The Almighty Goddess of Interstellar Rebirth Has Fallen

Chapter 1167: beams of light falling from the sky

Outside the porthole of the mecha, it was originally pitch black, but at this time it was red.

The entire universe seemed to be in flames.

Even the nameless mecha bulkhead seemed to be faintly revealing a red-hot color, and the temperature in the cabin also soared for a while.

Ye Huang frowned, this feeling is really bad, more uncomfortable than the interstellar jump, and the strong centrifugal force made her feel a little suppressed.

Yu Fengbai stretched out his hand, Ye Huang grabbed it with his backhand, and the two immediately held each other.


Feeling Ye Huang's gesture, Yu Feng said whitely, "Get ready!"

"Six, five, four, three—"

Ye Huang felt the changes in the energy of the formation, and after sensing the critical point, he immediately said loudly, "Two, one!"

As her voice fell, Wuming instantly transformed into the shape of an ear button and landed firmly on the owner's ear.


At the moment of the nameless transformation, without the protection of the defense energy of the Primordial Energy Mecha, the powerful energy vortex outside would almost tear people apart in an instant.

The hot breath almost burned people.

Even if Ye Huang and Yu Fengbai are extremely talented, they have no vision at this time, even if they know that the other party is right in front of them, they can't see it at all!

The only thing I can feel is the palms of the two clasped together.

Ye Huang had photographed two runes on her and Yu Fengbai's wrists. Under the strong impact, the two were not washed away.

The aura of chaos was like a tornado, but it also contained a super strong spiritual energy. Ye Huang was surprised and immediately slapped another rune on the wooden sword tied behind him.

The wooden sword made a sharp whistling sound in the energy storm, and the seven stars on the sword flickered faintly in this chaotic atmosphere, forming a special streamer.

At this moment, a strong beam of light seemed to fall from the sky.

Yu Fengbai raised his eyes in shock and was facing the dazzling beam of light. The beam of light seemed to have a strange suction force, forming a seemingly slow-rotating large swirl of light.

"The gate!"

Ye Huang was extremely happy.

Being able to see the formation gate means that her calculated position is correct, and she will be sucked into the passage leading to the secret realm of ruins.

At the same time, a powerful space energy fluctuation struck.

Ye Huang instantly felt that he couldn't breathe, but felt that his entire body was compressed into a slender, infinitely slender trace in an instant, and he was suddenly sucked into the slowly rotating light whirl.

Before she could even say a word, she lost consciousness.


"Boom bang bang-"

I don't know how long it took, Ye Huang was in a daze, as if he heard a heavy footstep, and with the sound of bang bang, he only felt that his body trembled.

The vague consciousness immediately woke up, and the whole person's consciousness returned to its place instantly.

At the same time, Ye Huang was shocked: both hands were empty, and the hand that was holding Yu Fengbai was also empty...

She opened her eyes in shock.


When Ye Huang opened his eyes, he was facing a huge snake head. On the snake head, two red triangular eyes were staring at her.

Seeing Ye Huang suddenly open his eyes, the snake was obviously taken aback, the snake body twisted and retracted suddenly, then turned around suddenly, spit out a long snake letter, made a terrible hissing sound, and emitted A foul smell came out.

Ye Huang's figure froze slightly.

She is not afraid of snakes, but when she opened her eyes, she was a giant snake, which caught her off guard.

"Boom bang bang-"

At this moment, there was another burst of hurried footsteps, and several giant star beasts that could not be seen bounced past.

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