The Almighty King of Sports

Chapter 733: Liu Meijuan was kidnapped?

Jack's face immediately turned pale.

Because the boss said this sentence, it probably means that his job will be lost.

"Boss, give me a chance to make up for what I have done. I can definitely do this for you." Jack said.

"There is no chance! You go to the personnel department to go through the formalities and leave here immediately." Thomson said with a cold wave of his hand.

"Boss, this is too cruel, right? I have also made a lot of contributions to the development of the company. Although I did make a mistake this time, my starting point is also good." Jack said.

"I won't listen to your explanation. Leave immediately! Because I feel sick when I see you now!" Thomson said.

Jack knew that everything was irreversible, so he had to turn around and leave Thomson's office.

When Jack left, Thomson called another subordinate and asked him to help him find Wang Fei's number.

The phone was quickly found.

Thomson considered it, and he dialed Wang Fei's number.

At this time, the Lakers are holding a pre-war tactical meeting!

Assistant coach Jason Kidd is talking about the technical characteristics of the players of the upcoming Nets.

Wang Fei's phone rang.

Wang Fei glanced at it. It was an unfamiliar number, and he hung up without hesitation.

"Wang, is there a call coming in?" Jason Kidd smiled and nodded to Wang Fei.

"Yes, but I haven't seen this number, and I don't think it will be a very important number, Mr. Kidd, you can continue talking." Wang Fei said.

"Okay! If you have an important call, just answer it at any time." Jason Kidd said politely.

Wang Fei turned his mobile phone to silent, no matter what, he should give Jason Kidd a little respect.

Wang Fei continued to listen to Kidd.

However, after a short while, his cell phone screen lit up again, and the number was called again.

This person is quite stubborn, he has already refused to pick up, and he has to fight again.

Wang Fei hung up the other party's phone again.

He was hesitating whether to add the other party's mobile phone number to the blacklist.

At this moment, his mobile phone received a new short message.

The number that sent the text message was the same number just now.


Who the **** is this?

Wang Fei frowned and opened the short message.

I saw it read: "Wang, my boss Thomson of NBA2K, I must solemnly apologize to you, I really didn't know about lowering your ability value. When I knew it, things had already become a mess. The city is full of wind and rain! Now, I have people set your ability to the highest value! At the same time, I sincerely hope that I can invite you to serve as the image spokesperson for our NBA2K, do you think it’s okay?"

Wang Fei smiled, and he said to his heart, this reaction is really fast!

After only one night, the other party can't hold it anymore. Is this trying to reconcile with yourself?

Wang Fei thought for a while, and he sent back a text message to the other party: "Mr. Thomson, you don't have to apologize to me for this, you have done nothing wrong. In addition, it is impossible for me to be your spokesperson! Because, I have been with you. EA signed a contract."

When Thomson saw this text message from Wang Fei, his heart immediately felt cold.

"So soon, did you sign the contract? I heard that you only started to negotiate yesterday. Wang, give me a chance, we can give you better endorsement conditions, and our 2K is better than the NBA-live game The influence is also much greater." Thomson tried to fight for it.

"Yes, although we only started talking yesterday, we quickly reached a consensus and we signed the endorsement contract last night." Wang Fei replied.

"So, after we have modified your ability value, can you send a message to our company to help us eliminate the impact? Wang, please help us, I can pay you. You only need to If you post a message on all your social media, I can pay you one million dollars." Thomson sent another short message.

Wang Fei smiled and shook his head. He refused without hesitation: "Sorry, sir, according to my contract with EA, I cannot mention the names of EA's competitors, let alone send you messages! "

Just kidding?

I didn't cherish me before, but now that the situation is wrong, want to reconcile? Want to eliminate negative effects? Don't dream anymore! I will never cooperate with you!

"Okay! Wang, that will disturb you, I hope we can have a chance to cooperate in the future." Thomson said.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, the tactical meeting finally ended.

Wang Fei returned to his room and planned to take a break, play games, and then go to the restaurant for dinner.

As for the game against the Nets at night, Wang Fei didn't think much about it.

Left and right is just an ordinary regular season.

However, today's game is the first meeting of the Nets and Lakers this season.

The Nets paid great attention to this game.

