The Almighty Goddess of Interstellar Rebirth Has Fallen

Chapter 959: The scent that hits the soul

"Try it!"

Ye Huang said, stretched out his hand and picked up a piece of crab leg, the short blade in his hand slashed a cold light, and instantly split into two halves, revealing the fresh crab meat inside.

She threw the two halves of the crab legs on the grill, and the red flames burned under the grill, but strangely, the fire seemed to soften all of a sudden.


The flame seemed to have some reaction with the energy in the crab's legs. Amidst the rustling sound, the crimson flame mist began to emit light blue fire flashes.

Ye Huang picked up a little seasoning and sprinkled the crab meat casually...


As a breeze-like energy wave blew past, a peculiar fragrance wafted from the crab legs in an instant.


Suo Huange was extremely excited, "Ye Huang, the seafood barbecue tastes better than the last time!"

"Last time?"

Yu Fengbai looked at Ye Huang and raised his eyebrows.

"He's stupidly misremembered,"

Ye Huang said without changing his face, "Last time it was obviously coyote meat!"

As he said that, while turning over the crab legs, he gave Suo Huange a vicious and threatening look from an angle that no one else could see.

Suo Huange couldn't care less about protesting and was called stupid, but now that there is delicious food, Ye Huang can't forgive anything he says!

Yu Fengbai hooked his lips, obviously, he was still very happy when Ye Huang said that Suo Huange was stupid.


At this time, the fire pterosaur, who had been hiding far away, smelled this smell, and immediately flew over with a cry and puffed up its wings.

It's just that the wind and thunder attributes on it are too strong, and as soon as it comes over, it produces a series of fluctuations and conflicts with the fire here...

It almost ran over with a string of lightning bolts, crackling like a string of super firecrackers.


Ye Huang hurriedly made a gesture at it to make it restrain a little.

The fire pterosaur cub slowed down aggrievedly, and swayed over, with dissatisfaction in his small eyes.

Ye Huang fed it a piece of crab meat. Because the crab meat was nourished by the energy of the different fire, the fire pterosaur cub swallowed it in one mouthful, and the eyes were so bright that they almost burst into lightning, and the eyes that looked at Ye Huang became more tame and obedient.

As the crab meat cooked quickly, Ye Huang casually sprinkled a layer of her refined chili powder. The chili in the previous seasoning is different, it is very pure chili powder, which is very suitable for spicy and unpleasant. people!

This layer of chili powder was sprinkled on it, and the spicy and attractive taste immediately rose up, like a devil, hitting the soul all at once.


The officers and soldiers of the nearby base couldn't hold back, and after a big sneeze, their faces were full of surprise, their mouths were full of saliva, and they were speechless...

I'm afraid that saliva will flow out of my mouth!

Si Yunting and Qi Han couldn't wait, they occupied a barbecue grill over there, and immediately got busy.

While throwing seafood on the shelf, he shouted and asked Ye Huang for the seasoning.

Ye Huang is very generous. What she brings most every time she goes out is food, as well as ingredients and condiments for cooking!

As she was about to go home, she didn't need to save the seasoning that she brought out this time. With a big wave of her hand, she took out a large box directly from the storage space...

There are bags, bags, and bottles of all kinds of seasonings that she has prepared!

"It's not delicious!"

At this time, Suo Huange couldn't bear it anymore. Holding two "chopsticks" he had cut out of wood, he shoved a piece of crab meat into his mouth, and immediately burst into tears with excitement...

So fragrant!

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