Some of them tried to put their palms on the foreheads of their companions, but were slapped away by the companions with disgust.

What the **** is this Mr. Ye doing!

Did their third master have a fever? !

Half an hour later, Ye Huang withdrew his palm, looked at the third master and said, "This is my strength - but you have been ill for too long. If you want to be completely cured, you have to take it slow!"

The third master slowly opened his eyes.

"Third Master?" His subordinates shouted with concern, "How is it?"

"What about the conditions?"

The third master ignored his subordinates, looked directly at Ye Huang, and asked very calmly but firmly.


Ye Huang thought for a while and said, "Do you have a warehouse at Ghost Gate? Exchange your supplies!"

"No, it belongs to the ghost door, not me alone!"

The third master refused without hesitation.

"Third Master!" Third Master's subordinates became anxious, "We want to—"

"No need to say more!" The third master waved his hand and frowned.

At this time, an energy storm swept through, and even inside the energy hood, a gust of wind could still be felt, and the third master's cloak was blowing fiercely, making him look thinner and taller.

"Don't be so rigid,"

Ye Huang patted the third master on the shoulder, "I didn't say all, half?"

Seeing the third master frown, Ye Huang sighed and said, "A quarter? Can't be any less - tell me, can we make a deal?!"


This time, without waiting for the third master to speak, his subordinates almost roared in unison, the sound was deafening, as if afraid that Ye Huang would go back on his words.

"make a deal!"

Ye Huang snapped his fingers, "It's settled, a gentleman can't chase after a horse! Come on, pull the hook and hang yourself or something!"

The third master looked at Ye Huang's fingers in confusion.


Ye Huang simply slapped the back of the third master's hand, "Forget it, old handsome guy, that's it!"

Seeing that Ye Huang had successfully established a "deal" with this third master, Yu Fengbai and Luo Tianhe looked at each other quickly. Now that the third master eliminates the hostility, it is in the best interest of the cooperation between the two parties.

If it wasn't for Ye Huang, these three masters would never be so happy.

The third master was stabilized here, and Yu Fengbai and the others had no worries. The two sides immediately acted together and went straight to the floating cloud island.

While running all the way, Ye Huang couldn't help being shocked by the vastness of the interstellar space again.

Venus K Star is really not a planet suitable for human survival. Although this planet is large, most of the areas are oceans, and there are several sequence oceans.

Ye Huang looked at the ninth-sequence ocean where Guangfukong Yundao was located, and couldn't help but be stunned - this is bigger than the six Pacific Oceans!

Moreover, the energy of these oceans is also extremely unstable!

Looking down from the sky, there are countless large or small eddies on the surface of the ocean, which look extremely terrifying. From time to time, amazing water columns will burst into the sky.

These water columns, some curved and some straight, will have a fierce confrontation with the energy of the clouds in the air. Sometimes they will suddenly burst into a white fog in the flames, and sometimes they will suddenly condense into icicles and plunge into the sea—

Kind of weird, breathtaking.

Ye Huang only felt that this was a spectacle that she could hardly dream of in her dreams.

However, the sea water of this ninth sequence ocean is the same color as the sea she is familiar with, it is a dark blue ocean.

Fortunately, everyone's mechas are super-power mechas, with extremely high levels and extremely strong energy. These energy storms are not a big problem for mechas of their level.

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