The Almighty King of Sports

Chapter 492: Pre-war mobilization

On the morning of April 29, the Spurs arrived in Houston.

After getting off the plane, Popovich took a deep breath, smiled and said to Rudy Gay who was walking beside him: "The weather in Houston is really great, the sun is shining, and the climate is pleasant. Makes people happy."

"Yes, the climate here is always so good. I heard that it rarely rains in Houston." Rudy Gay said with a smile.

"Enjoy all this, I believe that God will bless us, tonight, we will have a good result." Popovich said calmly.

"Mr. Popovich, I also think that God will be on our side tonight. The Rockets are only relying on one person to play. As long as the Chinese kid has a little problem, I believe that we can win the game." Rudy Gay said.

"No, no! You can't pin your hopes on this." Popovich shook his head.

"Do you think you can limit the king?" Rudy Gay blinked.

"Of course, Wang is just an ordinary person, he is not a god, I don't think he is invincible." Popovich said.

The two were talking while walking.

When coming out of the airport, many reporters were already standing in the hall.

Seeing the Spurs walk out, reporters swarmed over.

"Mr. Popovich, can you talk about your views on the next series?"

"Mr. Popovich, may I ask, do you think your team can get a victory from this series?"

"Mr. Popovich, how do you plan to deal with the king?"

The reporters raised their questions in a chaotic manner.

Popovich pressed his lips tightly and said nothing.

The members of the Spurs also bowed their heads one by one, pushing their own luggage and hurried out.

When we arrived at the hotel, we settled down.

Popovich held a pre-war mobilization meeting.

The tactics against the Rockets have been run-in and drilled before. Popovich believes that the most important thing is to mobilize the enthusiasm of all players.

"Gentlemen, tonight, we are going to usher in the semi-final rival Rockets! I have emphasized many times before that to play the Rockets, they must be dragged into our game rhythm! We can't play fast with them, we have to We must fight steadily and fight against them in positional battles. We must grasp every attack opportunity and we must not deal with it hastily."

"We must admit that the opponent is really strong. They have a very powerful rookie Wang Fei. Since this Chinese kid entered the NBA, he has been making waves. His speed is very fast and his steal frequency is faster. His shooting is extremely accurate. In this case, if we can limit the king, we have a chance to win the game! On the contrary, if we can't limit the king’s performance, our probability of failure will be very high!

"So, how do you restrict Wang Fei?"

"Here, I want to emphasize again, entanglement! entanglement! entanglement! We have to entangle him when defending him, we must use reasonable entanglement to make his speed lose the space to play! Also, we must do our best It is possible to make his foul, he came to steal us, we have to make his defensive foul, some people may ask, his speed is so fast, when he comes to steal, we can not even make a reasonable response to guard the ball , Then how to make his foul? This problem is actually very easy to solve, as long as he comes to grab the ball, then the moment he grabs the ball must be infinitely close to our team player, at that time, we have everything Don’t think about it, let the body spontaneously go conditioned and knock him away. In addition, we should avoid long passes as far as possible. Long passes are easy to be intercepted. We should do the most secure short-distance pass and pass the ball. At the same time, we must try our best to do pick-and-rolls and create obstacles for him..."

Popovich emphasized his tactical arrangements again.

The Spurs are a veteran team. Under the guidance of Popovich, they have always played team basketball.

Moreover, their style of play is very traditional, and many offenses are done in the form of positional warfare.

The current NBA league has already evolved into the small ball era.

In the small ball era, fast breaks and three-pointers are important.

In this era led by the Warriors, the Spurs are somewhat out of place.

Just like Popovich complained, the current NBA game relies too much on three-pointers. This is a bad phenomenon. Everyone keeps shooting three-pointers, and the game will become too monotonous and lose the past. Wonderful and passionate.

Complaints go to complain, Popovich has also been making adjustments.

Just like Popovich’s tactics specifically designed to deal with the Rockets, he has always been emphasizing that the speed of the game should be slowed down! Rely on positional warfare to slow down the game, and use tough defense and offense to suppress the opponent's momentum.

D'Antoni believes that although Wang Fei is fast, the confrontation is too weak.

D'Antoni is now asking his players to increase their deterrence against Wang Fei.

For example, if you come to grab me the ball, then I will directly hit you with my body.

No matter how fast you are, as long as you get close to me, then I can fight with you.

