The Almighty King of Sports

Chapter 490: Sinister intention

After reading Facebook, Wang Fei took another look at his Baidu Post.

Not surprisingly, the post bar is very lively.

The focus of everyone's discussion is the hot event that Wang Fei got five pairs tonight.

"Now, if I say that Wang Fei is already the first man in the NBA, is there any point to refute?"

"Five pairs! It's so shocking and so burning. When I saw Wang Fei's 10th steal, really, I was so excited that I wanted to cry."

"Five unique pairs! Our Dafeidi is too powerful, is there anything?"

"Unexpectedly, Wang Fei won 5 doubles in the first game of his comeback. It's no waste that I specifically asked for leave to watch this game!"

Watching these lovely fans vent their happiness there, Wang Fei was also very excited.

In fact, when he got the 5 pairs, Wang Fei didn't have any special feelings in his heart, he just felt relieved.

But now he saw that the Chinese were so happy because of his 5 pairs, he realized that it was indeed a really good thing to get 5 pairs.

Wang Fei smiled and looked at the posts of netizens.

Suddenly, he saw a different post: Your Fei Di is about to sign a 30 million dollar endorsement contract with Toyota. If he really signs this endorsement, will you still like him as always?


Wang Fei scratched his head. Why did this news come out so quickly?

Toyota wants to sign an endorsement agreement with itself, isn't it just proposed? How can anyone think that he has decided to sign a contract with Toyota?

It really hurts.

Wang Fei clicked on this post and looked down.

The main post content is as follows:

"According to the latest news from the United States, Woshen tweeted that Toyota has decided to sign a $150 million super endorsement agreement with Wang Fei."

"The agreement will be signed for 5 years, and each year will cost 30 million U.S. dollars. After the agreement is signed, Wang Fei will become Toyota's global image spokesperson."

"The news that Woshen got is that Wang Fei's team has finally reviewed the terms of the agreement, and it is expected that this endorsement contract will be signed within a week."

"As we all know, Toyota also hoped to reach a super endorsement contract with Yao Ming, but Yao Ming firmly rejected it! Yao Ming once said that he would never endorse any brand in Japan because it is about national justice! And Liu Xiang also He has clearly refused to endorse a Japanese brand! Liu Xiang has signed dozens of brand endorsement contracts in his career, and none of them is a Japanese brand!"

"But now, Wang Fei has decided to cooperate with Toyota. This news is really regrettable."

"What does this mean? It means that although Wang Fei has outstanding basketball talents, he does not have any national integrity. He is suspected of colliding with the enemy!"

"I think that all conscientious Chinese must solemnly declare their departure. We must draw a clear line with Wang Fei and stop supporting him!"

After reading the post, Wang Fei frowned depressed.

This post is trying to incite the emotions of its fans, it is trying to isolate itself.

Attentiveness is not sinister.

Wang Fei read the following thread again.

"Owner, where did you get the news? And, is it collaborating with the enemy to endorse Toyota? What about so many car owners who buy Japanese cars in China? Are they all traitors selling? This hat is a bit buckled. Big!"

"Is this true? If it is true, then Wang Fei's doing this time is a bit uncomfortable."

"It's a sinister intention! Why can't the Japanese make money? What kind of **** logic is this? Fei Di, don't be affected. I think that you can make a lot of money from the Japanese!"

"Upstairs, if Wang Fei is the spokesperson for Toyota, that will bring Toyota sales soaring! Do you think Toyota is a fool? If he can give Wang Fei 30 million dollars in endorsement fees every year, then Wang Fei has to create it for him. One hundred times and one thousand times the benefit! As for Wang Fei’s current domestic influence, if he endorses Toyota and raises his arms, I don’t know how many people are rushing to buy Toyota! And Toyota sells well, of course, it’s a small Japan. Will be greatly enhanced. What is this not an enemy?"

"Resolutely oppose Wang Fei's endorsement for Toyota!"

"Fei Di, I will leave a word here, if you endorse Toyota, then we will turn black immediately!"

"Upstairs, do you think Wang Fei rares you? You are a moral kidnapping!"

In short, this post is simply noisy.

Of course there are rational voices.

But irrational accounts for a considerable part.

Wang Fei read some replies, and shook his head with a wry smile.

He thought to himself, he still needs to make a sound, and he can't let the rumors fly!

Thinking of this, Wang Fei closed this post and started editing his main post.

The subject of the post: The rumors stop at the wise man. I never wanted to sign the endorsement agreement with Toyota in the past! Please calm down.

