Living with her, everyone is lively and lively together...

Anyway, after the Ye family's old house has been expanded several times, the site is astonishingly large!

Siman was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered what Ye Huang had said before, the relationship between this Suo Huange and this bastard...

She glanced at the third master coldly and didn't speak again.

The third master's face was very calm, but he couldn't help coughing one after another.


After the double-headed eagle that was taken off the airship landed on the ground, it screamed in awe.

It can detect that the energy fluctuations here are much smaller than the environment it was in before, which means that there are generally no high-level star beasts to threaten it.

It should be the boss here!

The double-headed eagle and the two heads looked at each other, and the more he looked around, the more proud his little eyes became, and there was a bit of obvious disobedience in his eyes.

It's just for the food, just follow!


Before Ye Huang entered the house, Anan and Mu Hong, who had already received Ye Huang's communication and knew that she was coming back, immediately rushed out of the yard and greeted them with cheers.

Before Ye Huang could say hello to the children, he heard the sound of "buzz--", and a large group of little green hats almost covered the sky and rushed over, happily flying back and forth around Ye Huang. Ye Huang was covered in a green cloud.

Not to mention that the third master and Siman were extremely shocked, even Qi Han, Suo Huange and others all jumped in their eyes.

These alien green queen bees reproduce very quickly!

The most important thing is that these alien green queen bees that have been bred will have a natural recognition behavior towards Ye Huang.

This is so scary!

"Enough is enough!"

Ye Huang felt that there was something wrong with his ears, so he waved his hand quickly, "Play while you play—"

This group of little green hats were obviously organized and disciplined, and their actions were neat and tidy. As Ye Huang's words fell, the group of green clouds immediately changed their shape and quickly flew into the air.



Without waiting for Ye Huang to take a breath, the ice flame lion jumped directly out of the courtyard wall, the huge body directly smashed a pit on the ground, and a wave of ice-attribute energy instantly hit.

Before it could get close to Ye Huang, a stream of flames descended from the sky, and the Fire Winged Dragon screamed and spread out its huge wings and flew straight down towards Ye Huang.

Between the wings and the fan, the fluctuation of the ice attribute of the ice flame lion was instantly offset a lot.

Everyone's hair was wrapped in the energy wind that they rolled, and the wind was blowing in a mess, and they couldn't help but be extremely surprised and speechless.

This is a properly powerful Ye family team!

The poor two-headed eagle was frightened.

He was trembling on the side, and his two claws were almost stacked together, so frightened that both heads could not wait to hide in the wings...

Fire pterosaur!

Alien green queen bee!

Ice flame lion!

"Don't be afraid!"

Ye Huang flicked the blown bangs, looked at the trembling sand sculpture and couldn't help laughing, "It's okay, you are here to set fire to me, not to fight with them - you are also officially organized, I will not Let them bully you!"

The double-headed eagle followed behind Ye Huang, the arrogance in his small eyes all vanished, and he compared well.

"Boss, why did you come back!"

Anan finally found a chance to speak. After greeting everyone in a hurry, he hurriedly said, "Why did it take so long this time?!"

It took a lot longer to leave than the last time I participated in the mecha competition! Still can't get in touch! It made her and her father worry to death.

"A lot of things!"

Ye Huang said succinctly, "Quick—"

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