
Yu Feng's white eyes were dark and she raised her eyebrows.

"OK is OK,"

Ye Huang was a little mad in his heart, and decided to say, "However, in the face of beauty, I'm afraid I can't hold it... Now it's important to do business, it is important to do business!"

After he finished speaking, he rushed in and closed the door with his backhand.

It was half closed, but Yu Fengbai held it back with his hands, but it didn't close.

"Wife, don't be in such a hurry..."

Ye Huang was also half-attached, preventing Yu Feng from entering in vain, and said bitterly, "I'm doing it for your own good, really, we've come to Japan for a long time, it's not a short while, ha-"

Suo Huange looked at this side suspiciously, a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes, he touched his chin, and the expression of eating melon appeared in his eyes:

Something is wrong, Ye Huang would refuse to bathe with Yu Fengbai? !

With Ye Huang's brazenness, he actually refused such an opportunity to bathe with his sweetheart? !

If he changed his words, if his sweetheart invited him to take a bath together, he would definitely be charming and take that person's hand and go in together in a dark bath to communicate...

Ye Huang, what kind of wind is this blowing!

Suo Huange thought it was very interesting.

"What's wrong?"

At this moment, Si Yunting strode over. Seeing that the three of them hadn't even entered the bathroom, he couldn't help but wonder, "Is something wrong?"



Yu Fengbai retracted his hand as if nothing had happened, "I just pointed them to their respective bathrooms—"

He said again, "Ye Huan uses that room, Ye Huang, you use this room, I'll go over there, remember, hurry up, and business!"

After speaking, he turned and walked to the other side.

Ye Huang was stunned for a moment, only to feel that Yu Fengbai should just be a test, he could not help secretly relieved, and turned a little doubt.

Although it's cool to say that the wife is taking the initiative, but such a big wife... She won't be able to swallow it for a while.

But without thinking about it, she was eager to take a bath, and then rearrange the runes on her chest.

Suo Huange saw the loneliness, and quickly entered his bathroom with a lack of interest.

Si Yunting raised his eyebrows in confusion and touched his chin. He seemed to hear Ye Huang calling their boss "wife" just now?

Their boss is not angry, and he seems to have acquiesced...

Si Yunting was a little shocked. Didn't their boss say that the bottom line couldn't be let down? !

Even killing him is hard to believe, their boss can bend to this point!


At this moment, there was a commotion over there, and along with the fierce cry of the star beast milk, I saw a fire-winged dragon rushing over.

Firewing dragon followed by several mecha warriors, all of them looked very exciting, excited and reluctantly chasing after them.

"Ow... uh!"

As soon as the Fire Winged Dragon saw Ye Huang, it immediately rushed towards Ye Huang's side, slammed its head into Ye Huang's arms and screamed, obviously wanting to sue!

"What are you doing?"

Ye Huang was protecting his little brat, and looked at the mecha warriors dissatisfiedly, "Did you bully it?"


Several mecha warriors hurriedly said, explaining with a black line on their faces.

How dare they bully this little ancestor? !

To be honest, when Ye Huang brought this fire-winged dragon onto the battleship, the soldiers of the entire battleship were shocked!

Who doesn't know, this is the cub of the Nine Star Fire Pterosaur!

There has never been a precedent for being a human pet!

Ye Huang was able to catch and tame a fire pterosaur cub... This is simply a miracle, who wouldn't want to see this miracle more!

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