"Xiao Ba is the best."

Unexpectedly, Ye Huang's voice fell, and a nameless voice sounded in the cockpit of the mecha.

Hachi blew another bunch of bubbles happily.

Ye Huang: "..."

Since it is rare to ride Wuming's Primordial Energy Mecha, you don't have to worry about it. Ye Huang was so idle that he noticed that he seemed to have discovered something extraordinary!


Ye Huang picked up the back of Xiaoba's neck, carried it into his arms and rubbed it, then said with a wicked smile, "Didn't you like my Xiaoba?"

Anonymous did not respond.

In Ye Huang's arms, Xiao Ba happily just arched, arched and rubbed. She hadn't been so close to Ye Huang for a long time, and Xiao Ba was extraordinarily enthusiastic and cute.

"Why don't you speak?"

Ye Huang's eyes flashed and he said, "Wuming, don't you understand what it means to be fancy? It just means that you want it to be your partner - understand?"

"I have the most high-end core system in the interstellar space, and my vocabulary storage exceeds that of all mecha systems, different vocabulary of all planets and regions in the interstellar space, and even various proprietary terms,"

Wuming said quietly, "There are no words I don't understand!"


Ye Huang smiled and said, "Then why didn't you answer the last question? Could it be that you didn't like my little eight - tell you, my little fire dragon likes little eight, if you-"

"Xiao Ba is mine!"

Wuming responded directly this time.


Ye Huang snorted, "I think so beautifully, who promised to give Xiaoba to you? Xiaoba is mine!"

This nameless is too overbearing!

Is this still trying to take it by force? !

"Well, Xiaoba is yours,"

Luckily, Wuming didn't deny this fact, and was quick to admit, "It's mine too, though. It's yours and mine at the same time—it's just the difference between having a meaning and a way of having it."

"You mecha quibble!"

Ye Huang was amused by Wuming's explanation, "Then tell me, what is the difference between the way we have and the meaning of having?"

"The way you own Little Eight is to take care of him, and the meaning of owning Little Eight is to treat him as your pet."

Wuming explained seriously and calmly, "The way I have Xiaoba is to give it safety and happiness, and the meaning of my own Xiaoba is to see it as my friend, including but not limited to boyfriends and girlfriends."

Ye Huang felt as if he had been attacked by a mecha.

"What do you say, Nameless,"

Ye Huang thought for a while and said, "I can also give Xiaoba safety and happiness, and I also regard Xiaoba as my friend—not just a pet!"

Saying that, he lowered his head and kissed Xiao Ba's head fiercely, "Is that so, Xiao Ba?"

If a mecha wants to compete with her for Xiaoba, she will not show weakness!

Xiao Ba blankly blew a bunch of bubbles at Ye Huang.

"The friend I said is the only one,"

Wuming quietly explained, "Xiao Ba is my only one, but not yours."

Ye Huang: "..."

Are interstellar mechs so sour? ! Her teeth are sore! A lot of dog food was caught off guard and was shoved by Wuming fiercely. It was unbearable!

"Aren't Liuhuo and Heixing your friends?"

Ye Huang held Xiao Ba to fight desperately, "Don't be fooling, I am the ancestor of fooling!"

"Little Fire and Black Ice are my comrades-in-arms,"

Wuming explained quietly, "Comrades-in-arms are classified as friends in a broad sense, but they do not include the meaning of boyfriends and girlfriends. Therefore, Xiaoba is still my only one."

Ye Huang is also convinced: "After all, you just take Xiaoba as your boyfriend or girlfriend? Is it a boyfriend or a girlfriend? Do you know whether Xiaoba is male or female? What about you? Wuming, are you male or not? mother?!"

Anonymous was silent.

Ye Huang was triumphant: "Why don't you talk? Are you speechless? Do you understand that your races are different? There must be something wrong with your system!"

"Companionship that is not for the purpose of reproduction has nothing to do with gender."

Wuming spoke again at this time, still very calmly saying, "Companion beyond gender is not uncommon in the history of interstellar humans. The only definition of the meaning of this word has nothing to do with gender."

Ye Huang: "..."

This mecha seems to be fighting too!

"Nameless, you seem to have forgotten one thing,"

Ye Huang gloated and said, "Xiao Ba belongs to my family. If you want to stay with him for a long time, you must have a statement. As for me, I am Xiao Ba's parent. Whether you want to marry or marry, please give me a general opinion. Let me think about it, whether to marry or marry, each has its own regulations, don't think about being a white wolf with empty gloves!"

Just want to kidnap Xiao Ba for a word of companionship that is not for the purpose of reproduction?

Absolutely not!

Her wife's Primordial Energy Mecha, I heard that she is very rich, it has its own storage space, and a large number of good things are stored in it!

Thinking of this, Ye Huang couldn't help but chuckle again, and kissed Xiao Ba's head fiercely again.

Her little eight is powerful enough to steal a Yuan energy mecha!

Anonymous was silent again.

After a while, it said calmly: "I'm sorry I couldn't find any information about the white wolf, why do you say the white wolf with empty gloves? I didn't want to cover the white wolf!"

In the Star Beast Guide, there is no information about the white wolf at all!

Ye Huang: "...The point is not this! The point is, you want to marry, or you want to marry! You always know what marriage and marriage mean, right?!"

Wuming said seriously: "Let Xiaoba choose first, as long as it is happy!"

