
Seeing that Anan was only wearing a bathrobe, and it was also casually wrapped around her waist, which showed more places, Ye Huang immediately rushed over and pulled her clothes together, "Why don't you change your clothes and come out!"

Suo Huange has not left here yet!


Anan glanced at Ye Huang blankly, a little puzzled in his eyes, looked at Suo Huange and smiled, "Sister Ye Huan is fine here!"

They are all women, so what are you afraid of!

"no no,"

Suo Huange came over and dragged Ye Huang and walked out, while walking, he rushed to Anan, "Why don't you change your clothes and come out!"

Anan was complained by two people in a row, and he was a little dazed for a while. Then he remembered that Ye Huang was wearing men's clothes, and he couldn't help laughing.

With this smile, she felt a lot better. Maybe it was because she slept and had a nightmare and vented a bit. At this time, her headache was also much better.

"You and Anan should also pay attention!"

As soon as he went out, Suo Huange said to Ye Huang, "Even if you like men, you can't harm Anan casually, right? Anan will have to find a boyfriend in the future!"

"Take care of yourself!"

Ye Huang kicked him angrily.

Soon, Anan changed her clothes and came out. Ye Huang saw that her face was okay and her emotions had stabilized, so she was slightly relieved.

"When you rest again, I will help you sleep with runes,"

Ye Huang said, "You won't have nightmares anymore."

Today, Anan was stimulated to the point where a stress response began to appear in her mind, and some memories that she forcibly forgotten by herself began to slowly emerge.

She has to control this process a little, otherwise Anan's brain will be stimulated too much, which will easily wear down the meridians, which will affect the development of her mental power in the future.

"I'm fine,"

Anan felt much better, "I'm not sleepy now, I'll go to Mu Hong and the others, go and do your work—Is that Master Nan still around?"

She knew that Master Nan had a quirky temper and was very famous and had a high status. For fear that Ye Huang would neglect the master, she urged Ye Huang to hurry over.

Suo Huange stuck to Ye Huang like a dog skin plaster, and followed Ye Huang into the underground mixing room. He was really energetic and didn't know what to do, so he simply followed Ye Huang.

"Ye Huang,"

Suo Huange grabbed Ye Huang's arm and whispered to Ye Huang as he walked, "Can you correct Master Nan's aesthetics?"


When Nan Ren saw Ye Huang coming back, he hurriedly said, "Look - um... who is this?"

"Night Huan,"

Ye Huang introduced Nan Ren very casually, looked at the petri dish and asked, "Apprentice Hua, are you still looking at the medicinal plants?"

Seeing Ye Huang in front of Ye Huan, Nan Ren didn't hide his relationship with Ye Huang's master and apprentice, he was very moved and said, "This is... Shi Niang?"

The master brought him to meet the mistress, isn't the time to bring him to see the master soon? ! Nan Ren's little eyes were very excited.

Suo Huange stumbled suddenly, almost stepping on her skirt and tripping herself over.

"Well, my little wife,"

Ye Huang said with a big smile, "It's all my own, my own!"

"Little Mistress?"

Nanren called out tentatively.

The little wife is called Xiao Shi Niang, right? !

Suo Huange rolled her eyes, and Aojiao hummed. Forget it, the little sister should be the little sister. To be called a little sister by this Master Nan, he really did not lose his seniority.

Nan Ren was overjoyed, and called out to the little teacher several times in a row, until Suo Huange was about to explode.

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