"Believe me that much?"

Ye Huang smiled.

"In front of me,"

Yu Fengbai hooked her lips, her eyes darkened, "You can do whatever you want!"


Ye Huang blinked, "Any? You mean I can do whatever I want?"

Yu Fengbai instantly understood what Ye Huang wanted to say, and immediately added with a blank expression: "Everything on the bed depends on your ability!"

He can recognize a man, but he absolutely cannot recognize what he wants.

Ye Huang was not to be outdone: "Are you sure, it's up to you?"

Her ability is not weak, especially since she has already established the foundation, and she will become stronger and stronger... If it is really a contest, even if it is based on ability, it will not be her who loses, right? !

Yu Fengbai: "..."

Inexplicably tired!

At the same time, a long-lost urge to meet an opponent also arose, Yu Fengbai stared at Ye Huang with a slight smile, and his eyes instantly heated up.

Only this person in front of him can ignite his desire to conquer.


Fortunately, Ye Huang quickly turned back to the main topic and did not continue to struggle with the topic. She shoved the baby back to Yu Fengbai and said, "You hold it, I will do some preparatory work first."

"How to do?"

Yu Fengbai also cut back to the topic, suppressing the urge in his heart, and took the little baby and said, "Do you need my help?"

"You help me stare,"

Ye Huang said, "I have to spend a lot of mental energy, and I will be more immersed. When establishing a good connection, there should be no interference from the outside world for the time being."

While saying that she had also taken out a piece of golden bamboo from the storage space, this was the batch of bamboo that she had brought back from the restricted area of ​​the Mecha Academy and planted in the Ye family's old house.

The old house of the Ye family is rich in spiritual energy, and the longer this batch of bamboos, the better.

This kind of bamboo is nourished by spiritual energy, some of its characteristics are purer, and it can be used in many things. She has already saved a few sections in her storage space.

If it weren't for the fact that the storage space was too much and the space was limited, she would even want to pack dozens of them!

Ye Huang chose a very thin section, cut it sharply with a sharp blade, and quickly cut it into a simple bamboo flute.

Immediately afterwards, she used the crescent moon to quickly engrave a complex rune on the flute. She used the knife very slowly, and was extremely attentive, completely in a state of ecstasy.

At this time, Ye Huang could no longer see, hear, or feel everything around him! At this time, the five senses were almost completely blocked and restrained by herself, and all the spirits were condensed on the rune in her hand.


One of the two people locked by Wuming was particularly burly, Sapphire was taken away by Wuming and fed to Xiaoba, and the person who was rescued by Ye Huang, after recovering from the initial shock, suddenly roared like crazy. stand up.

Yu Fengbai bumped with an elbow.

I don't know how he used the force, but there was almost no sound. The man was suddenly hit by him, and he fainted instantly.

The other "sapphire" surviving person looked at his companion in a bit of horror, but under Yu Fengbai's cold eyes, he just didn't dare to make a soft sound.

About an hour later, Ye Huang's bamboo flute had finished engraving the runes. Looking at the complicated runes on the bamboo flute, she breathed a sigh of relief.

The rune was too complicated, but luckily she didn't make a mistake.


Ye Huang looked at the bamboo flute, but without looking at Yu Fengbai, he said directly, "Find the one with the best mental power among them, and give me a few of his hair!"

Holding the baby, Yu Fengbai glanced at the three and nodded.

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