The Almighty Goddess of Interstellar Rebirth Has Fallen

Chapter 1306: What does it have to do with Qi Han?

The most important thing is that he only met his sister in the previous paragraph, and her sister was still hot at that time...

How come in a blink of an eye, his sister's belly is so big? !

Siman ignored him, came over and sat down first, picked up one of the plate of dim sum that Mu Miao brought over, shoved it into his mouth first, and devoured one piece.

She really felt starved to death.

The fetus in the womb seemed to be grabbing her energy with all her might, and when she was a little hungry, she was so flustered that her hands trembled when she picked up the snack.

The reason why she went back to the hall so quickly was because when she went back to the room to take a bath, she was suddenly hungry. After taking a bath, she immediately rushed back to the hall to eat snacks.

She was not surprised to see her brother here, but for a while, she didn't know how to explain her current situation to her brother...

Unexpectedly, I have a big belly!

"What's the matter? What's the matter with you, what are you talking about!"

Seeing that Siman only cared about eating and didn't speak, Si Yunting couldn't hold back his anger.

"What to say,"

Siman ate another snack in a row, and then he felt a little flustered. He picked up the water glass and drank a lot of air, and said, "Can't you see it with your eyes?"

"Is it poisoning? I remember who was poisoned by the high-level golden thread snake last time, isn't that the case?" Si Yunting hurriedly asked.

"Can I still sit here if I'm poisoned?"

Siman said coldly, "Is there something wrong with your brain—ah!"

Before she finished speaking, she let out a soft cry, because she felt a sudden movement in her stomach, like something kicked her stomach suddenly...

Siman clutched his stomach and felt a little dazed.

Si Yunting was stunned.

Did he see it wrong? ! Since he was standing beside his sister, it seemed that his sister's stomach suddenly... moved? !

"No way?!"

Si Yunting's jaw dropped in shock, "No way!"

"That's it, that's what you see,"

Siman was embarrassed and annoyed, "Congratulations, you are now an uncle!"

Si Yunting: "..."

Why does his sister have a child in her stomach? !

"Qi Han!"

After Si Yunting was stunned for a moment, he turned around and grabbed Qi Han's collar again, roaring, "How dare you?!"

No wonder Qi Han spoke in a secretive way just now... Dare to feel that Qi Han actually enlarged his sister's belly!

How could his sister be with them? Did Qi Han secretly send a message to his sister and called her over——

I can't see it, this **** Qi Han is hiding deep!

Qi Han was startled for no reason at first, then he understood what Si Yunting meant, blushed immediately, and punched Si Yunting away with a punch: "Nonsense!"

Where is this all!

"what are you doing?"

Siman frowned, "What does it have to do with Qi Han?"

After speaking, I couldn't help but pick up a small snack and continue to stuff it into my mouth, feeling that I couldn't eat enough, and the more I ate, the more hungry I became.

When he thought of what Ye Huang said, the hot pot was prepared for everyone at night, Siman suddenly felt more and more hungry, and didn't even want to say a word.

"Who is that man?"

Si Yunting felt confused, "No, when did you get pregnant? It's been a few months? Why don't I know!"

He was in a hurry and didn't know whether to find out the man who committed the crime first, or whether he should wonder why Siman's stomach suddenly grew bigger.

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