The Almighty King of Sports

Chapter 483: Tonight, he eclipses all the superstars

Everyone is the best among rookies, why is the gap so big?

Wang Fei turned his head and glanced at Xie Yi, then smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Alexander, what are your thoughts now?"

Xie Yi pursed his mouth. He gritted his teeth and said, "I won't admit defeat! I will fight you to the end!"

"Very good! I am very courageous with you. Then, let us continue!" Wang Fei said with a smile.

Shay ran near the bottom line again.

Wang Fei followed closely, and separated from him.

Xie Yi turned his head and glanced at Wang Fei, he was very jealous.


This kid is so old to follow, and it's a hassle to receive and serve the ball.

As soon as Xie Yi gritted his teeth, he took the initiative to lean against Wang Fei, and said to his heart, I would simply knock him aside, so that he would have no chance to steal.

Thinking like this, he headed towards Wang Fei sideways.

I rub! Wang Fei hurriedly flashed aside.

He said in his heart, this kid is going to touch porcelain?

Xie Yi tried to hit him twice, but didn't even touch Wang Fei's clothes.

No way, the speed difference between the two is too far.

Shay turned and ran to the edge of the bottom line, reaching out to catch the ball from the serving Temple.

"You go get him! No matter what method you use!" Shay said.

Temple didn't respond, he flew to the court and ran towards Wang Fei who was standing not far away.

Temple knew that if you run too close, because Wang Fei is fast, Wang Fei can pass him by one step. Therefore, Temple stopped more than one meter away from Wang Fei.

Shay started to dribble the ball and initiate a fast break.

Said it is a fast break, at this time, the Rockets players are already in the defensive position.

Wang Fei glanced at Temple, he slammed to the right, and Temple quickly slid across, trying to block Wang Fei's path.

But Wang Fei was just a fake action.

Wang Fei ran in a different direction and rushed from Temple's right.

In this way, Wang Fei came to Xie Yi's front.

Shay took a look, he hurriedly grabbed the ball, and an overhead pass came directly, he wanted to pass the ball to Temple.

Wang Fei had already judged his trend.

He leaped high and caught the ball directly in the air.

When Xie Yi saw that the ball was intercepted by Wang Fei again, he jumped up quickly and wanted to grab it back.


Xie Yi wanted to play, but the slap was on the back of Wang Fei's hand.

Wang Feiren stepped in the air, and he moved a short step in the air abruptly.

Then quickly adjust the pitching posture, opening the hand is a shot.


The ball enters the basket at the sound.


The referee's whistle also sounded.

In the stands, the fans once again cheered.

Wang Fei's interception was at its peak.

What's even better is that after Wang Fei intercepted the ball, he even moved a small step in the air, opened the distance from Shay, and threw the ball in with his super-long airborne ability.

Poor Shay originally wanted to counter-rob, but instead of breaking a rule, he let Wan Fei score a goal.

Called 2+1.

Shay patted his head in annoyance.

"Don't shoot, there is not much brain in the first place, and if you shoot it more, people will be even more stupid." Wang Fei said in a breathless tone.

LeBron James looks at the ball very seriously.

He watched the game almost without blinking.

After seeing Wang Fei's unbelievable action to steal successfully, Shay also caused a foul and made a mid-to-long range shot.

He shook his head and said to his heart, Wang Ke is really omnipotent.

LeBron James himself can't do such a move anyway.

"LeBron, did he walk with this ball?" asked Jenny Buss, who was sitting next to Zhan Huang.

"Huh? What walking?" Zhan Huang was taken aback.

"He took a small step in the air, and then he threw the ball in his hand. Is this a walking violation?" Jeanne Buss asked with blinking big eyes.

Zhan Huang was a little bit dumbfounded.

"This ball, of course, does not count as walking. If he does this while standing on the ground, it must be walking, but he is moving in the air, so it is a good shot!" Zhan Huang said.

"Oh! Then, LeBron, can you make that kind of action?" Jeanne Buss asked.

Zhan Huang blinked.

He smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I can't! Without the super-strength ability to stay in the air, it is impossible to do this action at all.

"Then someone said that when you made a quick break and layup, you were suspected of walking many times. I have paid attention to this many times, but why didn't I see it?" Jenny Buss said.

After Zhan Huang heard this sentence, he was choked.

This is really which pot should not be opened and which pot should be lifted.

The footwork of Zhan Huang's layup has caused heated discussions.

Many people believe that Emperor Zhan often makes the mistake of walking. However, the Alliance protects the superstars and rarely blows Zhanhuang.

