Earth puppet!

Not a real star beast!

The appearance of these star beasts looks like the alien fire sword rhinoceros on the Interstellar Pokédex, but if you look closely, they are not real star beasts!

It is a "carved" star beast made of a power stone with a strong earth attribute. It runs like a real alien fire sword rhino at first glance, but it is not a living thing!

This kind of thing is called earth puppet in the ancient books of their Xuanmen Ye family.

The reason why it is called an earth puppet is because the earth attribute is in the middle of the five elements, and it is easiest to complement other attributes.

I heard that there is a thing called Yitusha, which is even rarer than Yihuo. With this kind of Yitusha, you can use some methods to make earth puppets.

But this kind of alien earth evil belongs to the category of evil spirits, which is different from the aura energy of alien fire.

She can subdue the strange fire because her cultivation relies on aura. Conquering the strange fire will be even more powerful for her.

But the different soil evil will not work!

No matter how rare it is, for her, she can't take advantage of it. She is greedy, but Xuanmen's cultivation method, one line is one line, there is no spiritual practice to cultivate evil spirits...

That belongs to the evil way of the side door, for her cultivation, it is useless to say, once she has the alien evil, she will lose all her previous achievements and even suffer backlash!

No, no, the most important question is, who made these puppets? !

Could it be that in the ruins of Andromeda, there is a person who owns the Alien Earthsha and uses it to create so many earth puppets? !

Ye Huang's mind turned sharply in shock. Too many thoughts went through his mind in an instant, but he made a decision in the blink of an eye...


Keep running!

The soil puppet is no worse than the real high-level star beast! There's no need, she's holding this baby, she really doesn't want to be **** these things!


Ye Huang fled like a meteor, and the huge earth puppets were chasing after them. The huge earth attribute energy wave almost flattened a hillside here.

Ye Huang didn't want to think too much, and quickly rushed deeper into the mountains with the baby in his arms.

Yu Fengbai and Wuming are over there, she must go to meet her wife first!

More than a dozen huge earth puppets were chasing after them. Since the ruins of Andromeda itself had a very strong earth attribute, with this bonus, these earth puppets were as fast as a hurricane.

The speed of Ye Huang after he established the foundation was only a little faster than this "hurricane" because of the distraction he had to use to protect the baby with aura. It was a thrilling escape.


At this moment, a cry of a star beast suddenly came from the sky.

A black layer of clouds quickly descended from the sky in front of Ye Huang's left.

"I go!"

Ye Huang scolded, this time it was a real star beast. She didn't recognize this star beast. At first glance, it looked a bit like a fire pterosaur, but its tail swayed like a long snake. horrible……

Ice attribute!

Qi Han was also instantly suppressed.

Ye Huang rolled on the spot with the baby in his arms, dodging the dive attack of a star beast.


Where she rolled over, a thick layer of ice formed instantly, and the ice layer was sharp and sharp, shining like an ice blade!

Ye Huang was extremely annoyed.

This is really a wolf before and a tiger, but she still has such a small baby!

No wonder that crazy Rancho said that this child will die in this Andromeda ruin sooner or later... If this is the case, if it continues, once the attack of the star beasts of this level is uninterrupted...

She really can't guarantee that the baby will be safe and sound!

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