The Almighty Goddess of Interstellar Rebirth Has Fallen

Chapter 1121: Why can't he feel it!


Suo Huange noticed that Yu Fengbai's eyebrows were annoyed when he saw the reply, and he couldn't help but gleefully clicked his tongue.

"What did Ye Huang say?"

Qi Han didn't understand. Seeing Yu Fengbai frowning, he thought something happened over Ye Huang's side, "Did something happen over his side?"

Suo Huange glanced at Qi Mutuo with a look of disgust, and couldn't help but click again.

Hearing this, Qi Han almost punched him.


Yu Fengbai said with a cold face, "Ye Huang has received the message!"

"Ye Huang?"

This time it was the third master's turn to hold back, "Ye Huang, is that the Ye Huang who knows Si Yunqing? The Ye Huang who participated in the last mecha competition in the Wasteland? Do you know... Ye Huang?"


Yu Fengbai said lightly, "If it goes well, you will see him soon!"

There was a hint of surprise in the third master's eyes. He really didn't expect that, after going around in circles, he would come across the wonderful woman Ye Huang again.

"where you go?!"

At this moment, seeing Suo Huange turn around and leave, Qi Han immediately shouted, "Stop!"

Suo Huange ignored him and became faster.

"Black Ice!"

Qi Leng snorted.

Primordial energy mecha Hei Bing immediately shot, popped out an energy shield, and instantly trapped Suo Huange in it.

Suo Huange turned his head and glared at Qi Han.

"The floating cloud island is in danger,"

Qi Han frowned, "You can't act alone!"

Suo Huange raised his eyebrows: "You can't control it!"

Qi Leng said coldly, "Want to try the impact of Hei Bing's infrasonic U-band?"

This kind of infrasound wave will quickly make people without a high-energy barrier pass out in just a few seconds. Even if Suo Huange has a ghost girl, but Hei Bing has already taken the lead. As long as he gives an order, Suo Huange will be dizzy.

"I advise you to wait for Ye Huang,"

Yu Fengbai looked at Suo Huange and said, "You can go first, but when Ye Huang arrives, are you sure you can find the ice ghost before us? Take a step back, even if you find the ice ghost, are you sure you can completely control her?"

Suo Huange paused, then sat down on the ground and said, "Just wait!"

After finishing speaking, his eyes fell on Qi Han again, and the annoyance in his eyes became stronger and stronger. It seemed that he and Qi Han had an undeniable revenge.

Qi Han frowned and said nothing, and his face was not much better.

The two looked at each other like mortal enemies.

The third master looked at the aura between Qi Han and Suo Huange, and always felt that there was something subtle and a little puzzled, what kind of hatred or resentment was between the two.

He really wanted to have a deeper conversation with Suo Huange, but now Suo Huange's mood was obviously not stable enough, and it wasn't a good time to talk.

Fortunately, Japan has a long way to go.

At this moment, an energy storm swept across the wasteland.


At this moment, Qi Han suddenly raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Huh?" Yu Fengbai looked at him.

"Brother Yu,"

Qi Han closed his eyes and felt it for a moment, then suddenly opened his eyes, "Did you feel a trace of breath... no, a trace of energy? It's very special, I can't tell, it's the kind that I've never felt before, how about you? , did you feel it, what is that?!"

Yu Fengbai frowned for a moment, and a little doubt appeared in his eyes: "Really? Why didn't I feel it? What are you talking about? Attribute energy? Or derived energy?"

"No no no—"

Qi Han immediately shook his head and denied, "No, it's not the kind of energy we are familiar with, it's very special, very flexible... ah, it's just too subtle, I can hardly grasp it, I feel it floating around me - very subtle , Brother Yu, don't you really feel it?!"

Yu Fengbai closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them suspiciously and said, "No, everything is as usual! Are you hallucinating?"

What Qi Han can perceive, it is impossible for him not to perceive!

Thinking of Qi Han's body problems from time to time, Yu Fengbai suspected that there was something wrong with Qi Han's perception.


At this moment, Suo Huange also shouted, "Hurry up and feel it, there is a very weak and very weak breath, very special, what kind of energy fluctuation is that?"

When he shouted like this, Qi Han, who had been questioning himself, was immediately shocked: "You feel it too?!"


Suo Huange said in surprise, "It's just too weak, I can't perceive it further, I just feel that it is very flexible, like it has a breath of life - what about you, do you feel this way too?"


Qi Han hurriedly said, "What kind of energy fluctuation is this?!"

Yu Fengbai on the side: "..."

Why can't he feel it!

Could it be that there is a problem with both of them, is the problem caused by fighting? !

Yu Fengbai cast his eyes on the third master suspiciously.

The third master shook his head in confusion: "No, although the energy is rampant in this wasteland, I didn't feel the faint and agile aura they said!"

His mental strength is definitely not weak!

In today's battle with Yu Fengbai and others, the disadvantage is that the other party has Primordial Energy Mecha! If there is no Yuanneng Mecha here, he will fight to the death with his subordinates, and he may not be able to escape from the two Emperor S's subordinates!

Seeing the third master, Yu Fengbai frowned and looked at Qi Han and Suo Huange.

"Hey, I don't seem to feel it anymore,"

At this time, Suo Huange said again, "It's too weak, a feeling of fluctuation flashed by... Now it's gone again, how about you?"

