"Golden K-star over there,"

At this moment, Si Yunting frowned, "I don't know if Brother Yu and the others have found the ice ghost. I heard that the ice ghost is the best at disguise."

"Brother Yu shot,"

Shen Yan said, "Is this ice ghost still able to run away? As long as she is still alive, as long as there is a trace of her, Brother Yu will definitely be able to find her!"

"What does the ice ghost look like?" Ye Huang couldn't help but ask, "Is there a photo? Why can't I find it online?"

There are also references to this ice ghost on the Internet, but there are different opinions, and each photo released is different. She is very curious about the true appearance of this so-called bounty hunter.

In the information given by Su Entropy, the ice ghost was equally uncertain, and she couldn't tell which one was true and which was false.

"Among the documents I gave you, one of them is not very clear, but you can see most of the face,"

Si Yunting didn't hide it, he took it out and said, "We all guess that this is most likely her true appearance."

Saying that, he clicked out the photo, "Look, this is it."

Ye Huang glanced at it.

In this photo, a woman is in the dust. It can be seen that there is no trace of makeup at all. Her hair was ruffled by the wind, covering a little of her face, but most of her face can still be seen...

In fact, it is still relatively delicate, but the eyes are very uncomfortable, and the eyes are like dead water. They are no longer indifferent, and they are almost completely emotionless.

This kind of look, when she was in country Z, she had contact with a top sniper. At a certain moment, her eyes were very similar to the eyes of this ice ghost.

Not the femme fatale she imagined, Ye Huang was a little disappointed.

The femme fatale is also very touching!

It's a pity that she's not a beauty. If it's just a snake and a scorpion...cough, she doesn't feel anything.

"What kind of grudge does Suo Huange have with her?"

Ye Huang quickly shifted her curiosity from beauty to her passion for gossip.

Si Yunting shook his head, looked at Ye Huang with a smirk but not a smile and said, "You ask us this? As for the relationship with Suo Huange, are you more familiar than us?"

"The lock didn't say this!"

Ye Huang said depressedly, "There's actually a little secret!"

"Is Suo Huange really a man?"

Until now, Shen Yan still accepts the bad news.

"if not?"

Si Yunting teased, "Do you also find it unbelievable?"

After speaking, he remembered something and said, "By the way, speaking of it, you are still the cousins ​​of their brother and sister—why, have you never recognized this relative?"


When I talk about this Shen Yan, I get angry, "Every time I try to contact Suo Huange, he hangs up the communication!"

Not only that, Suo Huange should have blocked his and his brother's communication numbers for Suo Xiaoyu, so he couldn't get in touch with Suo Xiaoyu!

He and his brother never came to the door rashly, just because they were afraid that if they disagreed with each other and the two sides were too stiff, then it would not be recognition of relatives, but hatred!

This time, one was because Ye Huang said that the medicinal pill was out, and he planned to use it for his brother to get rid of the root cause of the disease. Second, they also heard that Suo Huange was not there, so they also took the opportunity to try to see Suo Xiaoyu's attitude...

Of course, if Suo Xiaoyu also rejected the two of them, then the relatives would not recognize them for the time being!

"Is the laughter there?"

At this time, Shen Jin smiled and said, "I bought her a little gift and wanted to give it to her!"


Ye Huang smiled, pointed in one direction and said, "Usually at this time, Sister Xiaoyu will be over there in the fruit forest, you can go and have a look."

"And a present for you, too,"

Shen Jin smiled and took out a big box and said, "I made several mecha models myself, I don't know if you will like it."

Ye Huang's gratitude to his Shen family and to his relatives, Suo Huange, brothers and sisters... It can be said that it is an indescribable gratitude.

A fluttering thank you can no longer be said. His Shen family has long regarded Ye Huang as their own. As long as Ye Huang gives an order, the Shen family can go through fire and water at all costs.

However, it seems that they can't help Ye Huang very much either. Ye Huang's strength, unconsciously, has exceeded their estimated development speed.

At this time, only this kind of carefulness can make it easier to take a shot.


Ye Huang opened the box and let out a soft cry.

Truly a top mecha designer! Even the models are so cool!

Seeing that Ye Huang liked it, Shen Jin smiled slightly, then turned around and said to Shen Yan: "You wait here, I'll go take a look!"

Shen Yan is impatient, and if he doesn't pay attention during the conversation, he is afraid that Suo Xiaoyu will be repulsed.

"I'm waiting here!"

Shen Yan was eager to stay here, "Brother, just try it if you try it. If people really don't want to recognize it, we won't beg!"

To be honest, Suo Huange's attitude before, really annoyed him.

He and his brother thought that as elders, they should take more care of these two brothers and sisters, who knew that Suo Huange would not appreciate it at all!

Shen Jin nodded, turned around and walked over there.

Before approaching the fruit forest, a gust of wind blew past, and a sweet fragrance of fruit had passed over, and many fruit trees were already full of fruit.

There are also some fruit trees, but they are blooming. The particularity of the energy on the blue light star has caused the extremely lush and special growth of vegetation.

Suo Xiaoyu was sitting in a wheelchair and was looking at it with a large design album.

