is also the first opportunity treasure, where the Lord God King has got a chance to go against the sky, and there are also people who have achieved the status of master.

Of course, being able to enter the top 100 is just to give you this quota, not to go or to see yourself.

"Chaos is too early in the world..." 阎 眸 Kun Kun is hot, he just wants to fight for the top 100 to go to that place.

I look at these people's expressions, his position, know more.

Don't say that chaos will not survive, so what chaos is too early for him to give him a quota, he will not enter, where the most violent energy of chaos, contains many incredible dangers, the rulers have fallen.

The Lord God, chaos has been innumerable for hundreds of millions of years, and there are not millions and millions of the Lord Gods who come in. The Lord God who can live out can become the master god, and all ten fingers are counted clearly.

These people quickly calm down, remembering the various legends and dangers, and even many people are also afraid of their hearts, and the quotas are not necessarily going to go.

Some people are as dead as they are, and they don’t even think about things in the early days. It’s hard to say whether they can survive in the chaos.

Tens of thousands of people in the chaotic battlefield, only live a hundred people! The death rate is so high that the kings of the lords are not sure of the 10%.

As for Chaos, it is not the origin of the heavens and gods. It is not the Tongtian Tower, and it gives you a chance to live.

Where, accidentally is death, fallen!

And there are also masters who go in, if they get into trouble, people can slap and die, and compete with the master? It’s noisy.

Seeing that people's emotions are not excited, obviously everyone knows where the danger is.

It is most important to find a way to survive.

Those who can be selected for this chaotic battle are not the ones who are extremely strong and confident to live into the top 100. They are unlucky and are chosen to die.

Mu Feng, such a bad luck, he never thought about participating in the Chaos Tiandou Conference, in case of accidentally revealing his identity is a dead end.

"In short, everyone should not be too pessimistic. When they come to the battlefield of chaos, they will form a group and live to the end. As long as they can come back to the palace, they will have a reward."

阎宿 encouraged a few words and said: "After January, gather here, send you to the Candle Dragon Temple, where the people of the 18-party kings, and the people of the Heavenly Palace, send you to the battlefield, if nothing If you report it, you can retire."

"Subordinates and others retire."

The crowds retired and each group left.

"Ye Feng, this punch will definitely be reported."

The old man and the North Ming Xuan and other people passed by Mu Feng, and North Ming Xuan said coldly.

Mu Feng raised his eyebrows at this person and said coldly: "Is it a crazy dog ​​that I can't afford to lose, I am mad at you?"

"Boy, if you want to live, I will kill Sima Pingchuan of Sima's house. Maybe I can still let you go. He is your majesty now. You can kill him." North Mingxuan, he is And Sima Pingchuan has hatred.

"I don't know where you are coming to speak with me. I am a regional lord, and you, but an elder. If you want to be the next person, you will be with you on the battlefield." I am afraid that you can't afford to lose."

Mu Feng sneered out loudly, and his attitude was extremely tyrannical.

"Well, I don't know what to do, this is what you said. It is your death in the battlefield of Chaos."

North Ming Xuan was full of anger and left.

"What a terrible thing, where did you go, kill the old boy first."

Yaochuan's face is cold and cold.

"Everyone is well prepared, and in the next hundred years, there will be countless fierce battles."

Mu Feng said in a low way: "Our goal is not to show the limelight. It is enough to live to the top 100. It is not necessary to expose some of our press cards."

Several people nodded, and the five people stayed in the Black Prison King. Mu Feng even quietly lurked into the Four Temples and battled the Kunjing Palace to see the snow.

阎 昆 Kun is going to participate in Chaos Tiandou, Mu Feng will not have to let this guy out.

A few days later, a good news in the gods and gods came to Mu Feng's hands.

"The treasures of the Promise of the Promise!"

Mu Feng was surprised to see this coming.

Comes in a white palace dress, looks like a peerless posture, temperament is cold, ethereal dust.

The Taiyin under the Promise of the Promise!

Let the Taiyin master the treasures that I personally sent!

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