During the conversation, due to the high heat of the energy stove, the pot quickly tumbled. Mo Ling used chopsticks to pick up a large piece of chopsticks and put it into his own plate...

In the plate, he had already filled a plate of chili oil.

After soaking it, he devoured it and swallowed it down, his face turned red all of a sudden, but there was obvious excitement in his eyes!


After swallowing a big mouthful, Mo Ling let out a loud cry, and reached out to grab another big chopstick!

The rest of the team members were stunned.

It's not a medicine, it's actually star beast meat! There are also some colorful plants that I don't know what they are!

Moreover, what is Mo Ling holding in his hand?

Two thin sticks...

"That's called chopsticks!"

One of the team members, who knew a little about the culture of the mother star, immediately said, "A tool for eating, more flexible than a knife and fork!"

With that said, this team member was the first to sit next to Mo Ling and picked up the chopsticks.

The movements are a bit unfamiliar, but the aptitudes of the mecha warriors are not bragging. Humans with highly developed spiritual power can learn everything quickly!

Especially when the smell is fragrant and you can't eat it in your mouth, you will learn faster!

The team member quickly mastered the usage, reached in and fished out a large chopsticks of meat in the hot pot, and put it into the plate in front of him.

Without further ado, he lowered his head and took a bite.

After eating it in his mouth, he was stunned.

The rest of the team members who hadn't started eating were all surprised when they looked at him: "What's wrong? What's wrong? Is it poisoned?"


The dazed team member immediately chewed a few times before swallowing it, stretched out his chopsticks and scooped up a whole lot... He would have to finish the pot even if he was poisoned!

At this time, the eyes of the other team members flickered, and everyone understood that it was absolutely delicious!

Immediately, everyone sat down immediately, the movements were really neat, holding chopsticks, and even before they had time to practice the movements, they took the chopsticks and stirred them directly in the hot pot...

Get out a lot of meat and stuff it in your mouth.

A new door to the world has opened!

"Why is your plate red?"

Some team members found that Mo Ling's plate was a piece of red, which was different from what was in their plate.

"That's called chili,"

This was the first time Ye Huang spoke, and he explained slowly, "It's spicy, I'm afraid some people don't like it, so not everyone puts it out - if you want to eat it, it's in a pot over there, whoever eats it will get it!"

On the other side of the hot pot restaurant, there are more mandarin duck pots. There are also at home.

But this time, she didn't make the bottom of the pot too spicy, and didn't make it into a real mandarin duck pot.

Whoever eats spicy will add it himself.

The rest of the team members rushed forward without saying a word, and each dug a large spoon into their own dishes.

After taking a sip, the instant expression was very wonderful.

However, in just a few seconds, the team members who like to eat spicy food immediately felt the stimulation of the spicy taste.

There are two or three team members who may not accept the spicy taste, including that Shui Si. After he tasted it, the exposed skin of his whole body turned red like boiled shrimp!

But even so, he was still a little conflicted.

It's actually quite spicy...

He silently dipped in a little bit of food, and finally tasted like a fairy!

All of a sudden, the team members were very quiet. Everyone opened their mouths to talk, their mouths were stuffed with meat, and their foreheads began to sweat.

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