
At this moment, there was another sound over the canyon.

Ye Huang looked up suddenly, and saw a black shadow darting past the forest above the canyon.

"Did you see it? Did you see it?"

Ye Huang hurriedly said, "What do you look like? Do you look like a person?!"

Her eyesight is very good, and it is even more amazing after the foundation is established. When she looks at the past, even if there is a fog over the mountains and forests, she can't escape her eyes.

However, the figure was too fast, and it was a back figure, so it was not very real, but Ye Huang could see that it was really a person, or at least a star beast that was very close to a human shape!

"Maybe a monkey or something?"

Ye Huang hurriedly said again, "Did you see clearly?!"

"You mean the golden-clawed monkey?"

Yu Fengbai shook his head, "No, looking at the body proportions, it should be one person!"

"Who will it be?"

Ye Huang alerted, "Ice ghost?"

The alien shape of the ice ghost is very similar to that of Si Yunqing at the beginning. Once the energy supply is enough, it is very likely that it will return to the humanoid form.

But Yuan Xihua was extremely weak before, no matter what she said, it was impossible for her to recover so quickly!


Before Yu Fengbai could speak, there was another sound over the canyon, and another figure flashed past at almost the same location.

Obviously, Ye Huang is not the same person as the previous one. Ye Huang can even tell that the back one is a little squatter than the previous one!

"Two people?!"

Ye Huang immediately added another rune to protect the little baby in his arms.

The situation is a bit unexpected. Apart from the ice ghost, Lan Huang also sent a team to enter the ruins of Andromeda? !

But having said that, Lan Huang clearly knows the tricks of this formation. As long as the aptitude of the people sent is close to S-level, it is not impossible to pass through the space energy channel alive...

Thinking of this, Ye Huang pondered the two figures that moved past, and couldn't help frowning.

"what have you found?"

Yu Fengbai said, "Do you think their figures are a bit strange?!"

When a person with strong aptitude jumps vertically in the mountains and forests, the speed will indeed be as fast as the two figures just now.

However, during the vertical jump, it will not be in that shape.


Ye Huang nodded and said, "Why do you feel like a zombie-"

I feel like I'm jumping up straight...

Weird anyway.


Yu Fengbai didn't seem to have heard of this saying, "Withered corpse?"

"That's pretty much what it means,"

Ye Huang said, "Maybe they used some kind of equipment?"

Yu Fengbai glanced around, looked at the sky and said, "Ignore them for now - let's continue our search and see if Wuming can find the coordinates of the star map of the ruins of Andromeda."

This Andromeda ruin is connected to the Venus K star through space energy. It is not illusory, but actually exists somewhere in this interstellar space.

If it is in the territory of the federal galaxy, Wuming may contact the main network.

But Yu Fengbai said so, and is not optimistic about this...

The place where the Andromeda ruins are located should be a cosmic coordinate location far away from the federal galaxy, otherwise, Wuming would not consume energy so fast.

He has a spiritual connection with Wuming, and has already noticed that Wuming's energy at this time has consumed nearly 20%!

This made him very surprised. The only explanation was that when he entered the ruins of Andromeda from the Venus K star, the space energy interference experienced was too strong, causing the nameless defense system to consume a lot of energy.

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