Ye Huang: "..."

Is this dog food running out? !

"Xiaoba chooses to marry!"

Ye Huang immediately said, "Really, Little Eight?!"

As he spoke, he gathered spiritual energy in the palm of his hand and gave Xiao Ba a very attentive massage.

Xiao Ba comfortably blew a bunch of bubbles, looked at Ye Huang happily and licked her little nose!

"Look! Little Eight is very happy!"

Ye Huang said very cunningly, "It's settled, Wuming, remember, if you want to marry my little eighth, I won't agree if the dowry is less!"

Xiaoba married Wuming, Wuming is her wife's mecha, and going around, Xiaoba is still equivalent to returning to her...

You can also earn a large betrothal gift for nothing!


Ye Huang raised his eyebrows, very proud.

Wuming said calmly: "I need a list of dowry gifts, please give me a list!"

Ye Huang was overjoyed, and immediately typed a long list of requirements with his light brain. After typing, he looked at the list of nearly dozens of pages, sighed with satisfaction, and then sent it to Wuming.

Since it took a little longer to place the order, Wuming deliberately paused for a while at the transition point.

After Wuming accepted it, he didn't say anything and kept a cold silence.

Next is the interstellar jump!

After reaching Jin K star, Ye Huang jumped out of the mecha and saw Yu Fengbai and others.

Not only Yu Fengbai, Qi Han, and Suo Huange were there, but even Luo Tianhe was there. Seeing Ye Huang, Luo Tianhe's eyes showed obvious heat.

"Hi guys!"

Ye Huang said hello, and his eyes quickly fell on her wife, "Lao Yu?"

Yu Fengbai's eyes jumped obviously.

It wasn't too exaggerated in the video, but when Ye Huang walked in front of him, he felt the obvious change after Ye Huang "founded the foundation"!

Ye Huang did not wear goggles, and his appearance was not covered. At a glance, it could be seen that Ye Huang's skin seemed to have reached an extremely perfect state.

The beauty is beyond his imagination, but the skin is not the most obvious, the most surprising thing is Ye Huang's eyes!

A pair of phoenix eyes are already full of brilliance, but at this time, there is an extra depth.

He couldn't even describe the feeling accurately, the only thing that was certain was that the first time he saw these eyes, he thought of the beauty of the plume galaxy KLT's space perspective...

It is the beauty of millions of dark purple bright young stars converging together in an intricate, magical and wonderful spiral, impenetrable and infinitely tempting!

This pair of eyes, even if there is no emotional flow at all, once they meet, they will be caught off guard and fall into it, and it will be irreversible!

Yu Fengbai rarely lost his temper.


Ye Huang looked at Yu Fengbai, who seemed a little lost, and reached out and shook his hand in front of Yu Fengbai, "What's the matter?!"

She didn't expect Yu Fengbai to look at her in a daze. After all, it's not like Yu Fengbai didn't see her after the foundation was established...

Just why does this person seem a little abnormal when I meet him? !


At this moment, Suo Huange called out, "Ye Huang, don't move, don't move!"

Ye Huang gave him a sideways glance: "What are you doing?"


Suo Huange called out again, "It's over, I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

Ye Huang has changed so much!

The big charm makes him unbearable! This beauty... to be exact, this temperament... is deadly!

He felt that he was going to be poisoned by Ye Huang again!

Ye Huang was about to say something when he saw a few people walking out from another tent inside an energy hood not far away. When he saw the leader clearly, Ye Huang was stunned: "Third Master?!"

Why is the third master of the ghost gate here?

"meet again!"

The third master's expression has obvious emotion, "Ye Huang, congratulations on your great increase in strength!"

No need to try, with their mental power, just by feeling the aura on Ye Huang's body, you can know that Ye Huang's strength is not what it used to be!

How long has it been? !

The third master sighed with a bit of shock in his eyes.

This terrifying speed of strength improvement... Is this the real situation of interstellar existence? ! How on earth did Ye Huang do it!


Ye Huang glanced at the third master suspiciously, and then looked at Yu Fengbai, Qi Han and others around him, a little inexplicable.

Isn't Ghost Gate a Star Thief Organization?

Why did the third master and his subordinates sway back and forth carelessly in front of Yu Fengbai and the others? Why didn't you get caught? !

"You... have you cleaned up?"

Ye Huang tentatively said, "Are you surrendering? Abandon the darkness and surrender?!"

Third Master: "...That's it!"

Actually not, how could he give up the ghost gate he worked so hard to manage? Moreover, the ghost gate under his control has always been black and black, and has never looted the supplies of the official fleet...

How could he be left to the authorities' disposal? !

It's just that the situation is special right now, and he wants to cooperate with the official to finish this matter, so that he can take the opportunity to establish a good relationship with his own nephew!

Thinking like this, the third master explained the matter in a few words.

"Uncle? Are you the uncle of the lock?"

Ye Huang said in shock, "Lock, why do you have so many uncles?!"

"Shut up!"

Suo Huange said angrily.

The third master smiled slightly, shrugged at Ye Huang, and made a helpless expression.

At this time, Yu Fengbai coughed twice, then stretched out his hand and threw a bottle of water to Ye Huang: "Let's rest for a while, then we have a short meeting! Dry your throat—drink some water!"

After he finished speaking, he took out a bottle of water himself, and as soon as he unscrewed the cap, he took a few mouthfuls.

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