The Almighty Asura

Chapter 887: : lingering

So some people are looking at this scene, looking at the fairy in their hearts, the goddess, into the arms of a young man, suddenly provoked countless misery and envious eyes

"Who is this young man? Good-looking"

"Silver hair, bloody, is him, Mu Feng, is the leader of the diving dragon Mu Feng!"

"It’s really Mu Feng. Mu Feng actually came back to Muzhou City. He dared to go back to Muzhou City! The Warrior Temple hated him."

"There are things that people don't dare. There are demon palaces behind them. They are not necessarily afraid of the temple."

"I really didn't expect that Mu Feng would come back again. With the leader of the dragon, the aura of Zhenlong Tianjiao came back. Who can think that Mu Feng, who was once chased and fled from Muzhou City, is now the first in Zhouwu Dynasty. Youth, the title of the most powerful Yuan Dan monk in history is back."

"It is rumored that the fairy son is a partner of Mu Feng. It seems that the rumor is not empty. It is a talented person, a beautiful talent is unparalleled, and it is indeed a pair of Lang Cai female appearance."

Many people in the restaurant, through the cloud clear, suddenly recognized the identity of Mu Feng, there are many discussions, many of the monks in the realm of Yuan Dan have a hint of admiration.

And several disciples of Bingxin Valley saw this scene, their eyes were a bit complicated, and one person whispered: "Go to the gentleman's brother, Mu Feng came to Bingxin Valley."

Several others nodded and then secretly left here.

Mu Feng hugged the child's body, smelling the beauty of the fragrance, and the endless tenderness in his heart, softly said: "I haven't seen it in a year."

"I miss you, I miss you all the time."

The child snorted at Mu Feng's waist and whispered.

"I miss you too"

An icy Shura heart of Mu Feng, at this moment, has completely melted.

The two immediately separated, looking at the people in the entire restaurant are looking at the two of them, the face of the nephew is slightly red, very shy and moving, I do not know how many people in the restaurant looked at.

"There are too many people here, change places."

Mu Feng laughed at the ear of the child's forehead and smirked.


The nephew nodded, and Mu Feng dropped a piece of Lingshi, paid for the food, and then left with the nephew in the envious eyes of everyone.

After leaving the restaurant, the nephew took Mu Feng back to his house. When he entered the hospital, he closed the closed enchantment of the courtyard door. After a long absence, the two people who had been raging with fire and fire directly embraced the kiss and forgot the outside world. At the moment, both of them have only the other side, and two hot hearts can melt the snow in this world.

After a long time, the two men were separated, and the two laughed at the same time. Like two children, the nephew was gently attached to Mu Feng’s arms. Mu Feng held his nephew and squinted at the hair. Feel the heartbeat and breathe of each other.

"Breaking through the realm of Linghai, it is very powerful."

Mu Feng whispered.

"Two months ago, I broke through. You only came to see people. Is it because I don't pass it to you? You don't remember to come to see me when you have little conscience."

The nephew hammered Mu Feng’s chest and said that he was resentful.

"Where, I am preparing to come to the state to see you, and as a result, you will pass the voice, do not believe you ask Lingyun"

Mu Fengxiao smiled, and Lingyun screamed on his shoulder and nodded seriously, very cute.

"I don't believe you two, you two are wearing a pair of pants, I don't care, you have to compensate me."

The child said with a spoiled.

"What kind of compensation do you want to ask the fairy son? Xiaosheng has only one heart, can you ask the fairy?"

Mu Feng asked.

"Cut, stinky, who is rare, your heart, I want you to forget me forever, to live up to me, to hurt me forever, this is the punishment for you."

The nephew smiled, and Jade pointed to Mu Feng’s forehead.

"Hello, hello, for the rest of your life, please ask your child to give more advice."

Mu Feng looked at the nephew and smiled. He looked at each other and had no endless tenderness. Then he and his child tightened Mu Feng, hugged him in his arms, and he was rosy for a moment.

"what happened?"

Mu Feng asked softly.

"Do you know, I, I am leaving, we may not be able to meet for a long time, I can't bear you."

The scorpion scorpion ruddy, whispered.

Mu Feng heard a wrinkle and immediately asked, "Where, where are you going?"

"Do you know the holy sacred sect?"

The nephew whispered.

"Tianhan Shengzong..."

Mu Feng’s nephew, a restaurant in the restaurant today, he heard a few disciples of Bingxingu said, “I just drank in the restaurant, I heard a few disciples of Bingxingu talk about it. What is the power of this holy Hanzong?”

"Tianhan Shengzong is a hegemonic force on the mainland. My Bingxin Valley is only the inheritance branch of the Tianhan Shengzong. I was chosen to go to the Tianhan Sanzong practice. This is not the time. See you, I can't bear you."

The voice of the child whimpered and said to Mu Feng.

"Tianhan Shengzong, the hegemonic force on the mainland, Bingxin Valley is only a branch of the Taoist inheritance..."

Mu Feng heard the words, and the heart could not help but tremble and shocked. The power of Bing Xin Gu is so strong that it is only the branch of the holy sacred sect?

However, after the shock, Mu Feng resumed calm. He knew that there is a broader sky in the world, and there is more powerful power on the mainland. This is nothing strange.

Mu Feng was silent, and the nephew bit his lip and did not speak. No one forced her to go to the cold, and she was willing to go. On that day, the words of Bing Xin Gu gave the children a big touch.

She also wants to put her own love and her own destiny in her own hands. She wants to be a strong person. She wants to help Mu Feng smooth out the hardships on his path. He wants to help him find his mother and wants to kill the negative heart for the teacher. The man, all this, needs strength.

"Go ahead"

After a long time, Mu Feng looked at the child and smiled.

"No matter what decisions you make, what ideas, I will always support you, it is your strongest backing. Since there is a very good stage, let's go and walk out of a strong road that belongs to you. You must know, Your man, in the future, is going to set foot on the peak of the world, and his woman can’t be bad."

Mu Feng smiled and gently stroked the cheek of the nephew. He loved her so much, he could have a better chance. He would not stop him because of the bigger platform. Just as he did not stop the cloud from clearing the ice heart valley. .

If Yunqing is only staying at the Yunjia, silently waiting for her, now, perhaps at most, it is only a small monk who has entered the realm of Yuandan. Where can it be repaired now?

And Mu Feng, he is destined not willing to be ordinary, if you want to last forever, both sides must have strong enough strength to support love, a long life together to go down, these must be repaired, and Mu Feng, than Yunqing, early Just look at the truth of this world's strong.

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