Bring it back and plant it, even if it has nothing to do with the quality of the milk, it can also act as a stabilizer in the refining of some special medicinal pills.


Yu Fengbai gave an order, and Wuming, who turned into a long knife, immediately turned into a small instrument like a small collector.

In less than a few minutes, all the grass seeds that could be found here were collected.

"Nameless is awesome!"

Ye Huang said with sincere admiration, "Next time when the grass seeds in my house are mature, you will also help me—"


It is a Yuan energy mecha, not a harvester!

And killing so many star beasts without praising it, how to collect a little grass seed to exaggerate it... inexplicably a bit embarrassed!

Wuming kept silent and did not respond to Ye Huang's words.

Even though the milk of this female beast is not so strong, Ye Huang still squeezed a lot and stored it in her storage space.

Not sure how long to stay in the ruins of Andromeda, having milk to drink is very important to this little baby!

"Okay, you can go!"

After Ye Huang had finished milking, he untied the chains of the female beast, patted its head and said, "Let's go!"

She has plenty of food in her storage space, and this female beast is nothing worthy of her coveted value, so she clapped her hands generously and let go of the two Saiga beasts.

"The spring water here looks very clear!"

After letting go of the two Saiga beasts, Ye Huang looked at the clear water, and was about to pick up the baby in Yu Fengbai's arms to see if the baby was urinating, "If the blanket is dirty, it's okay—huh?!"

As she spoke, she glanced forward along the stream, but stopped before she finished speaking.

what did she see? !

Ye Huang even suspected that he was dazzled, and after rubbing his eyes quickly, he looked at Yu Fengbai suddenly: "Wife?"

"I saw it too!"

Yu Fengbai also looked at the direction in which the stream stretched forward, and said quietly, "Don't move, I'll go over and take a look!"

"and many more!"

Ye Huang grabbed him.

Not far ahead, there were some abnormalities in the stream.

It's not a normal anomaly, but a strange light distortion. Similar to the superimposed image of two streams, there is a blurred superposition of light and shadow.

"Space energy?"

Ye Huang looked at Yu Fengbai.

"The fluctuation of space energy was detected," Wuming also reported at this time, "B-level space energy, secondary source HT-2 fluctuation."

Speaking, Wuming said again, "Xiao Ba wants to come out, he is very excited."

"Let it out,"

Ye Huang said, "You are responsible for looking after it!"

Wuming quickly released Xiaoba.


Xiao Ba's eyes were bright when he got the chance to let out the air, and he shook the hair on his body as soon as he came out. After opening his mouth wide open, he blew a bunch of bubbles at Ye Huang happily.


Ye Huang pointed at the bubbles Xiao Ba blew, "Look at the light—"

The refraction of light on the bubble is also very different from usual.

Yu Fengbai tapped her wrist, and a beam of light shot out from the edge of her light brain in front of the stream.


Ye Huang said in surprise, "Bend!"

After the beam of light hit there, the light also appeared strangely superimposed and twisted. Obviously, this space energy is very strange.

Ye Huang can guarantee that when she was milking just now, that piece of space energy never appeared, otherwise, with her current super perception, she would never be able to sense any fluctuations.


At this moment, something suddenly popped out from the chaotic space energy ahead, and it rushed in front of Ye Huang and Yu Fengbai in the blink of an eye.

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