The Almighty Goddess of Interstellar Rebirth Has Fallen

Chapter 810: Why am I so thick-skinned?

Her vegetable field orchard or something, the supply is limited right now, and it takes time to prepare meat. Again, take it step by step.

I had discussed preparations with Brother Jin and the others. I felt that the preparations were sufficient, but I didn't expect that it would be sold out...

Ye Huang thought about it for a while, and suddenly felt very unconscionable, if it wasn't for the strong effect caused by Yu Fengbai's coming, maybe the ingredients at night would not have been sold out directly...

Cough cough!

No way, her wife is too charming.

"Instructor Ye,"

At this time, Siman was slammed by the foreign instructors and had no choice but to come over and try to communicate with Ye Huang, "Look, the instructors from all over the world who participated in the show, it is not easy to come to Lanmangxing, they will return tomorrow at the latest. Back to their respective bases-"

Ye Huang raised an eyebrow.

Siman coughed twice and continued, "Look, can you sell them a little bit of this kind of base material at night... By the way, I heard that your snack shop also has a daily limit - can you also give it to them? They each set aside a little? Well, the price is easy to talk about, the price is easy to talk about!"

Hearing Siman say this, the instructors nodded desperately.

Mo Ling also stared at Ye Huang with a nervous expression. Before Ye Huang could speak, he suggested, "If it's not enough, we can compete fairly. We can also have a friendly match at night, the winner will be served first!"


An old instructor whose reputation was not much smaller than Mo Ling immediately slapped Mo Ling, "Instructor Mo, why are you so thick-skinned!"

Without the participation of Emperor S and this instructor Ye, who would be Mo Ling's opponent among the foreign instructors?

With Mo Ling's words, it's almost time to grab Ye Huang's stuff! They tried every means to bring these foods home to show off, how could they let this demon rob them? !

"Fair competition, how can I be thick-skinned?" Mo Ling's face was black, obviously fair, if you want to grab it, it's up to your ability!

"alright, alright!"

Ye Huang was also embarrassed to see Siman. Seeing the anxious expressions of the instructors, she waved her hands and said in a low voice, "Go back and wait, and send someone to come to my house early tomorrow morning to pick it up—be quiet, if others hear it, it will be gone! "

She said, looking at Brother Jin and the others.

Brother Jin and the others saw the boss looking over and nodded immediately, indicating that it would not be a problem to make these people overnight.

The instructors were overjoyed immediately, and then they left the hot pot restaurant satisfied after eating and drinking.

After this meal time was over, everyone was tired and turned their backs on their horses when Xiao stopped.

Ye Huang had something to do. Dad knew that Ye Huang was busy, so he asked Ye Huang to take a step forward. He and Anan brought Brother Jin and the others together in the store to continue packing.


Ye Huang saw that Anan's face was a little wrong, and called her over and said, "What's the matter, you're not feeling well?"

Anan patted his head and said, "I don't know what's going on. Maybe I was too excited last night and didn't sleep well. I had a migraine headache."

"Go back with me first,"

Ye Huang immediately said, "After you go home, take a rest first."

Father and Brother Jin also persuaded Anan to go home with Suo Huange and the others.

Ye Huang sent Shen Jin and others away, and then turned to Nan Ren.


Seeing no one around, Nan Ren looked at Ye Huang with great anticipation.

"Take you to my house to play,"

Ye Huang told him, "When someone asks, just say you want to come to my house to see the phoenix, understand?"

Facing her own apprentice, Ye Huang felt a little guilty. This time, she planned to bring Nan Ren home, let him see the medicinal herb she cultivated, and teach him something new by the way.

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