The Almighty Asura

Chapter 947: : Breaking recognition

In the hands of Shen Yu, a red jade box appeared, and the box was opened. There was a golden crystal in the box, which burned a golden flame, exuding a very strong sun power.

"Sun Fire Crystal"

When Jin Dongxu saw this thing, the light in the scorpion flashed, showing a hint of heat.

This is the spirit of the fifth-order top, good things, especially for the practice of his practice.

"I know that Master Jin is practicing the supreme practice in the Zongmen. Jiuyang Jing, this Sun Huojing, gave it to Jin’s brother, and asked Jin’s brother to shoot for the younger brother."

Shen Yu sent the treasure to say.

"Well, if you look at the same door, I will help you this time."

The golden robe youth sleeves waved, and the treasures in the hands of Shen Yu disappeared and were taken away by Jin Dongxu.

"Thank you for your brother,"

I am overjoyed, and the dark channel has been reported this time.

The other kings of the Tianzhu realm have different dawns and complex looks. It seems that this time Lingxiao Temple is going to be finished, and the Vientiane sects have to deal with this Lingxiao Temple personally.

Even if it is only a singer, it is not that these forces can offend, because behind him may involve many powerful figures in the Vientiane.

The banquet continued, and the kings of all major forces secretly gave gifts to please the Shangzong. After the banquet, Jin Dongxu sang the beauty of Ji’s family, and Ling Xiaodian, Mu Feng, did not know his identity. It has already been exposed in the major forces of Zhongzhou City.

On the second day, a news spread in the cultivation community of Zhongzhou City. One year later, Vientiane was to select a disciple in a state of the Dashang Dynasty!

As soon as this news spread, the entire Zhongzhou City vibrated, Vientiane, what strength is it, the world, the hegemonic power of this continent, once became a disciple of the Vientiane, it is really a squid leaping dragon gate, one step to the sky, The future is boundless.

Mu Feng of Ling Xiaodian also got the news.

"Vientiane has to recruit disciples."

Mu Feng heard some surprises. For the Vientiane, he also heard some about it. The Zhouwu dynasty was the hegemonic force in this mainland region, ruled the endless territory, and the power was terrifying. It was the real hegemonic power in this world, that is, the six great dynasties. Nor can it be compared.

"Less master, this is also an opportunity for the young master. The young master is young and promising. The talent is amazing. If you can join the Vientiane to get further study, you will definitely become a famous strong person on the mainland."

Mosaburo said.

Mu Feng’s nephew is awkward. For this time, the Vientiane recruits his disciples. He does have some ideas. Where is the world’s biggest stage? There must be many talents that are more remarkable than the Zhou Wu Dynasty. If you can compete with those geniuses. It will certainly accelerate the pace of growth.

Mu Feng’s heart and soul, competition, and powerful opponents are the best ways to grow up. Otherwise, how will he always look forward to a bigger and more powerful stage?

If a person wants to improve, he will only be in line with those who are stronger than himself. Compared with the weak, there is no room for growth in the dwarf.

At this time, the sky above Lingxiao Temple, the energy surging, a group of figures, appeared in the sky above the Lingxiao Temple.

This group has a large number of people, and the kings of the kingdoms of the great families have come, and this group of people faintly guards the young man wearing a golden robe.

"Is this the Lingxiao Temple?"

Shen Yu said coldly, this is the ruined temple of his Shen family?

"Jin Gongzi, this is the Lingxiao Temple."

Mingyan Road, today, he wants to see how this Lingxiao Temple will perish. The kings of other forces are also coming to watch the drama. At the same time, they also want to see the power of the king of heaven in the ancestral gate. .

Jin Dongxu looked at the Lingxiao Temple below, and the light was indifferent. He stepped out.


A terrible pale golden energy in the body roars out, burning the hot sun is really hot, the whole person, exudes a sun-like radiance, space distortion. The terrible temperature sweeps, Jin Dongxu people seem to be turned into a **** of the sun.

What he cultivated is also the power of the yang attribute, but the yang attribute method he cultivated is much stronger than the oriental family.

Jin Dongxu stepped out, and the terrible sun power condensed into a big footprint, stepping on the Lingxiao Hall, which is hundreds of feet below.


This foot stepped on the main hall of Lingxiao, and the majestic Lingxiao Hall screamed in the explosion. In the explosion, the ruins collapsed. The dust was everywhere, and the roaring sounded more than ten miles. It shocked countless disciples of Lingxiao Temple. .

"Who is coming to my Lingxiao Temple!"

On the site of Lingxiao Temple, there was a loud roar, and many disciples of the Lingxiao Temple, the elders flew into the sky and roared.

These people, when they saw the sky, the kings of the major forces gathered together, and the heart shook, showing the color of shock.

Hey! Hey! Hey...!

In the ruins of the Lingxiao Temple, several figures skyrocketed, ugly, flying into the void, looking at the kings of the major forces in the sky.

Among them, there is a lot of Mu Feng.

Mu Feng's face was ugly, and he looked at the kings. He was suspicious. So many of the great powers of Zhongzhou City gathered together to do something. Mu Feng said coldly: "Just a predecessor is watching with me." The temple is a joke?"

"Mu Feng, this is the ambassador of the Vientiane, and I am not coming to see you."

Ming Yan looked at Mu Feng and said with a cold smile.

"Mu Feng!"

Mu Feng’s heart heard the words, Ling Yan, the old guy, even called him Mu Feng, is it that his identity is exposed!

"Mingyan elders, what Mu Feng is not Mu Feng, are you so many people coming to my Lingxiao Temple? Why is it ruining my main hall?"

Mu Feng asked.

"Mu Feng, do you still have to disguise it? You don't have to install it, your identity, we all know, Qianlongbang Tianjiao, Mu Feng"

Ming Yan sneered.

"I didn't expect that Mu Feng's genius was hidden in our Zhongzhou city, the maple leaf master, the big name."

Ji Changqing also said with a smile.

Mu Feng heard that his face was slightly ugly, and his identity was actually exposed.

However, on the day when Ling Xiaodian became a major force, he has become one of the focal points of Zhongzhou City. It is not impossible for his identity to be discovered by the minded person.

"Oh, the seniors are really good intelligence. In this case, my Mu Feng is not obscured."

Mu Feng smiled calmly, his facial muscles squirming, his hair turned silvery white, and he became a very handsome young man with a mixture of temperament and temperament.

"It's really Mu Feng!"

The kings of the major forces are stunned by the light. This guy has actually played most of them in the palm of his hand. If Mingyan is not broken, they don’t know the true identity of Maple Leaf.

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