The third master's subordinates were also stunned.

The third master was stunned and didn't respond for a while.

At this moment, the unnamed test results came out. Yu Fengbai glanced at the test results, handed the test results to Suo Huange, and nodded to the third master.

The test results show that Suo Huange and the third master are really related by blood!

Now, it was Suo Huange's turn to hold the test results in a daze.

The third master was a little bit unable to stand up because of the successive shocks. He sat on the ground again, looked up at the chaotic sky of Jin K star, and whispered to himself, "I found it... I really found it!"

Yu Fengbai and Qi Han looked at each other and were speechless.

Unexpectedly, there was an extra episode of this kind in the middle of the mission! The ghost door organization that the official has been tracking down, actually bumped into it without saying anything...

As a result, they are still close to each other!

With a wave of Yu Fengbai's hand, Wuming immediately popped out an energy shield, covering everyone in it, isolating the raging energy storm here.

Hei Bing popped up a lot of camping cushions, and Qi Han greeted everyone to sit down separately.

Now that the blood relationship between the third master and Suo Huange has been verified, the third master's subordinates seem to breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that there must be something important to talk about, so they are very knowledgeable and do not surround the third master.

"Why did your ghost gate appear here?"

Qi Han couldn't help but asked directly, "Why do you want to catch Suo Huange?"

Hearing this, Suo Huange, who came back to his senses, glared at this newly-released uncle, feeling very aggrieved!

The third master offended him, and he was thinking of having the opportunity to clean up the third master... Who knew that the other party turned out to be his own uncle!

Dear uncle... Suo Huange looked at the third master, gritted his teeth, but his eyes were red silently.

The third master obviously hadn't recovered from the previous shock, stared at Suo Huange's Adam's apple, and didn't respond to the questioning with Yu Fengbai for a while.


Dear nephew!

Beautiful nephew! Also... so coquettish!

"Third Master?"

Yu Fengbai reminded lightly, and at the same time, his mental strength rushed to the third master.


The third master immediately came back to his senses, only then did he realize his gaffe, glanced at his nephew with complicated eyes, and paused before saying, "I came here for two purposes, one is to track the ice ghost. , one, to catch a beauty as bait!"

"Why are you tracking down the ice ghost?"

Suo Huange couldn't help but ask.

"The ice ghost intercepted a cargo of one of our cargo ships in space—"

The third master said coldly, "killed our brother and stole something very important!"

As for what, he obviously didn't intend to say it.

Yu Fengbai nodded without asking this question, and turned to the second one: "Then, why do you want to catch a beauty, and what kind of bait?"

Suo Huange stared at the third master.

The third master looked a little embarrassed: "'s to let her sneak into the Blue Butterfly Bar in the outer area of ​​Floating Sky Island and find out some news for us."

"Blue Butterfly Bar?" Suo Huange's face darkened.

That is a notorious venue on Jin K Star that has emerged in recent years, and it is also a top club that claims to be the deepest in the hinterland of the wasteland on Jin K Star.

There is almost no evil in it, and many things are outrageous and have no bottom line. Compared with this bar, Ye Bo's "Yesuo Huange" is simply a conscience club!

"Can you reveal what information you are looking for?" Qi Han asked tentatively.

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