The Almighty Goddess of Interstellar Rebirth Has Fallen

Chapter 961: Sure enough, the people take food as their heaven

"that's not what it means,"

Ye Huang blinked and said, "Look, the officers and soldiers of the base are very boring all day long, right? What they clean up on a daily basis—but they are all seafood like these king crabs!"

"What's the meaning?"

Yu Fengbai's eyes flashed brightly.

"Let's make a fortune with everyone!"

Ye Huang said excitedly, "I plan to build a seafood raw material warehouse on the side of the base - in the future, the seafood that the officers and soldiers clean up every day will be my raw materials!"

With these abundant and continuous fresh seafood, she can have another business in the main city...

Must be hot!

This interstellar space is simply too windy. There is no need to build a breeding farm in the sea with a lot of resources. Every day, such a large amount of seafood rushes directly to the door!

If you don't use it, I'm really sorry for the enthusiasm of these seafood!

"What do you think? Can you?"

Ye Huang urged, "Tell me now!"

"no problem,"

Yu Fengbai smiled, "I can approve it directly."

He has no problem with this right as a big commander, but it is just a matter of letting people report in the mecha system.

When Si Yunting and the others heard it, they were all excited, which meant that even if they didn't come to the base, they could eat this kind of seafood barbecue in the main city!

Soon, the officers of the base also knew about Ye Huang's idea, and they were both excited and unbelievable...

What a good thing that fell from the sky!

The "garbage" that their base handles every day can even earn extra money for the base! This is really lying down and making a fortune!

Most importantly, this established a strong partnership with this consultant Ye...

With this kind of relationship, can there be less food like this in the future? !

For a time, the officers and soldiers of the base were extremely excited, looking at Ye Huang with extremely hot eyes, eagerly wishing to use their eyes to throw Ye Huang high!

Ye Huang touched his chin, and sure enough, people take food as their heaven!

With food, everything can be solved easily!

After finishing this matter, Ye Huang was in a good mood, and he made two large pots neatly, filled two pots of clear water from the base, and put them on the fire, ready to make some soup.

The barbecue was too dry, and there was no other soup, so she definitely wouldn't feel wronged.

"Will this be cooked?"

The chief of the base was also familiar with it at this time, and he was very attentive by Ye Huang's side. He wanted to roll up his sleeves and work for Ye Huang, "What should I do?"

"This is called a clam,"

Ye Huang thought about the seafood raw material warehouse in the future, and decided to finalize these names first, "That kind, you can call it a green clam—"

The base chief immediately wrote it down with his brain.

King crabs, oysters, scallops, clams, clams, green clams... The names of various star beasts are different from their general names.

But everything is based on the name of consultant Ye!

Ye Huang first boiled some clams in a large pot, waited for the shells to open and removed the sediment inside, and then fished them into another pot.

"What is this?" Seeing that Ye Huang took out another small box and poured the powder into the pot, the officer couldn't help but asked curiously.

"You can call spice powder, and your barbecue seasonings,"

Ye Huang smiled and said, "It's all specially made by my family! If you want to use it in your base, I can give you a discount - eating seafood, you have to use this kind of seasoning."

If this kind of seasoning is popularized, it is just selling seasonings...

Another small sum of money!

Just think about it and be happy!

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