Qi Han nodded and said, "It's true that it's gone again, and I can't feel it either!"

It was just at that moment, but that subtle feeling was engraved in his bones, and he would never forget it again...

That kind of breath is really special, very special!

Yu Fengbai glanced at the nameless test results, and the results showed that everything was normal, and no special energy fluctuations were detected.

His eyes flickered, thinking of something Ye Huang had said, his face darkened slightly, and he could not wait to bring Ye Huang over to ask clearly.

I don't know if this is the special energy called aura that Ye Huang said, or something like suffocating...

But why can Qi Han and Suo Huange feel it, but he can't? !

Thinking of the reaction of others after taking Ye Huang's medicinal pill, and the reaction that he had almost had no reaction... Yu Feng's white face turned even darker!



On the side of the Ye family's old house, there was a roar in the mixing room in the basement. Ye Huang neatly opened the Sixiang Ding, revealing a pot of medicinal pills that was only refined inside.

A faint fragrance floated out, with a unique medicinal fragrance, and the slight energy spread out in a hazy glitz, and the entire Sixiang Ding seemed to be enveloped in a layer of colorful clouds.

"It's done!"

Ye Huang was overjoyed.

There is a medicine pill in the cauldron. This is her masterpiece after tossing for a night. After destroying two furnaces, it finally took shape for the third time.

This is a Foundation Establishment Pill that she has painstakingly refined.

The reason why the refining failed twice is not because of her mistakes, nor because of the mistakes in the use of talismans, but because the quality of the medicinal materials itself is not high enough.

The foundation building pill needs five medicinal bases with very pure properties. She also has them like Mushenghua, but the five elements are not complete. She can only use some medicinal materials to refine the required medicinal bases...

Therefore, five medicinal bases with relatively pure energy properties were first refined. In this way, one was finally refined after two furnaces were destroyed.

This kind of foundation building dan, which is purified by refining the pharmaceutical base first, and then refining, is far less effective than the real foundation building dan refined directly from natural medicinal materials.

To put it bluntly, it is a kind of high imitation Kidan!

But even if it is a high imitation, it is a fluke that it can be refined. Ye Huang raised her eyebrows, she is not greedy at all, and she is still satisfied.


Nan Ren on the side covered his heart and said, "Are we successful in refining?"

His master refined these three medicinal herbs, and he almost used up the medicinal materials he brought, and a large amount of medicinal materials were refined by his master as well.

Every time so many expensive medicinal materials can only extract a little bit of medicinal base that his master is satisfied...

Doing the math, this so-called Foundation Establishment Pill is worth nearly 200 million!

Among those medicinal materials, there are many stocks that he has collected over the years! Thinking of this, Nan Ren shivered in distress.


Ye Huang said, "You can make do with a try."

This kind of quality foundation pill can no longer be called a quality. Ye Huang picked up this pill, pinched it at the fingertips and looked at its faint glitz.

If it is a real Foundation Establishment Pill, once the refining is successful, even if it is a low-grade product, it will be full of brilliance and fragrance!

If it is really high-grade, it will be the entire Ye family old house, which will be shrouded in a piece of Danhua.

Compared with the medicinal pill in her hand right now, there is a natural difference between heaven and earth.

After eating this foundation building pill, she may not be completely successful in foundation building, but at least she can deposit some spiritual energy into her dantian.

"Master, what will happen if you eat this?"

Nanren asked eagerly.

"Do you want to eat?" Ye Huang handed it to him.

"No no no no--"

Nan Ren trembled all over, and immediately stepped back two steps, "I just ask first!"

Now, as soon as he sees this round thing called medicinal pill, he feels pain all over his whole body... It was the last time he ate that Jiuzhuan Tongluo Dan, and he had a nightmare after eating it!

He was in a coma for so long!

At that time, his master made 34 of the nine-turn Tongluo Dan, and the effect of one pill made him dizzy.

His master said that the stronger the energy of the medicinal pill, the less refined it will be... This time, I refined one, and if he ate it, he was afraid that he would die!

"Not bad, I know the depths,"

Ye Huang hooked his lips and said, "This thing is really not something you can eat - Jiuzhuan Tongluo Pill, you take one pill every ten days, such a body-building pill should be practiced first, and can only be taken when the opportunity comes. This kind of foundation Dan."

The so-called opportunity is to be able to perceive the spiritual energy, to be able to introduce the air into the body, and then to be able to take the Foundation Building Pill when the body is truly quenched.

But how far do interstellar humans have to forge their bodies in order to perceive spiritual energy... She has not counted this until now.

However, with Yihuo and Sixiang Cauldron, he became more and more proficient in refining the Nine-Turn Tongluo Pill, and provided it to Nanren and the training camp, and there was no pressure at all.

You can only forge your body first, and greatly improve the qualifications of these people, step by step!

Nan Ren nodded with admiration on his face, his eyes lit up.

I have to say that after eating the Nine-Turn Tongluo Dan, I woke up with stinky mud, and I felt reborn after taking a bath!

Even the mental power is stronger than before, and it is more handy when preparing medicines! Yesterday he also prepared a rare ancient prescription medicine crystal!

If things go on like this, his deployment level... ah ah ah!

Nan Ren was going crazy with excitement!

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