In Dillman Filtita's box.

Dillman had already yelled too many times because of the loudness, and his voice was about to fall out.

"Haha! This is the king I am familiar with! He is like a mortal god, he is omnipotent, no one can defend him, and no one can stand his defense. He makes a lot of things every night. The classic goal! If we put all his wonderful goals this season together, we will find that Wang is more shocking than Jordan!" Dillman said with a laugh.

"Yeah! Grandpa, did you find out? Wang has a triple-double now! He has only played for ten minutes, and his statistics are already stunning." Molly said.

"Of course! I know, he has 30 points, 10 blocks and 10 assists. My God! He only got 10 blocks in a short time! Who can beat him?" Dillman exclaimed Said.

Blocking this data, to be honest, is not set for defenders.

Superstars with super ability to block shots, there are many in NBA history, but they are all inside giants!

Like Bradley, the famous big bamboo pole in history, he has 10 times in his career with 10 blocks in a single game!

David Robinson has also won 10 blocks in multiple games.

However, none of the defenders can send ten blocks in a single game!

Wang Fei unconsciously set an amazing record.

"Yes! Grandpa, have you noticed that Wang has a chance to get 5 pairs in tonight's game!" Molly said.

Dillman thought about it, Wang Fei now has 5 rebounds and 3 steals.

According to Wang Fei's stealing ability, it was too easy to get 10 steals.

"It's really possible! I hope he can realize this problem himself! My God! If a guy on my team gets 5 doubles, it will make NBA history. No one in NBA history has ever gotten it. Have you been to 5 pairs?" Dillman said with a smile.

"No! In fact, no one has ever been able to achieve such a terrible level!" Molly said with bright eyes, looking at Wang Fei on the court.

"Haha! That's really something to look forward to." Dillman said.

Wang Fei walked behind the free throw line and he easily made a free throw.

In this way, his data came to 31 points, 10 blocks, 10 assists, 5 rebounds and 3 steals.

No one in history has been able to perform so comprehensively, and no one can get data like Wang Fei.

In the next game, Wang Fei continued to arouse huge applause from the fans with his sharp performance.

When the second quarter was about 7 minutes into the game, Wang Fei's deliberate effort made him 9 rebounds and 7 steals.

At this moment, everyone on the scene realized: Wang Fei is about to usher in 5 pairs of data!

With 1 rebound and 3 steals, Wang Fei will have 5 doubles!

The audience was excited.

"King! Come on!"

"Aha! 5 pairs soon! God! It's incredible! I didn't expect to see the birth of 5 pairs of data once in my lifetime!"

"God! Thank you for sending us the king! I am so excited now, my heart is about to jump out of my mouth!"

"Those little guys of the Rockets, you must help the king! We are about to usher in a new historical moment!"

People shouted excitedly.

"God! Oh! It's so unexpected! Tonight Wang's performance can be described as a miracle! I think he has now eclipsed all the NBA superstars." Jenny Buss exclaimed.

"Yes! It's a miracle! However, I feel that Wang is also deliberately scrubbing the data. It seems that he hopes to create more world-shocking records to attract people's attention!" LeBron James said .

"Well! I also noticed this. He worked hard to get his number of blocked shots to 10, and then he began to work hard to make steals." Jenny Buss said.

"He has reached the state of whatever he wants. In his eyes, no matter what kind of data, as long as he wants it, there will be." LeBron James said.

"The most important point is that he guaranteed the team's victory while brushing the data! Look at the poor Clippers, he has been beaten to a complete lack of temper. However, I am very happy to see the Clippers being abused. We have to thank the Rockets, they punished the Clippers!" Jenny Buss said.

The Clippers and Lakers are in Los Angeles.

But the Lakers are obviously more solid than the Clippers, and the Los Angelesers also prefer the Lakers.

In recent years, the Lakers have fallen to the point where they can't even make the playoffs.

And the Clippers, under the leadership of Rivers, have almost been a regular visitor to the playoffs recently! Even if they sent Griffin away last year and prepared to rebuild, they still rushed into the playoffs.

This makes the Lakers a bit bad.

The Clippers beat the Lakers.

Therefore, it is normal for the Lakers and the Clippers to have a secret fight.

"Haha! Yes! This is tantamount to giving the Lakers a breath of anger!" LeBron James said with a smile.

Halfway through the second quarter, the Clippers only scored 4 points, and the Rockets played a 27:4 climax under the leadership of Wang Fei!

Now, the difference between the two sides has been widened to as much as 44 points.

This difference is simply humiliating.

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