The Almighty Girl Is Spoiled by the Boss

Chapter 905: A genius girl who performs miracles

Su Yixiu didn't answer this time, but it was clear that this Shengshi Technology was also Qin Sheng's.

He walked away.

Qi Xuan still didn't understand what Li Wen meant, so she asked curiously: "What happened to Shengshi Technology?"

Li Wen looked excited, "This Shenghe Entertainment and Shengshi Technology are the same person."

Qi Xuan's eyes widened suddenly, surprised, "You mean Qin Sheng is the owner of Shengshi Technology and Shenghe Entertainment."

"It must be." Li Wen nodded affirmatively.

Qi Xuan clutched her chest, she did not slow down, "Wait, why do I always feel that this is a bit dreamy? Qin Sheng is only 18 years old and is still in her freshman year. Even if she is the owner of Shenghe Entertainment, now Here comes another Shengshi Technology. This "Story of the Three Realms" belongs to Shengshi Technology."

"Indeed, I also play Three Worlds Fengyun. Three Worlds Fengyun is very popular on the whole network, and the revenue is at least tens of millions a day."

Qi Xuan suddenly remembered Qin Sheng's words, she was not short of money.

Sure enough, he has the confidence to say that.

Li Wen touched his chin, “Shengshi Technology only took less than half a year. From registration to becoming one of the top game companies in China, I always feel that Shenghe Entertainment is not easy.”

After a pause, she said again: "Qixuan, we have come to the entertainment company. Shenghe Entertainment has great potential. No matter what, Shengshi Technology is backed by it."

Qi Xuan nodded in agreement, "Not to mention anything else, the contract of Shenghe Entertainment alone is enough to make people's hearts excited."

There is no need to be arranged by the company to accompany wine and arrange resources on the body for the June 4th division.

Even if it is kept by the gold master, once it is discovered, it will be hidden in the snow.

Even if Shenghe Entertainment does not develop well in the future, she is willing to sign such a good contract.


Qi Xuan frowned and said: "Entertainment companies are no better than game companies. Now the company has just started. Few well-known artists are willing to join the company. What are the developments?"

Li Wen raised his eyebrows, "Should we make a bet?"

Although everything is full of unknowns, Li Wen inexplicably believes that Qin Sheng can do it, this talented girl who creates miracles.

She originally questioned her decision.

After all, after becoming a full-fledged employee of Shenghe Entertainment, he has to spend the most precious seven years of the most entertainers on Shenghe Entertainment. If there is no way to become popular, there will be basically no chances later.

This is a big bet.

But after Li Wen knew that Qin Sheng was the boss of Shenghe Entertainment, she was relieved.

Qin Sheng can create such a miracle as Shengshi Technology. She believes that Shenghe Entertainment will not be bad, and it is very possible to become a leading enterprise in the future.

Hearing that, Qi Xuan shook her head, "I don't want it anymore, just the kind of abnormality of our boss. Maybe she can really do it. I don't bet on this kind of small winning rate."

There was an obvious disappointment in Li Wen's eyes, and it seemed that Qi Xuan could not be pitted.

In the past few days, Li Wen and Qi Xuan will go to the company for training every day, and even live together in the company’s dormitory.

They have a good personality and get along well.

The two also often joked.

Qi Xuan was often bet by Li Wenkeng, and of course she lost every time.

At this time, Qi Xuan is a rare IQ online.

Qi Xuan sat on the sofa, her face showing a fanciful expression, "I always feel that our boss is too handsome. In other words, I owned two companies at the age of 18, and one of them has become a game player. How did she manage the best company?"

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