
Ye Huang subconsciously immediately lowered his head and turned to the side, but his face looked at Yu Fengbai with a light smile: "What are you looking at?"

"I'm thinking,"

Yu Fengbai said quietly, "Are you sure the direction the Fire Wing Dragon is pulling the cart is correct?"

His mental power perception, even in a storm, can't go wrong, during which the fire pterosaur cub flew on a rampage...

After deviating back and forth several times, in fact, it deviates from the direction designated by Ye Huang by 30 degrees to the southeast.

However, this is not what he thought just now, his eyes just fell on Ye Huang's chest... Could it be that Ye Huang is really a woman? !

Although this discovery was in his previous speculation, but...

Still shocked!

However, he kept his head down, and responded calmly and naturally when Ye Huang asked, and he didn't startle the snake at all.

After the question, he pretended to withdraw his gaze casually, and lowered his eyelids to hide the bright light in his eyes.


If Ye Huang is really a woman... why does she keep pretending to be a man?

Glancing at Ye Huan over there, Yu Fengbai's eyes flashed coldly again. That man was obviously a real man, but he dressed up as an enchanting woman all day long!

Thinking that his consciousness had landed on a phoenix... Yu Fengbai even wondered for a moment whether Ye Huang and Ye Huan had switched consciousnesses!

But he quickly discarded this unreliable guess, whether in terms of Ye Huang's strength or Ye Huang's character, words and deeds...

There is no such possibility!

It's not that he hasn't checked Ye Huang's life experience. Not only has he checked it, he believes that Shen Jin and others will also check it secretly.

Previously, there was a Ye family in the main city, and it was said that the one who married the Lu family was the eldest Miss Ye family. The eldest lady of the Ye family was also called Ye Huang.

Moreover, the old man was also an old servant who was driven out of the Ye family. It was reasonable for the eldest lady of the Ye family to follow the old man.

But the aptitude of that young lady of the Ye family is E-level!

The rumored waste grade is not as good as even the lowest ordinary person. After being expelled from the family, without the use of advanced nutrients and repairing agents, this E-level qualification will soon become inhuman under the interstellar radiation. Ghost or not, if you can't survive it, it will be a death!

Ye Huang had said in front of everyone that he and the eldest Ye family were also good friends and had received the favor of the eldest Ye family. Because of the same name, he felt a connection. After the death of the eldest Miss Ye, he stayed with the old lady. Beside Dad, together with Anan, take care of Dad and the adopted homeless children.

Thinking of this, Yu Fengbai's eyes flashed again.

He believed that Shen Jin, Si Man and others must have suspected that Ye Huang was the eldest miss of the Ye family, but once he understood Ye Huang's strength, he would not regard her as the same person as the eldest miss of the Ye family.

After all, a person's aptitude, even if he has the highest level of potion, cannot suddenly rise from E-level to a super-S-level aptitude in such a short period of time!

Not only the physique, but also the mental power of Ye Huang's control of the mecha...

That must have reached the level of S-level mental power or higher!

Because of this, they almost all accepted Ye Huang's explanation of his own life experience. He was a person who was brought up and raised by an interstellar wanderer. For various reasons, the mysterious wanderer stayed in Lanmangxing. !

Otherwise, how could Ye Huang's grasp of ancient culture be explained? !

How to explain the aptitude against the sky? !

How to explain that kind of unruly and fearless temperament? !

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