The Almighty Asura

Chapter 3442: : Brother deception

Fortunately, Vientiane's celestial power broke out with amazing refining capacity, absorbed the invading power of the invaders, and was later expelled from the scorpion, saving Mu Feng ** not to be burned.

However, Suzaku’s attack power and explosive power overlap, and Mu Feng was also seriously injured.

A Thunder distraction sacrifices most of the source of life, and instantly restores Mu Feng's injury.

"The sky is gone, kill!"

The front wing of Mu Feng condensed the space storm, and numerous space blades stirred up. It turned into a violent space and the wind swept to the three-headed Suzaku. The three-headed Suzaku was wounded and ** was directly burned.

And Mu Feng, rushed into the burial of the ancient shackles, the Tuen Mun closed, the nine heads buried Tiankui to kill the enemy, the burial of the ancient shackles in the sea of ​​fire, turned into a streamer to kill the encirclement.


The fungus smashed into the body of a Suzaku, and the Suzaku was directly hit by an explosion, and the ** collapsed.

Many of the Suzakus and the flames of the gods are like a meteor blasting to the funeral celestial burial and burial.

A burial Tiankui was hit by many fires, the body smashed and exploded, the ghosts burned, and the ghosts screamed and vanished.

The funeral celestial beings were hit, a group of flames broke out, and the bombarded burial days were shaken.

However, it is worthy of the Qintian Shenbao, the defensive power is comparable to the avenue artifact, not broken.

The head of the burial Tiankui was full of killing the enemy, and fell down to four heads. Finally, with the funeral Tiangu rushed out of the fire and sea, and got rid of the Suzaku group attack.

Mu Feng got rid of the Suzaku group attack, but the other kings of the lord did not have such good luck. One by one, they screamed in the sea of ​​fire and could not stand the siege of dozens of times.

This chaos is too early, it is indeed the Jedi of the Lord God!

With a strong cultivation, Candlelight can protect itself.

He looked at the old cockroach that had been encircled, and there was a horror in his eyes.

"That **** treasure, good-looking..."

The candle glare looked at the ancient cockroach that had gone through the air, revealing the color of thought. Then, suddenly, I remembered something and was surprised: "The funeral heaven!"

"Is it a burial day? Isn't that the **** of heaven in the heavens and gods, how can it be in the hands of Ye Feng?"

The candle screamed and finally remembered that treasure.

In the past, the main **** of Odin, with this treasure, smashed a big name on the battlefield, and finally he was stronger in the evil spirits, and the candle dragon Tianqiang was under siege.

It’s not that there is no way to force it. Mu Feng will not rush out of the encirclement.

After the burial of the ancient urns rushed out of the encirclement, there was no pause, fleeing all the way, and there were still a few Suzaku chasing after him.

The remaining four burial Tiankui, three heads were ordered to intercept by the seven, and the burial of heaven and earth is far from the heavens and the earth.

After the Suzaku defeated, the tribes that it summoned also fled, and the Suzakus who attacked the candlelight fled and broke into the sea of ​​fire.

The people brought by the candlelight were almost dead, and only one person left the luck to survive, and Mu Feng and others escaped.

Mu Feng and others who escaped will naturally not come back to be used as a **** for exploring the road.

After a long time, the candle was back, his face was gloomy, his look was not good, and the result was obviously not as good.

"Big Brother, what is the situation?" asked Candlelight.

"It's a tribe who killed me and was escaped by the beast. But it was also hit hard by my heavenly power. It died sooner or later, but it was a pity that the nine-leaf burning lotus was swallowed by the animal."

The candlelight is cold.

"Oh... it’s a pity." The candle sighed and said: "The people who brought it are almost dead."

"Damn, if it is not restricted by the field here, this seat has to ruin this ancient star to hate."

Candles angered, this time it was considered to be stealing chickens.

"Ye Feng is also dead?" asked the candle.

"The kid didn't, he killed and fled, but I found an abnormality in the kid. He actually had a **** of heaven and earth in the gods, and buried it!" said the candle.

"The gods of the gods in the heavens and the gods are buried in the ancient times." Candle Day was also slightly surprised, and then frowned: "The owner of the ancient burial dynasty is dead, how can the burial of the ancient scorpion be on him, wait for him to come back Be sure to ask clearly."

The candlelight smiled and said: "We take them as a roadblock. I am afraid that the kid is also well aware and will not come back."

"Oh, don't come back, he can't live out from here even if there is a god."

The candlelight was cold and then looked at the endless fire. He said: "There is no need to stay in this ancient star. Go to another place first, and then come back to find the body of the animal."

Candle Day, candlelight, and the surviving man left the ancient star.

Mu Feng and others also fled the ancient star, got rid of Suzaku's pursuit and then escaped millions of miles away, and came to another small star not far from the ancient star.

With a bang, the burial sky fell on the star, breaking through the air layer and breaking into a barren hill.

In the burial of the ancient shackles, Mu Feng opened the door to a few people, and this came out of it.

"Feng brother, Yaochuan him..."

Several people worried about Mu Feng.

Mu Feng's face was gloomy, looking at his own natural Chinese medicine, the flickering light of the Chinese medicine, and said: "The fat man is still not dead, don't worry."

The people were relieved, but they were still worried.

Zi Yuedao: "Yugawa was swallowed by the early Suzaku, Feng Ge, we must find a way to save him."

Usually, although often trussed, but the brotherhood is very deep.

"Mad, they all blame the old days of the candle, let the Sichuan brothers venture to explore the road." Niutiantian is also angry.

"Yinchuan is definitely in a bad situation. Feng Ge, we can't let Yaochuan sit still and think of ways to save him." Tianzhu also said.

Mu Feng is trying to get in touch with Jichuan, and he can even feel the fierce fluctuations from the drug spirit.

"Yugawa, I heard the answer to me, Yaochuan!" Mu Feng's thoughts are constantly summoning the soul of Yaochuan, through the soul lamp.

"Front, Feng Ge..."

In the soul lamp, the emotions of Yaochuan were finally heard.

"Where are you? My brothers and I came to save you. How is your situation?"

Mu Feng asked quickly.

"Don't, don't come over..." Yaochuan Shen immediately said: "I'm fine, I was swallowed by this animal, there is Shennong Ding protection, I am fine, I have a way to solve it, don't come over, here are all It’s Suzaku!”

"Do you really have a solution? You don't lie to me! Dead fat, if you dare to lie to Laozi brothers, you have nothing to do." Mu Feng asked with anger, not too convinced.

"Really, I am so smart, I can solve it. I have not escaped twice. You don't come over, don't say it, I am thinking about it. This animal wants to refine me and see who refines."

Yaochuan took the initiative to break the mind.

In the body of Suzaku, Yaochuan has been refining into a broth, and the soul is integrated into the soup, making a scream of tears and heartbreaking, terrible.

"Feng brother... This time, the brothers may not really hold on, don't blame me for cheating you..."

He regards his brother as a life, and he is in a dead end. Naturally, it is impossible for his brothers to hang in order to save themselves from casualties.

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