"Crescent moon?!"

Yu Fengbai squinted.

"Luo Tianhe gave it," Ye Huang finally found a step for him to own a crescent moon, "I promised to teach him something, and he gave me this!"

After the last auction, it was the Luo family who sent her the "experimenter" back to Lan Mangxing. It was no secret that she had friendship with the Luo family.

The only thing she didn't say was that she prepared Jiumang Yaojing to awaken Luo Tianhe.

Yu Fengbai smiled and didn't ask any further questions. He was not surprised that the crescent moon was in Ye Huang's hands.

"Boom boom - boom -"

In the sound of loud noises, Ye Huang has quickly calculated several positions, and quickly circled them on the nameless light screen map.

"Go here, any one will do,"

Ye Huang said, "These are several life gates that are rushing out of the star wheel array - more than one, as long as we are in any one of them, when the eruption occurs, we can withstand and not be swallowed by this huge energy!"

Yu Fengbai said: "Nameless!"

Following Yu Fengbai's order, Wuming quickly positioned himself in the powerful energy storm outside, and quickly moved to the nearest coordinate point.

"There is no view here,"

Looking at the data from Wuming, and glanced at the pitch black outside the porthole of the mecha, Yu Fengbai said solemnly, "There is a slight deviation in the four sensors of Wuming!"

It can make a deviation of the sensor of a Yuan energy mecha, even if it is only a slight deviation, it can already prove how terrifying the energy fluctuations in the outside environment at this time.

It can be concluded that if there is no super mecha, in this environment, it is absolutely impossible to successfully move to the established coordinates.

If the ice ghost is to perform this task, then her mecha energy must surpass Suo Huange's biological mecha ghost girl.

"As expected of a Yuan energy mecha!"

Ye Huang patted the mecha bulkhead in admiration, "Wuming is awesome!"

Wuming said solemnly: "Xiao Ba is also great!"

It sounded a little gloomy.

For a while, it can only maintain the size of an ear button and follow the owner's side, unable to properly protect Xiaoba to his side, and can only watch Xiaoba shrink in Ye Huang's arms.

"Little eight it—"

At this time, Yu Fengbai felt the depression of his mecha, and his eyes fell on Ye Huang's chest, and he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, revealing a hint of doubt.

Xiao Ba is very fat. It stands to reason that when Ye Huang puts it on his chest, it will be like a big ball, but Ye Huang's chest... seems to be only slightly bulging.

"Xiao Ba, show them one!"

Since he was waiting for the big eruption time, Ye Huang felt that it would take a while, so he was also interested, patted his chest and said, "Come out!"

Xiao Ba stuck out a head from the neckline of Ye Huang's protective suit, followed closely, Ye Huang didn't open the neckline deliberately, and Xiao Ba's chubby little body seemed to "flow" out from the inside ...

It quickly ran out, and it was another chubby hairball.

Ye Huang took out a small water bottle. The mouth of the water bottle was very small. She had used this bottle to contain honey before. This bottle of honey is used up, and when you open the bottle, you can still smell a touch of sweet honey.

"Little Eight!"

Ye Huang rushed to Xiao Ba and shook the bottle.

Xiao Ba was right in front of Yu Fengbai, and after the little head "shrinked" quickly, the whole body was really like a liquid this time, and it "flowed" into it quickly!

The bottle was obviously small, but Xiao Ba was able to "flow" into it.

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