Qi Han nodded deeply and said: "Before I met Ye Huang, I always felt that I knew a lot about this world, but Ye Huang, opened the door to a new world for us!"

Speaking, he couldn't help but sigh, "Unfortunately, the master who never had the chance to meet Ye Huang... must be a magical interstellar traveler prophet!"

Yu Fengbai's eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't speak.

At this moment, the smart housekeeper over there was beautiful, and accompanied Suo Xiaoyu in a wheelchair, and rushed over here.

After waiting here, Suo Xiaoyu actually stood up directly from the wheelchair, and with the help of the beautiful, carefully walked over.

After seeing Yu Fengbai and Qi Han, Suo Xiaoyu greeted them with a slight smile and politely greeted them. Just as they were about to continue walking, they tripped over their skirt and fell to one side.


Qi Han moved very fast and supported Suo Xiaoyu.


Suo Xiaoyu quickly thanked him and said, "I'm not quite stable on my walk."

In fact, you can walk slowly and steadily in ordinary casual clothes. However, her body has not fully recovered, especially her thinness.

The legs are even more thin, and wearing trousers will make her look extra weak, so she deliberately changed to a long skirt...

Because her brother didn't say anything when he came back, he also told her a shocking news that she and her brother had another uncle!

In shock, she almost couldn't wait to meet her, but her brother talked about this uncle and Instructor Simansi...

Knowing that the matter between them was not over yet, she didn't rush over to see this uncle as soon as possible.

I just heard the youngest Mu Miao say that Siman is going to have a baby...

She couldn't take it anymore!

Siman's child, isn't it her uncle's child... that's her cousin or cousin!

Thinking of this, after Suo Xiaoyu thanked Qi Han, he couldn't help but want to walk to the door surrounded by Mu Hong and the others.

Before he could move, Suo Xiaoyu suddenly stopped, turned his head, and met a person's surprised and happy gaze and the person's red eyes.

Suo Xiaoyu thought of something, looking at this thin man, his eyes suddenly turned red.


The third master came slowly, his eyes never taking his eyes off Suo Xiaoyu, "You...you look a lot like my mother, that is, your grandmother."

"my brother……"

Suo Xiaoyu's lips trembled a little, and he looked around subconsciously.

Her brother warned her that without his permission, she was not allowed to recognize this uncle casually!

It seems that her brother doesn't want to recognize any uncle. The two Shen family don't recognize it or say it. Even this uncle, her brother is also a little bit repulsive.

She has to listen to her brother, otherwise she is afraid that her brother will be angry.

"Your brother seems to have something to go out,"

How shrewd is the third master, he can see Suo Xiaoyu's scruples at a glance, thinking of Suo Huange's attitude towards him, he can't help but smile bitterly, "No hurry..."

He is hitting walls everywhere!

The relatives didn't recognize it well, this is again...

"Wow wow..."

At this time, there were a few more cries of the baby, and the third master turned his face suddenly to look at the door, and immediately put one hand on his chest to forcefully suppress the excitement in his heart, took a deep breath, and was so nervous that he could hardly stand still.

He fears……

He was afraid that Siman would kill this child without pity! He wants to see this kid!

"The door is open!"

At this moment, Suo Xiaoyu exclaimed in surprise, "The door is open!"

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