The Almighty Asura

Chapter 1028: : Shijia Zhengxiong (five)

"You, what are you doing?"

Jinbei Jinnan looked at Mu Feng and screamed, and there was already fear in his eyes.

"I ask you, have other people in the Central Government have been persecuted by you?"

Mu Feng asked indifferently, and some worried that the owner of Ziyun County would jump to them.

"No, no, but now the situation of the Yangwangfu disciple in the Tianying Mountain is not good."

Jin Bei whispered on the wound on his stomach.

"what happened?"

Mu Feng heard a brow and asked.

"Hey, you have more people who have offended, but not only our Yang Ge is looking for you trouble, Shijia Shi Zhengxiong in Liujie is also looking for you trouble. There are several disciples of the Yangwangfu who were arrested in Shigu, saying You are going to bring people, you don’t go, they are going to be destroyed."

Jinbei said coldly.

"What! How does Shi Zhengxiong intervene in this matter?"

Mu Feng is a cold, another big businessman, six Jie, Shi Zhengxiong, a young talented disciple of the famous big family Shijia of Dashang, one of the six great businessmen. He remembers that he did not offend Shijia disciples and Shi Zhengxiong. what.

"Who knows, but Shijia is the four emperors who support, and you also offended the nine princesses, the nine princesses are the four most loved sisters of the emperor."

Jin Bei sneered and said: "You have offended our Yang Ge, Shi Zhengxiong, and the four emperors of the six masters to expand Qinghai. This day, Yingshan, it is difficult to have your foothold."

Mu Feng heard the cold flashes in his voice and asked: "You know, the people who were arrested were the people of the Central Palace?"

"We don't know this, but do you dare to go to Shigu?"

Jin Bei sarcasm asked.

Mu Feng quickly used the notes to contact Ziyue. Yaochuan and Ziyun County had several of them. Soon after, several people responded with a voice. Mu Feng’s mind was slightly fixed. It seems that they were not arrested.

Mu Feng turned and left, and regardless of the next life and death of the two men, he could not kill people here. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to keep the two people alive with his usual iron means.

Mu Feng left Leidao. No matter who he was arrested, he will eventually save himself. He said that he is also the person brought by Ziyun County. Ziyun will not care after he knows it.

And a few people in Mu Feng, now because of the sound of Shi Zhengxiong and Jin Haoyang, they must be blocked and driven out of Tianying Mountain, and they are also known by people in Tianying Mountain.

Mu Feng and Ziyun County, the main drug Chuanbai, jumped into contact with several people, and everyone agreed to see where the stone monument was at the entrance.

When Mu Feng flew to where, the Ziyun County Lord and some Wangfu people had already arrived, and Bai Ziyue Mu Feng had not arrived yet.

"Mu Feng"

Ziyun County saw Mu Fengfei coming and rushed to the past.

"How are you arrested?"

Mu Feng asked.

"It is Feng Cheng Jiang Ying and there are four Wangfu disciples"

The owner of Ziyun County said that his face was slightly ugly.

"It turned out to be them"

Mu Feng frowned, did not expect that the two guys were actually taken away.

"I didn't expect Shi Zhengxiong to actually start with us. It must be the order of the four emperors." Ziyun County said lowly.

"The four emperors at the head of the six masters?"

Mu Feng heard the words and slightly narrowed his eyes.

"Mu Feng, I know that you have some grudges with them, but they are also my people. I hope that you can put down your grievances and go with them to save them."

Ziyun County owner looked at Mu Feng and said.

"Haha, don't worry, I am not so stingy."

Mu Feng smiled and subconsciously rubbed the ears of the owner of Ziyun County.

However, I felt that something was wrong. I saw people around me shocked at his relatives’ actions against the county owner. Mu Feng quickly took his hand and smiled.

Ziyun's face is reddish, and Bai Feng is white. This guy, don't know if the girl's ears can't be touched?

"Wait for Yuyue and Yaochuan."

Mu Feng said the topic, and then asked: "Since the four emperors are called the first of the six masters, what is the strength? Your strength has not been able to enter the six Jie, what is the strength of their strength?"

The strength of Ziyun County is definitely not weak, and it can even be said to be strong.

"Six Jie, known as Liu Jie, in addition to their martial arts talent, as well as their combat power, such as Shi Zhengxiong, it is said that he has cultivated Shijia's Shi Xuanjing to a very high level, a mysterious body There are no guns and guns, it is a body monk. In the realm of Linghai, very few people can hurt him."

"And the strength of the four emperors is even more unfathomable. The best practice of the royal cultivator, the cold sorrow, is said to have cultivated three martial arts, and all three true meanings are perfect, and can be combined into one attack. You said that terrible is not terrible?"

The owner of Ziyun County said that Mu Feng’s words were also slightly shocked. Although he cultivated Lei, Sword, Blood, Magic, and Forces, he has five true powers. However, there are only two true meanings of Lei and Jian.

And the true meaning is not to say that you can easily integrate into the attack. For example, the Thunder really integrates into the power, you can launch the sword, and then merge the true meaning of the kendo.

Thunder's true meaning can also be integrated into Yuanli, with the guns, the true meaning of the force bombarded in the boxing method.

The true meaning of the sword can't be integrated into the Thousands of Thunder Gods, and there is no way to integrate it into the Thousand Gods.

These four emperors, even into the three real attacks, this is a little scary.

"When the strength is stronger, I really want to have these four emperors."

Mu Feng blinked his eyes and his heart was dark.

Soon after, a fierce golden sword flew in, a figure came to the sword, white fluttering, it is Bai Ziyue, Zi Yue body sword is more fierce a bit, it seems that there is progress.


Then, another snoring came, and a figure flew down a huge red flame, and jumped down to an obese figure, it was Jichuan.

Yaochuan repaired a breakthrough, and soared to the five levels of Linghai, it seems that this guy has got a lot of benefits this month.

"Well, now that people are coming, let's go to Shigu."

Mu Feng said that Ziyun County nodded.

A group of people flew away, Ziyun County led the way and flew to the Stone Valley.

Shigu is a place where the earth's aura is extremely rich and suitable for the cultivation of soil-property monks. It is full of towering peaks.

In the Valley of Stones, several figures were hung on the pinnacles by chains, and they were bruised and bruised.

Dozens of Shijia disciples have practiced in this stone valley.

Shi Zhengxiong, a bald-headed man, looked at the hanging people and sneered: "It is already the third day. It seems that your palace is already ignoring your life and death. It is really sad."

Feng Cheng, Jiang Ying and others are pale, and their hearts are endlessly desperate.

"Come, let their dantian give me a waste, and my hands and feet are broken."

Shi Zhengxiong is cold.

There are two Shijia disciples who are going to abolish these people in Dantian.


However, a scream came out, two lightning bombardments containing terrible thunder and true spirits, bombarded the body of the two Shijia disciples, the two screamed, the body was smashed and dropped.

A group of people flew in the air, and one person in front of it was carved by the eagle!

Last night, the brother's child was born, and it took two days to go. I was helpless. The child's name should be taken by me. I am afraid of mistaken children. After all, the real name can accompany the child's life.

Thanks to An An Jade Elder brother for unsealing, thank you Xiaoqiao, Mr. R, Xiaoxi, and the handsome brothers and sisters for their rewards, thanks.

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