The Almighty Asura

Chapter 1032: : Mu Feng lost!

"Good! It’s not a male!"

"Ha ha, provoked Xiongge to personally shot, this kid, is really asking for trouble"

The Shijia disciples saw Mu Feng's first punch and were shot and could not help but scream.

Bai Ziyue and others saw this scene and his face was slightly dignified.

"Impossible, Mu Feng is not playing Shi Zhengxiong"

The owner of Ziyun County also said with a dignified face. She knows that the defense is unparalleled, and Shi Zhengxiong, who is full of duality, has a terrible strength. His only shortcoming is that Liu Jiezhong is the only person who has not reached the peak of the Linghai realm.

"His grandmother, if I am a stronger one, I must poison this stone turtle grandson."

Yaochuan said.

Shi Zhengxiong looked at the attacked Mu Feng indifferently, and in the gravel, a slamming sound, the stone flew away, Mu Feng appeared in the stone pile, Shi Zhengxiong knew that Mu Feng’s body was repaired, that punch, Not enough to defeat him.

Mu Feng squinted at the eyes of Shi Zhengxiong, this guy, the body can not be repaired, and he is strong and strong, and the true meaning is stronger than him. It is indeed a strong enemy.

However, in Mu Feng's body, the blood is boiling, and only those who are stronger than themselves can be called opponents.

"Come back!"

Mu Feng snorted and his body slammed out. This time, the sword in his hand was replaced with a gun, and one shot was killed. The power, the power, the broken armor, and the two true powers all gathered in the gun. .


The gun was astonishingly astonished and contained terrible penetrating power.

"Tension punch!"

Shi Zhengxiong smashed out with a fist, and the boxing broke into the world, a roaring bang, and another fistful of mans contained a terrible force to bombard a shot.


Gunmang strong penetrated the boxing man, and the assassination turned to Shi Zhengxiong’s fist. However, Shi Zhengxiong’s fist was covered with a layer of armor and the skin was also stoned. This gun broke through the armor but failed to penetrate. fist.

"Hey, good penetration"

Shi Zhengxiong was shocked, and Mu Feng’s attack even broke his attack and the first defense.


However, at this time, Mu Feng's body was killed, and the guns were fired. It was like a wave of giant sticks. The guns contained all the power of Mu Feng.

Shi Zhengxiong crossed his arms with a block, and with a bang, the gun slammed on his arm. Shi Zhengxiong’s foot exploded and broke. A circle of power ripples emerged. His body stepped back two steps. Then he punched it out and shook back. Mu Feng.

"Thunder Dragon!"

Mu Feng whispered, and another shot was killed, and it was turned into a thunderbolt.

"breaking rock"

Shi Zhengxiong smashed the earthen force and turned it into a huge stone shadow. It shattered the thunder and thunder, and the thunder force killed the stone. Shi Zhengxiong covered the earthen armor and did not fear the thunder force. Bombardment, this soil attribute Yuan Li, restrained Thunder Yuan Li.

Mu Feng followed by another screaming dragon, and the sound of the dragon slammed Shi Zhengxiong’s head roaring, and the blood in the body swayed. Then Mu Feng smashed a gun.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The gun mans were bombarded in the body of Shi Zhengxiong like a storm, and the stone armor of Shi Zhengxiong was crushed. However, it was not able to penetrate the petrochemical skin defense and injured Shi Zhengxiong.

"This guy, the strength is also amazing, but unfortunately, he met Shi Zhengxiong, this defensive monster."

"Yeah, this is called Mu Feng. The strength is comparable to that of the Linghai realm. But there is no way to defend Shi Zhengxiong."

"Da Shang Liu Jie, you are a mediocrity"


The monks who arrived came at amazement. At the same time, there were always strong people who were attracted by the battle.

"Oh, there are people who are fighting Shi Zhengxiong this stupid big man"

A blue fire shot, turned into a young man in a red robe, the youth lingering in a terrible blue flame, the burning power is amazing, and the people around him are far away from him.

"It’s Yan Jiayan Hu Chen!"

"This guy is here too. Last time, I saw someone challenging him to the name of the six masters. I didn't expect that he would be burned to gray when he was in a hurry."

"Inflammatory family is a family with blood power. The blood of Yan Huchen is 80% pure in the disciples of Yanjia, but it is a rare leader."


People were amazed and looked at the young man, who was deeply jealous.

"You have enough, come to me!"

In the stone forest below, the gravel splashes, the earth breaks, Shi Zhengxiong screams, and a set of spiritual fists emerges in the double fists. The fists are like a dragon, and as fast as the wind blows out, a stone shadow boxing town is killed. Front.

Mu Feng slashed and smashed his fists, but the attack was too fierce and violent, and it was like a rolling stone roaring down the mountain.


A fist punched in the body of Mu Feng, Mu Feng vomited blood and retreat, was shaken back by the mad tyrants, and then more punches in his body, Mu Feng body retreat, was bombarded on a huge rock mountain, mountainside out A big pit, Mu Feng's body and a pile of gravel fell to the ground, buried by huge gravel.

"Feng brother!"

"Mu Feng!"

Bai Ziyue, Ziyun County, and Yaochuan and others saw this scene change.

"We Zhou Wu's strongest genius can't beat a big six of the big business!"

Nan Qing and other worshippers Jianjian saw this scene also sinking in the heart, Mu Feng is the unbeaten myth of the Zhou Wu dynasty youth, and now, can not beat a six-year-old of this big business.

"Hey, I will say, I don't know how to force, I don't know the time, you listen to me right."

Zhou Wang, a prince of the central government, sneered, and other disciples of the Yangwangfu who abandoned Mu Feng and others also strongly agreed. Fortunately, they chose the right camp and did not compete with Shi Zhengxiong.

At the same time, they also looked at Shi Zhengxiong with great enthusiasm. This guy is too terrible.

"The hero is mighty!"

The Shijia disciples screamed loudly. Although Mu Feng and Shi Zhengxiong played so long, they were surprised, but the results did not disappoint them.

"This result, expected, big business six Jie, where is so good to challenge"

Other onlookers are not surprised.

"It’s boring, I thought I had a great role, even Shi Zhengxiong couldn’t beat this guy."

Yan Huchen shook his head boringly.

"Cough, fighting, not finished yet?"

At this time, in the gravel, a figure stood up, Mu Feng robes, hair messy, mouth and blood, looks a little embarrassed, but his eyes, but still sharp as a wolf.

The previous combo did indeed hurt him, but Mu Feng, but he was feeling excited. He hadn’t met such a long time that he could make a big fight and a **** opponent.

"You are not my opponent, and I don't say that you can't break my defense. You are self-cultivating, and the artistic conception is worse than me. If you are in the same situation with me, there may be some hope to overcome me, but your strength makes me somewhat. Accident, I can't waste you from doing it, but you offend someone who shouldn't offend, and you can't keep your hands and feet."

Shi Zhengxiong said indifferently.

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