The Almighty Asura

Chapter 3629: :Heaven and Earth Alliance (three shifts)

Suppress the Heretic God Realm? Hehe, what they didn't know was that what Pan Cang said was not necessarily true in this matter. The struggle between the Heretic God Realm and the heavens depends on whoever wins and who can support who.

If the Heretic God Realm wins, it is estimated that there is nothing going on with the Holy Emperor Pangu looking for Mu Feng or the Heavens God Realm.

There is no need to care about truth and falsehood in this matter.

"The attitude of the Pangu Saint Clan, I'm afraid it must be reconciled, and it must be reconciled if it is not." Mu Feng spoke to Gu Yan'er.

Gu Yan'er sneered secretly and said: "He exposed the Xingtian Alliance card to us. This is already an invisible oppression and warning."

"Although this time it was because of this initiative to get angry with Pan Ao, but this Pan Ao two people have no thoughts, and this Pan Ao has no thoughts to beat and beat me. Fortunately, you are here, otherwise people can't be the same. Kind attitude."

Mu Feng can’t deny it. Pangu Saints are the chaos and even one of the most powerful races in the entire world. This race has arrogance from top to bottom and looks down on the weak. If it weren’t for his Mu Feng Wanxiang’s extremely heavenly divine power to break through the beginning, To become the supreme of heaven and earth, I am afraid that he is not qualified to talk to this ancient holy emperor.

Mu Feng tapped his fingers on the dragon chair, and said calmly: "How do you want to cooperate, Lord Pangu?"

"Simple, our Pangu saints, the heavens, and the remnants of the Heretic God Realm, Chaos Seventy-two Hegemony, form a heaven and earth alliance, and usually do not interfere with each other, but in the matter of the prehistoric world, we will be unanimous to the outside world. Chaos, I hope everyone can join forces to fight against the prehistoric and make unified dispatch."

Holy Emperor Pangu said with a faint smile.

Mu Feng said: "Since we are to form a world alliance, there must be a force to uniformly dispatch all forces. Without a commander, all forces are a pile of scattered sand. Fighting individually, it is difficult to become a powerful weapon, and it is easy to be defeated by others."

"Then who should be the commander?"

The key to the alliance was mentioned at once.

"Does that still need to be said? Naturally, our most powerful and powerful Pangu Saint Clan takes the lead, and unites the alliance for unified dispatch. Our Holy Emperor is the leader of the alliance."

And this is what Pan Ao said for granted.

Mu Feng looked at him with both eyes, and said with a sneer: "Your Majesty Saint Emperor, your one doesn't understand the rules while walking."

Sage Emperor Pangu frowned and said, "Panao, there is no reason for you to interrupt when I talk to Mu Zhizun, shut up."


Pan Ao whispered, there was a trace of resentment towards Mu Feng deep in his eyes.

Pangu Sage King said: "We can not decide on the alliance commander for the time being. After we have integrated the opinions of all the overlords, we can elect a helm by votes at that time, but Mu Zhizun can rest assured that our Pangu Sage proposed this alliance. It is for all the chaotic forces, and other universes, without personal interests."

"Since the Pangu Sage has been able to guard the seal for so many years, I can rest assured of this."

Mu Feng smiled lightly.

He didn't want to talk about some things. There is complete selflessness. Since the seal is in the territory of the Pangu Sage, the primordial universe will enter the chaos, and the first person to be injured must be the Pangu Sage Pangu Sanctuary.

They are so active, and the forces most worried about the prehistoric universe are naturally Pangu Saints.

"Mu Zhizun meant that he agreed to form an alliance?" Pangu Holy Emperor asked with a smile.

"I, Mu Feng, can’t take charge of the formation of the alliance alone, nor can I represent Zhutian and Kunpeng. These matters need to be discussed with everyone. Moreover, I hope that the Seventy-Two Overlord of Chaos, the heavens, and the evil gods will have this matter. Representatives can sit together and talk once."

Mu Feng said.

This is not just a simple alliance. Ordinary people don't smell any danger. Perhaps they just feel that this is an alliance formed to fight an unknown and terrible force, which is mutually beneficial to everyone. However, what if this force is misled? The impact is unimaginable.

Pangu Sage Emperor's eyes flickered, then nodded, and said: "Mu Zhizun has reservations, but I have already notified your Excellency about the matter of the Primordial Universe. It is worth considering the establishment of a representative meeting, and we will contact and inform others. Overlord, it depends on your opinions."

"Yes, this is not a simple alliance that can be decided. I hope that His Excellency Pangu Holy Emperor can understand it."

Mu Feng said.

"I am very happy to have a conversation with Mu Zhizun today. We will organize this representative meeting and we will meet again next time."

After finishing speaking, the Holy Emperor Pangu broke the connection, and the divine mind projection disappeared.

"Mu Zhizun, the two of me are going to say goodbye, and I have to inform the Golden Winged Skypeng Clan, hoping that Mu Zhizun can leave a piece of sound transmission talisman so that we can discuss with you when our Holy Emperor makes any decisions in the future."

Pan Ao said.

Mu Feng pondered, the holy power of the early days condensed, condensed a sound transmission sacred talisman, and handed it to this pan proud.

"Thank you, I wish you a long life, and I will leave."

The two owed a bow, then turned and left the hall.

After the two left, the masters in the Kunpeng Tianyu Palace looked at Mu Feng and Gu Yan'er.

Especially Mu Feng, the newly-established heaven and earth supreme, suddenly became their saint emperor, and the ancient saint emperor co-hosted the Kunpeng Tianyu, which made some people still uncomfortable.

They didn't dare to say how they got together with their Old Sage Emperor, let alone ask.

"You all retreat, I have something to discuss with the Holy Emperor."

Gu Yan'er said, obviously there are some things she doesn't want people under her to know.

Mu Feng patted her thigh, Gu Yan'er glared at him, but she still sat on Mu Feng's lap and nestled in Mu Feng's arms.

"I don't think it's that simple." Gu Yaner whispered softly against his chest.

"For the prehistoric things, he relied on his two lips to say whether it was true or not. No one knows whether the Pangu Sage was really for resisting the prehistoric or for personal selfishness and taking the opportunity to dominate the world. We don’t know. I want to discuss with Luozu. In the end, I will personally investigate and investigate the prehistoric materials, and go to the sealed land to see."

Mu Feng put his arms around Gu Yan'er and stroked her purple hair with one hand.

"Well, but the Pangu Sages are strong, no matter what their purpose is, we can't break our skin with them right now."

Gu Yaner whispered, at this moment she was as gentle as a kitten.

"I'm not afraid I won't be here when I go to the heavens?" Mu Feng joked, holding Gu Yaner's delicate chin

Gu Yaner sneered: "Where are there a few foxes, I'm really afraid that you are drunk and dying in Gentle Town."

Mu Feng slapped Gu Yan'er's buttocks with a slap: "They are all your sisters, what kind of vixen, I think you are a vixen."

While talking, Gu Yana's skirt has been torn off...

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