"What does Rancho look like?"

Suo Huange asked curiously.

Luo Tianhe said: "It should be the kind that women like, or is it handsome?"

"Should? You can't tell if he is handsome?"

Suo Huange wondered, "Haven't you seen Rancho?"


Luo Tianhe paused and said, "I don't know how to judge whether a man is handsome or not. Some women say that he is handsome, which seems to be different from what I think is handsome."


Suo Huange was very surprised, "Do you think I'm handsome?"

Luo Tianhe glanced at him and said, "Tell me the truth?"

Suo Huange nodded immediately.

"I don't think so." Luo Tianhe shook his head seriously.

"What about the poisonous snake?"

Suo Huange said unwillingly, "It's Yu Fengbai!"

"Very handsome," Luo Tianhe said, "In the battle of Humo Xinghe, Commander Yu Da is very handsome!"

Suo Huange: "..."

"What about Ye Huang?" Suo Huange couldn't help but ask again.

After Ye Huang established the foundation, even he was absent-minded for a short time, it was no longer handsome, it was an indescribable beauty.

"He's handsome,"

Luo Tianhe said, "Ye Huang has a magical handsomeness in some theories!"

Suo Huange understood that the handsome in Luo Tianhe's eyes was the strength that he could recognize.

"As for Rancho,"

Luo Tianhe didn't understand why Suo Huange asked a series of unrelated questions, and he quickly returned to the previous topic, "If you ask him what he looks like, I have a photo of the three of us here."

Suo Huange hurriedly came over to take a look.

In fact, the three scorching suns were famous back then, and they were hyped up in the media, but then Su Entropy joined the mecha team, Rancho disappeared, Luo Tianhe was poisoned and coma...

After the initial shock, the state media deliberately suppressed the topic of the Three Suns.

After all, the three scorching suns were once the glory of the interstellar, and they were also idol-level characters. The two of them ended up like this, which naturally made the media who touted them before feel slapped in the face.

Later, Su Entropy became the commander-in-chief. At this time, the media did not dare to make trouble, and the relevant things on the mainnet were filtered out.

Rancho's personality seems to be rather creepy. When he was still there, he didn't cooperate with the media very much. At this time, what ordinary people can find is usually the photos of Rancho in some competitions.

It is almost impossible to find Rancho wearing casual clothes, very high-definition life photos, it is difficult to really see this person's temperament and appearance.

"This is it,"

Luo Tianhe clicked out and said, "This is Rancho's birthday that year. Su Shuo, I, and he took the photo together in Lan's garden."

"Is this Rancho?"

Suo Huange's eyes lit up, "Sure enough, he is very handsome! But this one looks like he... looks like a bitch?!"

"What do you mean by mother?"

Luo Tianhe was puzzled.

"It's what Ye Huang said, it's a bit like a woman,"

Suo Huange stared at the photo and said, "The action is also good mother!"

Rancho is no taller than Luo Tianhe and Su Entropy, but there is a kind of femininity between his eyebrows and eyes. In the photo, Rancho falls on Luo Tianhe's waist with one hand and a wine glass in the other, smiling at Luo Tianhe and Su Entropy.

At first glance, it looks like a normal behavior among friends, but in this photo, Rancho is looking at Bi Luo Tianhe and Su Shuo wanting a mother!

"Like a woman?"

Luo Tianhe glanced at Suo Huange suspiciously, his eyes swept over the makeup on Suo Huange's face quickly, and his eyes became more confused.

Obviously this Suo Huange is more like a woman! Where does Rancho look like a woman?

"It's very feminine, don't think that you won't be a mother without makeup!"

Suo Huange immediately understood Luo Tianhe's doubts and hummed, "Look at your standing posture!"

Luo Tianhe was puzzled: "What's wrong with your standing posture?"

"And Rancho seems to be only looking at you, right?"

Suo Huan sang, "Looking at his relationship with you, it's closer than his relationship with Su Shuai!"

"Rancho just doesn't match up with Su Entropy,"

Luo Tianhe said, "But the strength is not inferior to Su Entropy, and even better than that!"

Suo Huange snorted, no matter what Luo Tianhe said, the final focus would be on strength. This person's obsession with combat power is really crazier than Qi Han.

But then again, Rancho and the Ice Ghost really have nothing in common, so we must look for them, they must have one nose and two eyes!

"Mr. Luo,"

Qi Han, who had been listening to their conversation but didn't speak, suddenly said, "If it is Rancho who cooperates with the Zerg, what do you think?"

"If it is him, he must be to improve his strength,"

Luo Tianhe frowned and said, "His original purpose must not be to be an enemy of humans!"

He only believed in this one reason. Apart from this one reason, he couldn't imagine why Rancho would cooperate with the Zerg!

This time, he applied to Su Entropy to participate in this operation, and he also wanted to track down the traces of Rancho. Once he could find Rancho, he would try his best to persuade Rancho to return to the human camp and try his best to persuade him to give up those dangers. Tentative!

Qi Han nodded worriedly, but he didn't think so in his heart.

Rancho, it must not be so simple to be able to achieve the step of "Lan Huang". Luo Tianhe has been in a coma for decades, but Rancho has been developing secretly.

Today's Rancho, I'm afraid it is no longer the Rancho that Luo Tianhe is familiar with!

"Anyway, I want to see him once,"

Luo Tianhe said solemnly, "It's an enemy or a friend, you can distinguish yourself!"


At this moment, while there was a violent vibration in the cabin, there was a loud sound like an explosion.

"what happened!"

Suo Huange rushed to the porthole, "What happened!"

"No. 1 Flaming Mountain eruption, sub-K wave,"

Report on the detection system of black ice, "Earth property."

