The Almighty King of Sports

Chapter 496: Brilliant incentives

Aldridge is 2.11 meters tall and standing in front of Wang Fei is a strong mountain of meat.

As soon as Wang Fei picked up the ball, Aldridge pushed forward. He wanted to compress Wang Fei's shooting space.

Because, after picking up the ball, Wang Fei could no longer dribble the ball except for passing and attacking. Therefore, to defend at this time, he would naturally press up and cut off his shooting and passing routes.

As soon as Aldridge came up, Wang Fei made a fake shot.

Aldridge was shaken immediately.

There is no way, because Wang Fei's shooting is too accurate, even if Aldridge knows that the opponent is a fake move, he can't help but prevent it.

Just when Aldridge jumped up, Wang Fei jumped and jumped high.

At this time, Aldridge had fallen from the air.

He stretched out his hand helplessly, trying to cover Wang Fei's eyes.

Wang Fei grinned.

He said in his heart, what I am waiting for is your defensive action.

Wang Fei's hand suddenly lifted up.

He catches the ball with both hands and raises his hands very quickly.

Before Aldridge had time to shrink his hand, Wang Fei's hand was in his hand.


The thug's voice was very loud.

Naturally, the referee's whistle sounded in response.

After Wang Fei made a thug foul, he continued to rise, and he was already lifting the ball above his head.

Aldridge watched Wang Fei throw the ball.

He subconsciously turned and looked at the ball flying towards the hoop.

A look of helplessness.

At this time, Patty Mills rushed to Wang Fei's side the first time Wang Fei jumped up, and he also flew up without hesitation.

Mills also hoped that he could have a chance to block Wang Fei's ball.

He overestimated himself.

When he jumped up, Wang Fei's ball had already been shot.

Wang Fei once again demonstrated a tough shooting offense.

In the face of the opponent's tall center defense, he stood up, not only created the opponent's foul, but also threw the ball into the hoop.

The goal is valid, plus one penalty!

Wang Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

Still relatively smoothly.

In such a short period of less than a minute, he hit three 3+1s, which is really cool.

Spurs coach Popovich, standing on the sidelines, shook his head.

This opening situation made him unsatisfied.

He really didn't want to call a timeout as soon as the game started.

Because he does not have any good and more effective tactical arrangements.

However, the opponent hit 13:0 at the beginning. If you don't call a timeout and let the unfavorable situation continue, it's not a good phenomenon.

Popovich still called a timeout.


The referee's whistle sounded.

The Spurs called a timeout.

Everyone on the Rockets bench jumped up.

Wang Fei followed his teammates to the sidelines.

He and his teammates high-five one by one.

Taking the towel handed over by his teammate, Wang Fei wiped the sweat on his face vigorously, and Wang Fei drank some more water.

He was about to sit down and take a rest. Suddenly, a white woman wearing a white short skirt and a low-cut upper body, showing a lot of spring time, walked towards him on high heels.

"Hi! Wang! Hello!" The woman greeted Wang Fei, and at the same time, she winked at Wang Fei.

Wang Fei was taken aback.

He said in his heart, who is this person?

How can she come to the sidelines during the game?

"Hello!" Wang Fei nodded politely.

However, he was automatically immune to this woman's winks.

This white woman is indeed pretty and good in figure, but her appearance is not enough to make Wang Fei's soul reluctant.

Alyssa is more beautiful than her.

"Wang, I'm Selena Gomez, you should know me?" Selena tried to show her charm and beauty, twisting her waist and said.

"No, I'm sorry, I don't know you. Miss, it's during the game, I'm afraid I can't tell you more, goodbye." Wang Fei said, he turned and left, went to sit in his seat.

Wang Feixin said, I care who you are.

This woman made him feel uncomfortable.

She smiled fakely.

When looking at Wang Fei, there was a hint of arrogance and contempt in his eyes that could not be concealed.

It was as if she was a gift to talk to Wang Fei.

What the hell!

Another self-righteous thing!

Wang Fei has been in the United States for so long.

It's annoying to see him.

Selena Gomez was stunned.

She didn't expect that when she came to say hello to her own respect, she actually touched a cold nail.

This Chinese kid, are you blind? Didn't you see that I am a noble white star?

When I say hello to you, shouldn't you crawl on the ground and kiss the toe of my shoe?

It's incredible.

Selena Gomez was angry.

But she was also a little helpless.

People don't like her, she has no temper at all.

