"oh oh!"

Anan is not too surprised, after all, Ye Huang is also an instructor of the Mecha Academy and knows so much, but he is puzzled that it was Yu Fengbai who came over in person!

What about her relatives? !

At this time, Brother Jin, who was processing the meat of the star beast in the far corner of the vegetable field, also rushed over and was shocked when he saw the situation here.

Ye Huang instructed everyone to use machinery to tidy up this place, and quickly repair it in the next two days.

At this time, the airship that sent them back, Shangyu Fengbai's personal guards, moved the energy boxes containing the ambergris-like things into the yard one by one.

"Boss, where are these energy boxes?"

Anan asked curiously, "What good things do you pack?"

With Ye Huang's permission, she and a few children opened the box curiously...

I was almost smoked and breathless!

Ye Huang laughed loudly, and then closed the box again and said, "This is a good thing, you don't usually touch this!"

Back in his room, he took a quick bath first, then Ye Huang let out a long sigh of relief.

Fire Wing Dragon's young heart was injured, and she refused to leave her. Ye Huang had no choice but to temporarily compromise and brought Fire Wing Dragon into his room.

Due to the fight, it consumed too much, and when the Fire Wing Dragon arrived in Ye Huang's room, it fell asleep on the ground.

When I fell asleep, I kicked my paws from time to time, obviously I was angry in my dreams!

Ye Huang was amused, touched it, injected a little spiritual energy into it, watched it sleep soundly, and then turned around and went down to the basement.

Wearing pajamas, she went to the mixing room, took out some of the things that she had obtained in this row from the storage space, and put them one by one in her small warehouse.

To be honest, I didn't get too many things in this line, the most important thing is the different fire.

In addition to the different fires, there are also many bleeding beads. This huge pearl is very beautiful, but unfortunately this interstellar is not rare, and no one wants it as a jewelry.

However, in her hands, these water droplets are still of great use. She can deploy some beauty products, and the effect must not be bad.

Interstellar people, especially those with high aptitude, have mostly fair skin.

However, even a person with high aptitude will have a rough skin in the environment where the energy radiation is extremely strong all the year round.

In particular, there will be some light brown spots on the faces of many beautiful girls. Just like the Su Xiu I met at the Nanren Mixing Center, there are also many spots on the face.

Moreover, young people are fine, and many skins are more lustrous, but for the elderly ladies in Interstellar, who take the repair agent all the year round, even if the appearance does not look old, but the skin condition is completely different from that of young people. ...

The last time Si Yunqing celebrated her birthday, most of the ladies she saw had some kind of skin problems.

Heart of beauty in everyone.

Ye Huang believes that even in the interstellar era, beauty products that can really improve the skin condition must be very popular!

In addition to these dripping water beads, it was the thing called the Devil Star by Suo Huange that was taken from the head of the giant monster...

This thing can arouse emotion and desire, Ye Huang took it in his hand and tossed it, and a malicious smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Not bad, she has a secret recipe!

With this devil star, maybe it can be matched with the kind of medicine that shakes the heavens and the gods...cough!

However, the prediction is not complete, so she carefully collected the Devil Star first.

She hadn't prepared anything for several days, and her hands were a little itchy. She took out a few water droplets, mixed with several medicinal materials, and carefully prepared several large tubes of medicinal liquid.

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