This season, the Nets have Durant, Irving, and Jordan joined, and the cooperation between the three is still relatively tacit. Therefore, the Nets' results this season are quite good.

With 40 wins and 5 losses, the Nets currently rank first in the Eastern Conference.

Even if you look at the entire league, their record is quite strong, they are currently ranked second in the league, second only to the Lakers.

Therefore, the Nets are ambitious, they are eager to win the game tonight, so that they can get the first chance psychologically.

The Nets' base.

Nets coach Kenny Atkinson is showing players a video of the Lakers game.

He mainly explained Wang Fei's technical characteristics and defensive methods to the players.

"Gentlemen, from the current point of view, the player Wang is almost flawless. He is a legendary shooter, he is very accurate, and there is no limit to the range, within half of the field, he can almost all areas. Shooting hits, which adds trouble to our defense. How to limit his shooting? This is a big problem. After discussing with my colleagues, I think that for Wang Fei, there is no good defensive method, it can only be Stalker! The whole audience is entangled in close defense, so that may be able to barely limit his offensive strength. However, the problem now is that in our lineup, no player can keep up with Wang Fei’s speed. It is impossible to use one person to defend him alone. In view of this, my thinking is that for Wang Fei's defense, we must all help! Once the player defending him is thrown off, then the closest player to Wang Fei That player needs to go up immediately and continue to cause trouble for him. Do you think there is a problem with this?" Atkinson looked at the players and asked with a smile.

There is no solution to Wang Fei's defense, which has become a consensus.

In the current NBA, when it comes to defending Wang Fei, that is a headache for the coaching staff.

Because Wang Fei's performance is getting better and better, and has become a banner of the NBA, the NBA league's protection of Wang Fei is also increasing.

Almost a little bit close to the entanglement, if you are not careful, you may be called a foul.

Therefore, it is not so easy to use small actions to prevent Wang Fei.

Durant glanced at the other teammates, he pondered for a moment and said: "This will make us miss people and cause a serious loss of position. In that case, it will give other Lakers players the opportunity to shoot open."

Atkinson nodded and said: "Yeah! This is inevitable! However, we can put other Lakers players, including James, to shoot, but we can't let Wang Fei shoot! Because he is much more accurate than his teammates! Even if we miss out and cause other Lakers players to have easy shots, we must prevent Wang Fei from being killed. This will reduce some of our losses. Kevin, what do you think?"

Duran nodded characteristically: "Yes! Kenny, you are right! Then, I have no other questions. I agree with your idea. Each of us must do our best to help defend Wang Fei. Work, that’s it. But I have one more suggestion."

"You said." Atkinson said with a smile.

"My suggestion is: we don't try to press the whole court in the game. I found that that would be of no use to Wang Fei, but it would give him a chance to break through the fast break. In addition, we had better be able to drag the game into position. That way, our defense can be calm, and we can complement each other. If they play a fast break, they have a super shooter like Wang Fei in their team, which poses a much greater threat to us." Durant said.

Irving inserted a sentence at this time: "When defending the Lakers offense, I agree with them to play positional battles. However, when we offense, we should speed up the offensive rhythm, as long as we can prevent Wang Fei from being attacked by him. It is easy to steal the ball and we initiate a fast break. For us, the benefits will be more."

"It makes sense! However, it seems to be a very difficult thing to entangle Wang Fei and prevent him from stealing. I think the fast break can be launched, but it is safer and better for us." Xiao Jordan said.

The Nets began to discuss the defense of Wang Fei.

In other words, after Wang Fei had lunch, he returned to his room to recharge his energy.

He just lay in bed and wanted to squint for a while, when suddenly, his cell phone rang.

Wang Fei picked up the phone and took a look. He found that it was Liu Meijuan's call.

Wang Fei is a bit strange, because Liu Meijuan has never called him before, and they always make WeChat video chats, which is more intuitive.

Wang Fei quickly answered the phone.

"Boy! You better not call the police! Your woman is now in our hands. If you don't obey and cooperate with us, then we will destroy your woman!" A vicious voice came from the microphone, saying yes English language.

Wang Fei was taken aback.

Liu Meijuan was kidnapped?

This, shouldn't it?

He was shocked, and another voice resembling Liu Meijuan resounded in the microphone: "Wang Fei, I'm so scared, they beat me and said they are going to kill me."

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