Compared to the skinny she used to be, she has finally been taken care of by Ye Huang now. Although she still looks thin, she is not so shocking.

However, Suo Xiaoyu's skin and hair were still dazzlingly white, and her long white hair was loosely **** with a light green blue ribbon, hanging lazily on one side, looking at the whole person very peaceful and fragile.

"Brother Shen?"

At this time, when he heard the footsteps, Suo Xiaoyu turned his head and saw Shen Jin, was startled for a while, and then shouted happily, "Why are you here?"

After I finished speaking, I remembered something, and I was a little embarrassed after being stunned for a while, "I'm sorry...Shen...Uncle?"

He suddenly changed from Big Brother Shen to Uncle Biao, and his seniority was different. Suo Xiaoyu became even more embarrassed when he called out this, and looked at Shen Jin a little uneasy.

"Little words,"

After Shen Jin heard her call out Uncle Biao, she smiled slightly and walked over, "It should be us who should say sorry—sorry, Shen Yan and I didn't take good care of the two of you!"


Suo Xiaoyu quickly said, "No, my brother and I are really good here, really good!"

"I know,"

Shen Jin walked to Suo Xiaoyu's side, took out a gift box from his storage space calmly, and handed it to her, "This is our little thought, I hope Xiaoyu can accept it!"

Suo Xiaoyu was a little confused.

Her brother said that relatives who fell from the sky should not be easily recognized. He also said that people are separated by the belly, and you must not just trust people!

He also said that eating people is short-handed, and taking people is short-handed. Any gifts from the Shen family will not be accepted!

"Don't you want to accept it?"

Shen Jin squatted in front of Suo Xiaoyu's knee, looked up at Suo Xiaoyu from this angle and said, "Actually, there is nothing valuable, it's all a little handmade by myself."


Hearing that Shen Jin did it himself, Suo Xiaoyu's eyes lit up.

"Look, don't if you don't like it,"

Shen Jin smiled and opened the box, "Shen Yan and I don't mean to force, even if we're not relatives, we're still friends, aren't we?"

Suo Xiaoyu looked into the box a little tangled, and his eyes suddenly lit up, his eyes full of joy and unconcealed: "Yeah... so cute little things!"

Shen Jin has made several small dolls, and the body proportions are very in line with the requirements of models, both men and women.

This kind of doll is different from her rigid clothes models. It has a delicate mechanism and uses an energy source. When the switch is turned on, the doll will perform various actions according to the remote control...

Model steps, forward, backward, and turns are all amazing!

"You can zoom in a bit here!"

Shen Jin pressed another place on the remote control, and the small doll immediately became larger, and it was 80 centimeters high.

"There is a limited amount of memory metal in it,"

Shen Jin smiled slightly, "So it can't be too tall, that's how tall it is—do you like it?"


Suo Xiaoyu likes it so much, his eyes are full of light!

"I'll give it to you if I like it,"

Shen Jin smiled, "If you're afraid your brother will be unhappy, I can explain and communicate with him when he comes back!"

Suo Xiaoyu hesitated a bit, then shook his head slowly and said, "Sorry, I... I can't accept this gift."

She liked it so much, but she was really afraid that her brother would be unhappy!

"Or else,"

Shen Jin smiled and said, "I'll put these things with you first. Please help me and Shen Yan design a few sets of clothes. How about this as a reward?"

As he said that, he was deliberately confused, "I'm going to participate in an event next month. The dresses at home are out of date, and it's too difficult to find a good designer. I wonder if you'd like to help me this time?"

"…it is good!"

Suo Xiaoyu didn't know what to do for a while, but her brother didn't say this... So, is it possible? Is it possible? !

Shen Jin looked at her and smiled slightly.

You know, everything is the meaning of Suo Huange!


Suo Huange on Jin K star couldn't help sneezing.

He refused to act with Yu Fengbai, and he didn't even open the contact channel that he had promised. There was no way. He always looked at the poisonous snake, and he didn't even bother to pay attention to Luo Tianhe...

After all, one of the three scorching suns in the past, every one of them is probably the same rough man as Na Su Entropy, and he will definitely not talk to him for a long time.

What's more, here is the gold K star!

He dared to say that he was more familiar with this planet than Yu Fengbai and Luo Tianhe!

On the Golden K star, except for the wasteland, it is the wasteland! The energy storm is raging, and there are many crises, and even the sun is always groggy.

In addition to explorers, high-level star hunting groups, mercenary groups of certain forces, resource explorers sent by certain families, etc., they are some people with shameful identities who wander among the stars.

They are all desperados who are walking on the tip of a knife and frantically testing on the edge of death.

They don't know where the glory of tomorrow is, but the crazy pleasures of the present will never be lacking... They will enjoy this excitement and decadent prosperity!

There are no real human settlements, only extravagant clubs and wild bars. With the help of countless beautiful bodies and spirits, they release their excess hormones and wild emotions.

In this golden K star, it is completely free from the regulations of the federal galaxy human habitation star, and no one who dares to come here will be afraid of death...

In other words, people who are afraid of death will never dare to set foot on the Golden K star!

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