Three large flaming mountains are marked No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 on the interstellar high-definition map. The impact this time was a small eruption from the No. 1 Standard Fire Mountain.

"Qi Han!"

At this moment, Suo Huange suddenly lit up and blurted out a cry.


Qi Han said almost at the same time as Suo Huange, "I feel it too!"

This time, the feeling is clearer, indicating that this time the aura energy should be stronger. This kind of breath made him feel very comfortable, and it didn't flash by like last time, but it seemed to exist forever...

"Lock your head, Qi Han!"

At this moment, Ye Huang's voice came from the exclusive communication channel of Yuanneng Mecha, "Do you remember the way I taught you about absorbing qi into the body? Give it a try, remember, don't be in a hurry, don't force it, don't force it. Don't make a mistake! Otherwise, it's more than worth the loss!"

Introducing air into the body is not an ordinary thing. If something goes wrong, the meridians that have been forged and tempered will be useless!

She taught Suo Huange and Qi Han their first step, even if they were to draw Qi into the body. In fact, this time it was not called breathing into the body. The first step was to experience the shallow interaction between the spiritual energy and the body by absorbing it. It's not really deep breathing into the meridians!

But even so, if something goes wrong at the beginning, it will damage the spiritual power, that is, the ability of the consciousness to perceive the spiritual energy.

It is rare that the spiritual energy here is suddenly rich, and it is very important to have the opportunity to make them feel, so Ye Huang warned and warned.

Suo Huange and Qi Han looked at each other and immediately responded with excitement.

Luo Tianhe glanced at the two with a bit of envy, but this was not the time to ask for advice greedily. The two of them closed their eyes, and he must be on guard for emergencies.

"Don't worry,"

Here, Ye Huang told Qi Han and Suo Huange through the communication channel, then looked at Yu Fengbai and said, "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry! No, it should be said that a good meal is not afraid of being late-don't worry if you can't feel the spiritual energy for a while. !"

Yu Fengbai raised an eyebrow.

Before he could speak, Xiao Ba hurriedly twisted on the nameless mechanical arm from the side.

"Little Eight?"

Ye Huang waved.

As soon as Wuming let go of Xiaoba, Xiaoba immediately rushed in front of Ye Huang. After blowing a bunch of bubbles at Ye Huang, he raised his head and looked at the porthole. The two little claws were eagerly grabbing back and forth. Grab the floor.


Ye Huang's eyes flashed, and he picked up Xiaoba and brought it to the porthole.

Xiao Ba's eyes lit up with excitement, and he stretched out his little claws and pointed in one direction!

"What happened to it?" Yu Fengbai wondered.

Ye Huang touched Xiao Ba's head: "It should have found something good - the thing it likes is probably related to the energy of memory metal."

Seeing how excited Xiao Ba is, this energy should be very pure, and ordinary memory metal energy will not evoke such a big reaction as Xiao Ba.

"Alien fire beast?"

Yu Fengbai's eyes jumped, "Could it be that Xiaoba is really a beast of fire?"

But I have never seen the strange fire pattern on Xiao Ba's body. But isn't the sensitivity to memory metal one of the characteristics of the alien fire beast? !

If Xiao Ba is a different fire beast, it explains why Xiao Ba likes Wuming.

After all, there are a lot of high-purity memory metals in the material of Yuan Energy Mecha! If it weren't for the fact that the Yuanneng mecha was huge enough, I'm afraid Xiaoba would want to eat Wuming, right? !

Thinking like this, Yu Fengbai glanced at Wuming's exposed nerve band over there. In this way, isn't his mecha too stupid? !

Did Xiaoba like it? That is to want to eat it!

Since he and Wuming directly entered the spiritual link as soon as they entered the floating cloud island, Wuming immediately noticed Yu Fengbai's consciousness information about it.

"Not so,"

Wuming opened his mouth and said, "This has nothing to do with whether Xiaoba is a different fire beast, or whether Xiaoba wants to eat me. I like it, that's all."

"Aren't you afraid of being eaten by it?" Yu Fengbai clicked his tongue.

"I'm strong enough." Wuming said quietly.

Yu Fengbai felt a little sour in his teeth for some reason, and with a click, he directly cut off the spiritual link with Wuming.

At this moment, there was another violent riot of energy outside.


Ye Huang, who had been staring out of the porthole, exclaimed, "Look at—"

Just in the area of ​​Huobang Mountain in the distance, following the eruption of the No. 1 Standard Huobang Mountain just now, a black smoke filled the air, and the smoke and dust like a volcanic cloud dispersed like an avalanche.

But at this moment, the No. 1 sign exploded over the mountain, and above the smoke, there seemed to be a sudden burst of fire, and a mirage-like thing appeared faintly in the fire.

But it was too fast, only a few seconds before she even figured out what it was, and a hurricane blew the flames away again.

"Andromeda Ruins!"

At this moment, Luo Tianhe's voice came from the communication channel, "Feng Bai, that image looks like a corner of the ruins of Andromeda! Did you see it?!"

"I see!"

Yu Fengbai turned on Wuming's surveillance system and called up the video that Wuming had shot. After checking the situation during this time period, he frowned at the screen and said, "You're right, this really looks like a corner of the ruins of Andromeda!"

"What Andromeda Ruins?"

Ye Huang also watched the video, which was exactly the same as what she saw just now, so she could watch it slowly, but she couldn't see anything, only that it looked like a building that had failed miserably.

Moreover, it was a mirage-like phantom that passed by in a flash!

"Perhaps a special light refraction?"

Ye Huang looked at Yu Fengbai, "What is the reflection of the ruins of Andromeda you said? You also call this a mirage—"

Generally speaking, she is an extraterrestrial visitor, and she is not ignorant of scientific theory. After all, apart from the descendants of Xuanmen, she is also a good young man in country Z!

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