Xie Hen listened carefully to what Ye Yutong said. His rippling peach eyes were cold. "Your wishful thinking is really good. Use me to separate Xiao Sheng and her boyfriend, huh. "

Ye Yutong frowned.

She couldn't understand Xie Hen's thoughts. According to reason, Xie Hen shouldn't refuse.

Xie Hen stood up straight, "If you want to be with Fu Hanchuan, you should fight for it yourself. If you want to use me, I'm sorry, you found the wrong person."

He had indeed thought about snatching Qin Sheng from Fu Hanchuan.

However, he didn't want to force Qin Sheng.

He didn't want Qin Sheng to hate him.

Even if it was not him who was with Qin Sheng in the end.

Xie Hen didn't stay any longer, he left.

Ye Yutong looked at the back of Xie Hen leaving, frowning, Xie Hen really rejected her proposal.

She could tell Xie Hen liked Qin Sheng.

How could he refuse?

Xie Hen did not agree to her, and Ye Yutong had to leave.

With the announcement of the quota for Imperial Capital University to participate in the painting competition, the principal also approached Qin Sheng to do ideological work for her.

He was worried that Qin Sheng would be fooled by Professor Chen to Beijing University.

"Sheng Sheng." The principal said with a smile, in a very amiable tone. "The quota for participating in the painting competition this time has been fixed. It is the ink painting you painted."

Qin Sheng didn't know this. She frowned and asked, "Has it been announced?"


Don't tell him that Qin Sheng doesn't know how her paintings can participate in the painting competition.

But since Qin Sheng asked like this, it was mostly unclear.

The principal changed the subject, "Sheng Sheng, you are very talented in painting, but you shouldn't waste too much time on painting. Your major is medical, isn't it?"

Qin Sheng squinted his eyes, "Uncle President, did Professor Chen from Beijing University visit you?"

The principal didn't expect Qin Sheng to guess it. He was a little dazed and asked, "How did you know?"

Qin Sheng replied: "He found me?"

The principal felt tight and asked very carefully: "Did you agree?"

Qin Sheng replied straightforwardly: "No, I let him go to find you."

The principal was relieved, but how did he always feel that Qin Sheng was throwing trouble to him?

The principal frowned and asked, "Can you just refuse it yourself? Why do you want him to find me?"

Qin Sheng thought for a while, then replied, "It's easy."


It's like slapped yourself with a few big mouths, I have to ask!

The principal doesn't understand how a lazy person like Qin Sheng can get a perfect score in the college entrance examination?

Just came up with this idea.

The principal thought of a report on Qin Sheng in the media. When Qin Sheng was in his third year of high school, he spent less than five days to review.

The principal didn't want to talk to Qin Sheng anymore. He had a headache and said, "Sheng Sheng, your Friday military training test, I hope you can pass the test."

After speaking, he just hung up.

Qin Sheng also took back the phone, and she was very confident in this military training.

Qin Sheng's painting was published on the Weibo of Imperial Capital University, and it was stated that this painting was sent by Imperial Capital University to participate in the National College Student Painting Competition.

Once it came out, it caused a lot of sensation.

When it was revealed that Ye Yutong participated, everyone's reaction was not violent.

But at this meeting, everyone left a message under Weibo. In just half an hour, there were thousands of comments.

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