The Almighty Asura

Chapter 932: : Sadness

The other elders also showed an unpleasant color. Mu Tian thought that he had gone away and knew that it was indeed a little ungrateful.

Mu Tian heard his wrinkles, he did not have the idea of ​​staying here for a long time, practicing here to improve his strength, only to be qualified to get close to that sect, can find some clues to his wife.

"Mu Tian knows that the patriarchs have grace for me, but Mutian is not ungrateful."

Mu Tian said, in the speech, his hand flashed, and a simplification appeared in his hand.

"In this simplification, we recorded a fireway in the top grade, which was enough to repay the tribute to the benefits of Mutian in the past few years. Now, Mutian gave it to Zongmen."

Mu Tianshou waved, and this spirit slipped to the Burning Sovereign.

“The fire on the ground is perfect!”

The elders exclaimed for a while, and they were surprised to see Mu Tian. This Mu Tian, ​​there is such a good thing in his body. The treasures on his body are really quite a lot.

There are not a few books on the ground level, and there are not many books on the Burning Emperor. There are only a few sovereigns and several elders with high weights who can cultivate. This Mutian, there are even, how not surprising.

"It seems that you are bent on leaving."

The Singer of the Burning Emperor received the Spiritual Jane and looked at Mutian.

"I must find my wife's message"

Mu Tian said that he showed his attitude.

"Whether, the twisted melon is not sweet, the Zongmen can't keep a person who wants to leave, you want to leave and go."

The burning lord sighed and turned and left.

The other elders of the Scorpio realm also looked at Mu Tian with a complicated look. There were still people in the depths of their eyes, flashing a hint of coldness, but the lords agreed that he left, what they could say, and they all turned around. left.

Mu Tian gave a punch to the shadow of the Burning Sovereign, and then, in the eyes of the burning disciples, he returned to his residence and prepared to pack things and leave.

In Mu Tian’s yard, a woman dressed in a light red dress, tall in shape, bright in autumn, and beautiful in appearance, looked at Mu Tian.

"Really to leave?"

The woman whispered, her eyes were slightly rosy.

Mu Tian looked at the woman, and sighed in her heart. This woman, Ming Yan Yao, is a confidante in this door, a good friend, and he also has a great heaven in the Linghai realm.

"Sorry, Yao, I have to find her."

Mu Tian said with a low voice.

Yan Yao did not speak, the atmosphere in the yard, there was a hint of dullness, and Mu Tian did not speak. He knew that Yan Yao was affectionate to him, but he only used her as a confidante. In his heart, he had already been taken by that face. Fill up, and you can't accommodate other people.

After a long time, Yan Yao smiled and said: "Go, I understand your love for her, I really envy her, and after so many years, I can still make you so obsessed with her, so persistent."

Mu Tian smiled lightly and said: "There is something that can't be erased by time, and she, paying more for me, she is my faith."

Yan Yao heard the words uncomfortable, Mu Tian suddenly looked at her and said: "I'm sorry..."

Yan Yao smiled and shook his head. "You don't have to say much, I understand, go, pursue her, if you pass by here, remember to come back and see."

"Will do"

Mu Tian laughed, he approached Yan Yao, extended his arm and held her gently, "take care."

Yan Yao smiled and nodded, tears slid down and down, Mu Tian let go of Yan Yao, and there was another simplification in his hand, placed in the hands of Yan Yao.

"This is what I gave you, and I’m leaking it out."

After Mu Tian finished speaking, he turned and left, and his body shape rose to the sky.

Yan Yao looked at Ling Qi in his hand, and looked at Mu Tian's figure. He said: "If you can't find her, come back, I, have been waiting for you..."

Yan Yao shouted, tears flowed into the mouth, this tear, so salty and sorrowful... bitter heart.

Mu Tian was in a shape, did not look back, did not respond to anything, broke out a powerful Yuan Guang, and quickly ran away.

"Sorry Yao, if I met you before her, maybe, I will be ruthless for you, but I can't forget her after all, whether it's ten years or a hundred years..."

Mu Tian muttered to himself, and in his heart, there was some faint pain, but men, some things, can't live up to loss, even if you know what you want, you have to look for it, because that is thought, that is faith!

Mu Tian was in the sky in the Tianyan Mountains, but his heart was planning the next thing.

Now that it has broken through to the realm of Scorpio, this cultivation should be able to join that power, and then integrate it into the core a little bit to explore the intelligence of that family.

Soon after flying, Mu Tian’s figure suddenly changed and he turned and looked back.

I saw three figures coming from the sky and chasing Mutian.

The three men flew to the air, and they stopped at the opposite side of Mutian. Mu Tian browed and said: "The three elders, I don't know how to follow me, what is the intention?"

These three people are the elders of the three Scorpio realms in the Burning Emperor.

One of the elders in the red robe looked at Mu Tian and smiled: "Mu Shidi, since you have to leave, why not leave a little thought to us?"

The elders of this day said, the other two, the body shape is slightly separated, and Mu Tian is trapped in the middle.

Mu Tianqiang's eyebrows wrinkled, and the dawn was cold and cold, and looked at the three people: "What do you mean by the three elders?"

"What do we mean, you still don't understand? Leave your practice and the same jewels, or you are not so easy today."

The elder sneer said that all three people exude a strong momentum.

Mu Tian heard that his face sank and coldly said: "You want to rob me, are you not afraid of being known by my teacher?"


The three people even laughed loudly, and in the laughter, they were all ridiculous, looking at Mutian like a fool.

Mu Tian saw the three unscrupulous smiles of the three people, and suddenly felt uncomfortable in their hearts.

"Is it true, is it that the teacher sent you?"

Mu Tian asked coldly.

"Oh, it seems that your kid is not stupid, give it up."

An elder cold channel.

Mu Tianwen’s words were cold. He respected him as a teacher. Although he was admired by him, he also returned. Now he is leaving. The other party is greedy for his treasure. Is he going to send someone to shoot him?

It’s ridiculous that this person’s heart is in the face of interests, so can’t afford it? ..

"It is impossible for me to hand it over. If anyone has something, come over and take it."

Mu Tian said indifferently that he is the spiritual leader of the Mu family, and he will be so succumbed.

"I don't know what to do, so if you do, don't blame us for being ruthless."

The elder's cold voice, the body of the fire power roared, a powerful momentum, breath, stronger than Mutian!

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