The Almighty Goddess of Interstellar Rebirth Has Fallen

Chapter 1309: The spoon fell to the ground with a clatter

"What do you want to do!"

Qi Han narrowed his eyes and said, "Speak clearly!"

"I beg you—"

Suo Huange suddenly said softly, "Is this okay?"

Qi Han was stunned for a moment.

Suo Huange has never spoken to him like this, and every time he speaks, Suo Huange's attitude seems to be very rude... Suddenly, he is very uncomfortable.


Suo Huan sang again.

Si Man sitting in the seat next to him had a snack in his mouth, and he forgot about his own affairs, staring at the two of them curiously and suspiciously.

Qi Han paused, then frowned and stretched out his arm at Suo Huange.

Suo Huange lowered his head and quickly drew a tube of blood from his arm. After carefully marking it, he put it back into the energy box.

"What are you doing?" Si Yunting said displeasedly, "Did you draw Qi Han's blood casually?!"

Now he sees that the third master and Suo Huange, both uncles and nephews, are very unpleasant!


Qi Han said lightly, "I'll just see what he plans to do!"

Si Yunting was suddenly speechless.

Ye Huang's eyes flashed. She and Yu Fengbai looked at each other. In fact, she had already guessed what Suo Huange was going to do...

It must be related to Yuan Xihua's child.

What does Suo Huange want to detect?

If you want to ask for proof, is it Yuan Xihua and his children, why do you still have to draw Qi Han's blood?

Isn't it Suo Huange's? It's Qi Han and Yuan Xihua's... It shouldn't be, that kid's eyebrows look a bit like a joke!

Ye Huang was at a loss for a while.

But she didn't ask more. After Suo Huange detected a result, she tried to inquire again... Now when Suo Huange was emotional, he probably wouldn't say anything when asked.

Suo Huange ran out after drawing blood.

Even if everyone was going to eat hot pot in the hall for a while, even the newly-baked uncle forgot to take him to see his sister.

The third master was suddenly left by Suo Huange, standing in the hall, under Si Yunting's fire-breathing sight, he could only try his best to reduce his sense of existence...

This is really not his place!

Knowing that everyone was hungry, Anan and Dad quickly prepared the hot pot in the courtyard, and as soon as the aroma spread, everyone who had been climbing all the way so hard couldn't sit still.

The third master never thought that the so-called hot pot of Ye Huang's family was so delicious!

With such a hot pot, he would never change the most high-end nutritional supplements in Interstellar!

In shock, the third master ate softly and ruthlessly, obviously not fast, but the meat slices in front of him disappeared.

Si Yunting glanced at the third master angrily: not only is he a sick child, but also a little star thief who has never seen the world, and he has never even eaten hot pot!

It seems that their ghost door must be bankrupt!

Siman ate a lot. She was really hungry, and she really felt that she couldn't get enough to eat. She obviously felt that her stomach was a little full, but she still felt that the feeling of hunger and panic was still lingering...

"Sister Siman, drink some of this soup!"

At this time, Ananduan gave Siman a pot of soup and said, "This is what Ye Huang asked me to stew for you, to replenish your body!"


Siman was very grateful and a little embarrassed, "Thank you."

Speaking, smelling the aroma of the soup, I couldn't help taking a big mouthful, but soon I couldn't stop, and even the meat in the soup was completely eaten.

Feeling full, Siman felt warm on his body, and couldn't help but stretched his waist secretly.

At this moment, she suddenly stopped.

It felt like something was pouring out of my body... The spoon in Siman's hand fell to the ground with a clatter.

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