In fact, the main point that D'Antoni emphasized is to increase the intensity of the game! Use your player's strong body to try to squeeze Wang Fei's activity space.

After Popovich finished his tactical arrangements, he began arranging the main candidates to defend Wang Fei.

He looked at Patty Mills.

"Mr. Mills, I think you must be the defensive king. Do you think you can accomplish this difficult task?" Popovich said with a serious face.

Patty Mills straightened his chest immediately. He said, "Mr. Popovich, I think I can do it! He is fast, I know, but I am not slow. All I have to do is not Stopped and followed him like a shadow, entangled with him, making him feel like he was stuck in a quagmire. I think I can do this."

Patty Mills was a second-round pick. In 2009, he was selected with the 55th overall pick by the Blazers.

Then, in 2012, the Spurs signed him with a basic salary.

The advantage of this person is that he is fast, has a very high defensive enthusiasm, and his defensive focus is very strong. He can run tirelessly and scrupulously follow the defensive targets who are close to defending himself.

He can be regarded as a defensive backbone for the Spurs.

This is also the main reason why he has been able to play with the Spurs for so many years.

Popovich nodded appreciatively, smiled and said: "Your defensive experience is very rich, I trust you very much! Mr. Mills, your mission on the court is the defensive king! As long as this matter is done well, then you The contribution to the team is more powerful than those of the top scorers! Of course, I know that Wang is the fastest guy in the world, he can run the 100m World Championship, I think this guy may be better than Bo Ert runs fast! Moreover, he not only runs fast, but also his changes and frequency of movements are much faster than all NBA players. In view of this, I will not let you go to the single defense king, defensively. At that time, I will ask DeMar to help you! You two guards will double-team to defend him, and interfere with his catch, so that he can't easily make a move."

DeMar DeRozan sat aside and heard Popovich speak his name. He also stood tall and said: "Mr. Popovich, please rest assured, I know what I should do."

DeMar DeRozan came to the Spurs just last year.

He is swapping clubs with Leonard.

To be honest, DeRozan is very dissatisfied with this transaction. He thought he was betrayed by the team.

But after the start of the season, DeRozan actually had a pretty good time with the Spurs.

He is regarded as the core of tactics by the Spurs, and there are a lot of players who will play and the ball.

Therefore, DeRozan's data this season is quite good.

Slowly, that trace of DeRozan's heart of being traded by the team also dissipated.

DeMar DeRozan's offensive ability is still quite strong, his explosive power is very good, the speed is also good, the offensive methods are diverse, and the shooting percentage is very high.

But he has a weakness that prevents him from further growing into a superstar.

This weakness is: defense!

DeRozan's defense can only be considered unsatisfactory.

The Rockets also held a pre-war mobilization meeting in the morning.

D'Antoni also carefully analyzed the characteristics and shortcomings of each of the Spurs' players, and arranged special defensive tactics for each of the Spurs' main players.

After speaking, D'Antoni glanced at Wang Fei and said, "Wang, do you have anything else to add?"

Wang Fei smiled and said, "Mr. D'Antoni, you have already spoken well."

D'Antoni smiled and said: "The Spurs are much better than the Clippers. They are a traditional team. They have a wealth of experience in the playoffs. I have a hunch that tonight's game will be played against you. Crazy defense, you have to be mentally prepared."

"The Spurs are also a team I like. I know them. Their lineup is very stable. They are always good at tapping the potential of each team player. They are very strong. I will not deny that, but I am not. Think they can cause me trouble." Wang Fei said with a shake of his finger.

"Wang, you still have to take it seriously. Popovich is a cunning old fox. He estimates that he has done a lot of in-depth research on you. He will definitely come up with a unique way to defend you tonight. I think that in the Spurs. The one who is most likely to defend you is Patty Mills. This person is very crazy in defense. He is fast and can tirelessly execute the coach's intentions. I hope it can attract your attention." D'Antoni said.

"I know Patty Mills. I watched the 2014 Spurs and Heat finals and I was very impressed with him." Wang Fei said.

In 2014, the Spurs were able to beat the Heat to win the championship, which was beyond many people's expectations.

Because at that time, when the Heat's Big Three were in full swing, LeBron James was at the peak.

However, the Spurs overwhelmed the Heat abruptly.

Among them, Patty Mills also played a big role.

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