The Almighty Asura

Chapter 3602: :Total Attack

Not only Mo Master, at this moment, Xie Guyun, Xie Gufeng, Luo Wu and others paled instantly.

A series of urgent reports, like a sharp sword that pierced their hearts, made them unable to react for an instant.

"Jinpeng Tianyu, Kunpeng Tianyu, Xingtian Alliance, Luoshen Realm, why does this force attack us together at this time?"

"It's over, our forces are so scattered, and the teacher is no longer, how can we resist?"

"Sister Mo, what should I do?"

Several gods were in a panic. Even the Lord of Heaven was unable to deal with such a situation. Instead, they looked at the woman who was known for resourcefulness and resourcefulness.

Mo Master staggered and sat on the chair all of a sudden, feeling that the strength of his whole body was drained, his eyes were red.

"Jinpeng Tianyu, Kunpeng Tianyu, Luoshen Realm, Xingtian Alliance, how is it possible? How is it possible, how can these forces attack us at the same time, this is definitely not a coincidence, it happens that the teacher left here soon..."

The stranger murmured to himself, but his brain was running fast. How could all these seemingly unconnected and unconnected forces attack them together?

And it happened that at this time Xuanzu was attracted by Mu Feng back to the Heretic God Realm.

"Wait, Mu Feng! Mu Feng!"

Mo Zhu suddenly caught something and roared out Mu Feng's name.

"I understand, I understand, this **** little thief, little beast Mu Feng!"

The Lord Mo roared, gritted his teeth and said: "He entered the Heretic God Realm just to set up this game, to unite with the Xingtian Alliance, to adjust the tiger away from the mountain and let the teacher leave the Heavens God Realm, Mu Feng, it is Mu Feng!"

"What, Mu Feng?"

The faces of other people also changed, and they couldn't believe it.

"Damn, this little beast, how did he do it, isn't there intelligence that the Lord of Kunpeng Tianyu has an antagonism with Mu Feng? How can he unite Kunpeng Tianyu?"

"Also, where does the Xingtian Alliance have a cosmic seal? Even if he enters the Heretic God Realm, he cannot contact the Xingtian Alliance. How can he join forces with the Xingtian Alliance?"

Others didn't dare to talk about it, and they never thought that Mu Feng could accomplish such a big layout by himself.

"There are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits. It must be him, it must be him! Mu Feng!"

Mo Zhu was sure that it was Mu Feng.

"Senior Sister, what should we do even if Mu Feng did it? How can we break this round now?"

"Yes, Senior Sister Mo, we must think of a solution, otherwise, if this continues, we will undoubtedly lose, and we may even wipe out Senior Sister."

Several people said in a panic.

"Calm down, calm down, way, way, there must be way."

Mo Zhu kept calming down her emotions, and cold light flashed in her eyes.

"Now the only plan is to solve the Xingtian Alliance from the teacher, and then break this situation one by one. We must hold on. Even if the foundation is destroyed, we must hold on and wait until the teacher comes to rescue. No, I will send Fuxiqin. In the past, Fuxi Qin has evolved successfully by 90%, and it is so powerful that the teacher can definitely break this situation."

The owner of the stranger said as if grabbing some life-saving straw.

"Okay, Senior Sister Mo, you can send Fu Xiqin to the teacher. If we die here, we will hold back the attack of the heavens and gods."

The eyes of Xie Gufeng and others were also firm.

"Brothers, brothers and sisters, I'll beg you here. When the teacher solves the Xingtian Alliance, it is the death date for all of them!"

Mo Master said sharply.

After speaking, she went to fetch Fuxiqin without delay.

Sure enough, in just one day, the power of the space in the starry sky surged, the heavens and the gods, the army of 20 million, and about 30 masters, arrived!

On the opposite side, Xie Gufeng and others have already assembled the Cthulhu army and are waiting for it.

The energy turrets of the mechanical race, the space battleships lined up in the starry sky, contain amazing lethality.

The army of more than 27 million has a huge advantage in number.

However, Xuanzu is not here! In the opposing camp, there is Luozu who can be called the supreme ruler of heaven.

"The Heretic God Realm, all the heretical gods, starting today will be the beginning of your evil gods' destruction!"

Luo Yu's eyes were like two rounds of purple divine sun, his eyes staring at the opposite starry sky like thunderbolt and lightning, the evil **** army.

Xie Gufeng and others looked at Luo Yu indifferently, and Xie Guyun sneered: "Luo Yu, don't think that you can deal with us with some cats and dogs. The rise of our evil **** is already unstoppable. Sooner or later, the world will be our evil **** realm. The teacher's ambition will be fulfilled."

"The wicked are few and helpless. A race that only knows to invade others and destroy the world of others will definitely not be able to stand up in this world, all soldiers listen to orders!"

Luo Yu yelled.


The coalition forces of twenty million heavens shouted.

"The day when the homeland is regained, it is now, to avenge the dead brothers and compatriots, form a battle, and kill!"


The twenty million army roared, formed different battle formations, and rushed towards the people in the opposite Cthulhu universe.


Luo Yu shouted, the millions of soldiers in the Luoshen Realm ahead released the supernatural power of wind, and suddenly, a cyan storm enveloped the entire army, turning into a huge wind-luan enveloping the army, leading the army to the opposite enemy camp, speed increased many times.


Xie Guyun roared.


The mechanical battleship bombarded the energy artillery fire, and the God of Extinction rushed away, and countless energy beams bombarded the rushing army.


Luo Yu shouted again angrily.

Two million Luoshen realm powerhouses who practiced the Burning Sky Divine Art joined forces and turned into various attacks that the Burning Sky and the Sea of ​​Fire swept across and blasted to the opposite side.


Heaven and earth turned into a sea of ​​boiling fire.


However, there were still many huge Fengluan hits, energy exploded, and hundreds of thousands of warriors from the heavens and gods were bombarded and killed.


There were also ferocious fire dragons rushing to the opposite enemy camp. The fire dragon's burning power was astonishing, and a large number of evil gods who were in the scroll screamed and turned to ashes.

"Reincarnation, Six Swords!"

And in the sea of ​​fire, six huge divine swords that opened up the world came and slashed. The three swords were the swords of heaven and the three swords were the swords of the avenue. The six swords merged into a huge sword formation and strangled the evil **** army.

"Do not……"


The screams were repeated, and hundreds of thousands of people were engulfed in a storm of sword energy, and countless Cthulhu warriors were killed by this blow.

Luo Yu stepped out of the sea of ​​flames, and behind, Feng Luan, which wrapped countless troops, rushed towards him.

"Luo Yu!"

Xieguyun and Xiegufeng roared, and the Nine Nether divine power at the peak of the Heavenly Dao exploded and rushed towards Luo Yu.

"But there are not only Luozu, but also us."


Between the heaven and the earth, a sword came to the east, and countless divine swords gathered and turned into a terrifying star giant sword, and the sword ancestors arrived with thousands of divine swords.

"Heart God Realm, feel the pain you bring to the common people!" The terrifying blue dragon swallowing the starry sky roared, and Long Ao followed the battle.

A battle for dominance is about to start!

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