Su Entropy looked cold and wanted to say something. He inadvertently glanced at Si Yunting and others, and found that Si Yunting, Qi Han and others seemed to swallow a mouthful of saliva in silence!

"That, cough cough!"

Si Yunting noticed Su Shuai's gaze, and was so frightened that he quickly swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Who knew he was a little flustered, so he choked, and immediately coughed violently.

Su Shuo couldn't bear to look directly, he was surprised...

Is Ye Huang's hot pot really that delicious? !

He had heard about it before, especially during the last Evolution Festival, Ye Huangjia Hotpot Restaurant opened, and the nutrient incident was added...

At that time, the taste of Ye Huang's hot pot was passed down by word of mouth in the main urban area of ​​Lanmangxing, and it all reached his ears!

In fact, he was disdainful in his heart. He ate it in one bite. What kind of nutritional supplements has he not eaten before?

Is Ye Huang's hot pot really that delicious?

It's not that his subordinate Emperor S personally went to support Ye Huang, and he had the face of Emperor S, especially Yu Fengbai's face...

Which one in the main city to eat, dare to say that Yehuang's hot pot tastes bad? !


Suo Huange, who has been acting as a transparent person over there, couldn't hold back. He couldn't keep calm when he heard Ye Huang talking about eating, "Is it better than our current hot pot?"

look forward to!

As soon as Suo Huange spoke, Qi Han immediately looked over coldly.

Aware of Qi Han's gaze, Suo Huange immediately became alert, very calmly pretended to be pulling his long hair, and quietly took off the ear button on one side...

That was the equipment that Qi Han had funded before.

But he lied to Qi Han, and he also planned to use these equipment... It was inevitable that he was a little guilty, for fear that Qi Han would immediately ask him for it when he remembered it.

Qi Leng looked at Suo Huange coldly. Naturally, Suo Huange's little secret movements could not hide his eyesight. After watching Suo Huange hide, he squinted.

"You have mecha?"

Staring at Suo Huange, Qi Leng said coldly, "Really?"


Yu Fengbai knew about this, and there was nothing he could hide. Suo Huange admitted it quickly, and immediately made a condition, "I also made a contribution to this incident, you should give my mecha the Lan Mang star. Access key!"

Since it was on the bright side, he was not polite.

He had been hiding and keeping Gui Niu in the countryside, and he was also distressed. Once he had the access key, Gui Niu would be able to follow him openly!

Qi Leng snorted.

However, Suo Huange's identity has been revealed before. It is not surprising to have a mecha in such a family background.

"and many more,"

When Si Yunting saw Suo Huange, he suddenly remembered something, and suddenly stood up again and said, "That's not right!"

"What's wrong?"

Qi Han wondered.

Si Yunting looked at Su Shuo, then at Yu Fengbai and Qi Han, and said again in doubt, "Before, Ye Yu was 'sick' due to the erosion of the Zerg venom, why is Ye Huan always fine? If you say Ye Huan and Ye Yu The mother of the two sisters is also a split body cultivated by the Zerg... Then why was this gene passed down to Ye Huan when it was passed down?"

Since the two sisters are full sisters, there is no reason why Ye Huan is so strong, and Ye Yu is so weak.

"Because the Zerg chooses the mother's breeding target, they will only choose women,"

Yu Fengbai said lightly, "That's why only Ye Yu was affected."

Si Yunting said inexplicably, "Ye Huan is also a woman!"

"Yehuan is a man,"

Yu Fengbai's tone was a little cold, "A man with a strange dress! He likes to dress up as a woman all the time!"

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