Taylor Swift, who was still sitting in his seat, pursed his lips and laughed when he saw this.

She knew that her best friend would touch a big nail!

Taylor Swift is a thoughtful woman. Although she had never seen Wang Fei before, she was paying close attention to Wang Fei after he became famous. Taylor Swift has read almost all the news about Wang Fei.

Taylor knew from the news that Wang Fei was a clean boy, and he had almost never had scandals with any celebrities. Of course, there are some stars who try to have something with him. For example, the Kardashian sisters have weaved gentle traps for Wang Feiluo several times.

Wang Fei never fell into it once.

What does this show?

It shows that Wang Fei is not the kind of man who is lustful.

He wouldn't be as merciful as a playboy, he couldn't hold back when he saw a beautiful woman winking.

It can only be said that Selena doesn't understand Wang Fei at all!

Deep-rooted prejudice against Chinese people still remained in her mind.

Selena walked back dingy.

She sat down on her chair.

"Extraordinary! I'm so angry." Selena burst into a swearing slur and said angrily.

"What's wrong? Selena, isn't your charming appearance able to confuse the king?" Taylor Swift said.

"Fuck! He's blind, he's a bastard! Or, he's so crazy, he can't recognize who he is! He's just a poor little yellow-skinned man, does he really think he's a big man? I ah! "Selina lowered her voice madly and said.

What Selena didn't know was that the scene of her chatting with Wang Fei just now had been filmed by many reporters.

Those words she said were also secretly recorded by reporters.

"Haha! Selena, anyway, you lose, you failed to hook the king, you were rejected, so, should you fulfill your promise?" Taylor Swift said.

"No! I haven't lost yet! He just said that because he is still in the game, so there is not much time to talk to me, I still have a chance to win!" Selena said.

"Really? In order to convince you of the loss, then I can only wait a little longer." Taylor Swift said.

Over there for the Spurs.

Popovich was speaking to his players very seriously: "Children, you have a very good attitude on the court, you are fully focused and playing very positively!"

"I still approve of your performance! Don't be depressed, don't think that the Rockets can lead us at the beginning of the game. It is not how clever their team tactics are, but because they have a powerful person who can change the result of the game alone. Superstar, that is the king!"

"After entering the playoffs, he is still very strong! His performance is very versatile and he caught us by surprise. However, his hard work like this is very physical! I think his performance may not last."

"We should keep our minds steady and continue to play at our own pace. As long as we continue the intensity of the game just now, we will definitely be able to regain our disadvantage! I firmly believe this! Come on, everyone!"

Popovich is a smart old man.

He is not angry because the Spurs are now at a passive disadvantage, let alone scolding his players.

Because he knows that the players have worked very hard.

His scolding doesn't make them better, but it may be counterproductive and make those players impatient.

Affirm their performance and encourage them, which can inspire fighting spirit and passion!

Popovich's words also mobilized the passion of the Spurs players again.

Popovich glanced at the gearing players, his eyes fell on Patty Mills.

Mills was immediately uneasy.

"Greg, I'm sorry, I failed your expectations." Mills lowered his head and said.

"No! I think you still behave very well! Mills, you are very active in running, and your defense has already seen to be effective. Just now you and DeMar almost prevented the king from catching the ball. But , It’s a pity that Wang jumped too high. Like a bird, he can fly out of your double-team. This is beyond your ability. Keep going, keep your high attention just now, and lock in at all times. And kill that guy, be careful not to make him uncomfortable!" Popovich said.

Mills listened to Popovich's encouragement, he was very excited, even a little grateful.

Under his own defense, Wang Fei hit 3 3+1s in the opening. In this case, Popovich was sure of his defense, which really made him very heartwarming.

Because, he has indeed done his best.

However, the defensive target is too strong, no matter how hard you fight, what can be done?

"I will try to do it! Greg, as long as I am alive, I will try to defend the king next to my body!" Patty Mills said.

Defense is the value of Patty Mills.

He can only work hard to defend well and realize the value of his existence in the Spurs!

In short, what the Spurs did in this timeout was to continue to inspire the fighting spirit of their players.

They seem to have done it.

The timeout is over.

The game restarted.

Wang Fei walked to the free throw line in silence.

At this moment, Wang Fei's brain once again sounded a reminder.

"Dear host, you have triggered a temporary task to defeat the will of the Spurs..." The soft female voice of the system sounded.

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