The Almighty Goddess of Interstellar Rebirth Has Fallen

Chapter 985: What kind of hatred is this?

If he agrees, according to Ye Huang's floating appearance, it is estimated that he will be blackmailed by this topic for the rest of his life!

"What's your business!"

Ye Huang was a little surprised, and said angrily, "If you miss this unparalleled practice of mine, you won't have another chance!"

Originally, if the wife wanted to learn, she would face his wife's face every day, and she would be more energetic in teaching. Who knows, Yu Fengbai refused!

When Ye Huang was still trying to get angry, he suddenly felt that his eyes were dark and his body was heavy, and he saw that Yu Fengbai was already half-pressed on her, and his eyes were staring at her deeply.

"Old... Lao Yu?"

Ye Huang was silent for a while, and called out tentatively, "What's wrong?"

"I can learn too,"

The corners of Yu Fengbai's lips tickled, and almost all of the breath he exhaled during the speech hit Ye Huang's face, "However, I don't go to school at the training ground."

Ye Huang was a little dizzy because of his warm breath and clear taste. Looking at this handsome face that was almost on her face, he wanted to smash it...

Cough cough!


As soon as Ye Huang opened his mouth, he felt that his voice was unstable. He quickly controlled it, and forcibly calmly said, "Then where do you want to learn? On the old house?"

Don't you want to be with those players?

"In bed,"

Yu Fengbai's low voice was slightly hoarse, "You teach me, and I will learn."

Ye Huang: "..."

Sure enough, there is no most shameless, only more shameless!


Ye Huang was about to snort when he suddenly thought of something, and immediately changed his tune, "I can't ask for it!"

Thinking that Yu Fengbai might come here often at night...

If there is nothing to do, this Yu Fengbai might be on the move all the time. What if, if he wants to have **** with her again?

The most important thing is, in case Yu Fengbai knew she was a woman... I don't know whether this boss likes men or women!


Thinking of this, Ye Huang looked at Yu Fengbai and said tentatively, "Lao Yu, have you always liked men?"

Yu Feng's white eyes darkened: "Naturally!"

Seeing Ye Huang's eyes jumping, a playful smile flashed across Yu Feng's white lips.

"Don't you like women?"

Ye Huang struggled in his heart, "What a wonderful woman!"


Yu Fengbai said lightly, "I don't think—"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pinched Ye Huang's earlobe, rubbed it a bit, and then said with a faint smile, "I think men are more energetic!"

Ye Huang's heart sank.

This guy is really crooked!

The wife I finally fancy turned out to be a crooked... Absolutely not reconciled!


Ye Huang gritted his teeth and said, "If I were a woman, you wouldn't like it?"

"I don't like it anymore,"

Yu Fengbai said quietly, "If you were a woman..."

"What's the matter?"

Ye Huang was a little nervous.

"I'll skin you,"

Yu Fengbai said lightly, "Locked in a cage for a lifetime!"


Ye Huang was surprised.

What a grudge!

"No reason," Yu Fengbai smiled, "a woman who dares to dance in front of me, how can she be worthy of her courage bigger than R Nebula if she doesn't peel off her beauty skin!"

Ye Huang: "..."

How to do how to do? !

So I said, when you can't hold back your wife, don't lose your vest!

"Okay, okay, I'm not kidding you, fortunately I'm not a woman - I'm really tired to entertain those players today,"

Ye Huang hurriedly said, "I'm so tired... You're not sleeping yet? I'm going to sleep first!"

"Well, you sleep!"

Yu Fengbai's smile deepened.

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