After editing the post, Wang Fei was about to publish it. He suddenly saw a post published by his own name in his post bar.

The ID of the post is almost exactly the same as my own, except for one more space.

The topic of the post is: "Dangsi, I am Wang Fei. My cooperation with Toyota has basically been reached. It is impossible for me to give up this huge contract if you noisy and oppose it!"

I go!

Is this a challenge?

Moreover, this post was actually posted in my own name, which is simply too bearable.

Wang Fei was a little crazy.

He opened this post published in his own name.

I saw this post read:

"You brain-dead rubbish, I saw your comments and I feel sick about it! What happened to me signing a big endorsement agreement? Cooperating with Japanese brands is traitorous, this is a big fallacy! You want to prevent me from making money, That's impossible!"

"I tell you that the endorsement agreement between me and Toyota will be signed immediately. You can do whatever you like. If you don't like me, just stay away. Don't make me feel sick looking at you!"

"Hua Xia is so big, you are such a small group of irrational fans! I don't have your support, I am still Wang Fei, I can still get an average of more than 50 points per game, and I can still make a sensation in the world!"

"Don't do ethical kidnapping at every turn! If you like me playing, then support silently! If you don't like me, you will never force it!"

"Let's talk about it first. I'm going to see what you **** will say."

After reading this post, Wang Fei almost never lost his breath.

Damn it!

Which **** is this playing Lao Tzu?

This is pulling hatred for yourself!

Wang Fei glanced at the following thread.

Not surprisingly, Wang Fei saw almost all the posts scolding himself.

"Wipe! Fei Di, are you a bit too much? You call all the fans who like you rubbish?"

"Is this really the Emperor Fei? Is my brain flooded? Or drunk too much? How do you say nonsense?"

"Can I scold someone? It's so sad, pity that I like you so much, why are you yelling at your fans?"

"Wang Fei, no one prevents you from making money, rational fans will not do that! But if you have to reflect on yourself, how can you insult your fans with such a nasty face?"

"From now on, let it be black! No matter how good this person is, I won't like it anymore."

"Fei Di, have you been hacked? Your post is simply being stupid! You are going to offend the people of the whole country. You will be condemned!"

"I'm dizzy! I'm crazy! Unexpectedly, my favorite idol would come to curse and scold everyone!"

"Go to hell! Shabi Wang Fei! I will never watch your game again! Don't go back to your country."

"You should be expelled from your nationality! The motherland gave you the honor and raised you so big, did you return it like this?"

Wang Fei shook his head, a little dumbfounded.

He knew that he had to clarify.

He hurriedly revised his post and posted it.

"Attention everyone! That post is pretending to be me, and the ID of the poster is one more space than me. Although it looks similar, it is definitely not me!"

"In addition, I have to clarify one thing, that is, although Toyota wants to sign an endorsement agreement with me, I have rejected it! Although I want to make money, I have my own bottom line and principles!"

"Brothers! Please keep your eyes open! Don't be instigated by others."

After Wang Fei’s post came out, he just refreshed it and found that someone had already responded to it.

"I'm dizzy! Wang Fei, are you schizophrenic?"

"Wipe! Really? Isn't the person who posted the curse just now?"

"Confused, I really didn't see the difference between the ID just now and this one."

"Fei Di, you have been hacked? You behaved very abnormally today?"

"Feidi, you said that you didn't make the post just now, how can you prove it?"

"I'm so dizzy, I just found something is wrong, I didn't expect that there would be such a show operation!"

"Let me just say, Fei Di has such a high EQ, how could he do such a destructive thing?"

"Let's find out that Li ghost together, and see what sinister intentions he has in posting such a post!"

"I only took a look at the curse post just now and found that something was wrong. How could Fei Di's quality be so vulgar and low quality."

Wang Fei took a look at the reply, and he thought to himself, the rumors stop only with the wise. If you post this post to clarify it, there shouldn't be any problems, right?

Wang Fei replied to a few more posts, he quit Posting, and he logged into Weibo.

As soon as Wang Fei logged in, he found many pieces of Aite's own information, and then many private messages sent to him.

This made Wang Fei a little bit big.

Weibo is not so good at this point.

However, a big V will receive a lot of private messages and Aite’s content every day. If you read them all, it will not be enough to consume all your time without eating or drinking!

But Wang Fei bit the bullet and glanced at the content.

From this look, he found that the matter of signing an endorsement agreement with Toyota had become a super hot spot on Weibo.

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