
Feeling a breath rushing in his arm, Huo couldn't help but let out a soft cry in shock and pain.


But just as Ye Huang let go of him, Huo Yi suddenly exclaimed again.

What does he feel? !

This arm seemed to relax a lot at once, and there was a rare feeling of smooth blood.

"Consultant Ye?"

Huo Yi exclaimed, "What's going on?"

His eyes were almost red with excitement.

These highly qualified mecha warriors know their physical condition best, and a little improvement can be clearly seen!

After the injury that year, he also took advanced nutritional supplements, and found a pharmacist to take medicine to improve...

The effect is there, but has not been satisfied.

And now, he has an unexpected effect.

"This is the body training method,"

Ye Huang stood up and said, "As for the true meaning of attributes, I will guide you little by little in the future training - of course, the premise is whether you want to join my training camp!"

"Yes, yes!"

Without hesitation, Huo Yi said very eagerly, "Consultant Ye, Consultant Ye, I will participate, absolutely!"

"So are we!"

At this time, the other team members who came to watch the whole process immediately spoke in unison.

When he was talking, the eyes he looked at Ye Huang were different!

"Okay, let's get started!"

Ye Huang said, "The time is short, I will only explain the basic theory once a day, and practice will bring true knowledge. Every day, you must ensure the time and efficiency of your practice. If you have any questions, ask at any time, but remember, haste is not enough, exercise your body. , first to forge a state of mind!"

Xuanmen is most afraid of impatience.

If the foundation is not stable, it will not go far. And if the wrong things are deposited too much, it will cause backlash on the body. This is what it means to be overwhelmed.

Moreover, comprehending the true meaning of an attribute actually also includes the meaning of the true meaning of an attribute. Some people think they have understood the true meaning of the Five Elements, but they actually take a detour.

For example, the fire attribute, although it is said that the fire is on the flame, the consumption bursts, but I have taken the horns, thinking that the fire attribute is such an extreme...

That would be wrong.

The five elements generate and restrain each other, and none of them have complete extremes. An extreme understanding is itself a mistake.

Therefore, when comprehending the true meaning of attributes, the real fear is not not being able to comprehend, but comprehending wrong... Then the root of the devil is deep, and it will eventually lead to destruction.

Fortunately, these people selected by Su Entropy are generally tempered, relatively stable, and have strong aptitude.

Ye Huang's voice resounded on the training ground again. It was unhurried and clear, and it fell into everyone's ears along with the morning breeze, and it was carved into the bones.

At this time, the dawn is beginning to appear, and the morning glow is hidden in the sky.

Many years later, the members of the first batch of training camp still clearly remember this morning, a scene that began to rewrite their life and the development of interstellar human beings.

However, at this time, they were a little broken.

I heard every word clearly, and Ye Huang also sent the basic theory to their Guangnao communication group, and I knew every word...

But together, they are dizzy!


Who can save them? !

"It's hard to get started,"

Ye Huang also understood the collapse on their faces, nodded and smiled and said, "As for me, I will explain the main point to you, just like the theory, I will only say it once, and the rest will be experienced by myself - the master leads the door, the practice is personal, understand ?!"

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