Suo Huange's firepower was fully activated, but they did not fall behind in the hands of the third master and the others for a while. There was a little transformation of Ye Huang on the ghost girl, and the improvement in several small aspects was immeasurable.

Ye Huang also said at the beginning that the current strength is limited, and the power of transformation of high-energy mechas such as biological mechas is limited...

But even so, it had a surprising effect.

"go to hell!"

Suo Huange made a precise shot, and a mecha under the third master was blasted out with a loud bang.

The scorching heat wave swept out by the energy wave immediately scorched a large area of ​​the surrounding plants, and even the ground was baked into black scorched earth.

Suo Huange sneered, seeing that the opportunity was about to make persistent efforts, at this moment, he saw that the mecha formation on the third master's side suddenly changed.

Before he could react, the other party fired several shots at Gui Niu.

"Boom bang bang-"

This time, the ghost girl couldn't dodge, and she was shot twice in a row, so that the ghost girl almost flew up, and the damage to the outer shell suddenly reached 40%.

Suo Huange burst into a foul language, and suddenly felt bad.

This formation is a bit familiar to him. It is very similar to the basic formation at Professor Ye Huang's training camp. Although he did not participate in the training, he occasionally runs to watch...

He shouldn't be wrong about this.

How could this third master know this formation? !

Suo Huange knew how powerful this formation was, so he didn't dare to continue fighting, and then the ghost girl's inertia rolling on the rock rushed out.

Almost all the firepower was retracted, and the speed was pulled to the highest by him in an instant.

For a time, Gui Niu rushed out of the encirclement in the fire of war.

However, the third master's prediction was very accurate, and the ghost girl rushed out of the encirclement, and there were three other mechas that half-encircled and blocked it.

Suo Huange really sank this time.

The number of opponents and the strength of the opponents exceeded his expectations, and they almost exceeded the strengths of all opponents he had encountered while wandering the interstellar space for so many years...

Is this going to be planted today? !

Cold sweat broke out on Suo Huange's body, his pupils shrank, he gritted his teeth and decided to fight to the death.


At this moment, a golden mecha on the third master's side suddenly spewed out a thick fog-like thing.

Suo Huange was so shocked that he immediately controlled Gui Niu to dodge, but was blocked by a mecha under the third master, and in that instant, the dense fog had already fallen on Gui Niu.

"Master, master, I'm stuck, stuck!"

The ghost girl yelled.

Its outer shell was damaged by nearly 40%, and before its self-repair was completed, it was smeared over by this energy liquid.

"Master, they used the heptane K preparation, and they actually used the long-abandoned heptane K preparation model—"

The ghost girl screamed angrily, "They foul, they foul!"

This heptane K preparation is a preparation that will be used in some links in the manufacturing of the interstellar industry, but because it contains some toxins, it is harmful to the human body and has been banned in the manufacturing of the interstellar industry.

This kind of thing, Interstellar regular manufacturers have long stopped production...

How can these people use this kind of thing, and even use this kind of thing in the battle? !

Moreover, I don't know what ingredient was added to it, and the analytical magnetic shock released by the ghost girl could not be decomposed!

Simply out of order!

In Gui Niu's battle system record and archive, there is no such battle experience at all, and for a while, I was so angry that I almost cried.

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