The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1010 Borrow

It's like a person who is short of money and needs it, but everyone knows, where is the money? bank! But what can be done? Know it works? Is it possible to live in it if you can't think of it?

"Old Xie, you're joking again, hehe." Jiang Jian's agent smirked.

Immediately changed from Brother Jin to Lao Xie.

"Your Jiang Jian and my Xiaofei have a good relationship. Before, your Jiang Jian lived in Xiaofei's house for a period of time, and had a period of contact with President Xu. There is still a possibility."

Jiang Jian's agent thoughtfully seemed to be weighing the chances of doing so successfully.

"Okay, okay, try it. If it doesn't work, let Jiang Jian go to my place to have a look. Although I don't have much, there are still a few people who can meet people."

Xie Jin looked at Jiang Jian's agent hesitant, and continued.

"Okay! I'll talk to Jiang Jian!"

This is Jiang Jian's first step into the fashion circle! It is also a very important step, and it is bound to be fully prepared.

Therefore, I specially attended the banquet with Jiang Xiaofei.

Jiang Xiaofei doesn't say anything else, this popularity and flow are indeed not comparable to Jiang Jian. Jiang Jian can be said to be a powerful group, and with the impression he gave in the past, it can only be said to be a powerful group.

However, in this era, just like laughing at the poor and not laughing at the prostitute, there are obviously more people who know traffic stars than the powerful ones, and they are also more favored by brands.

Didn't you see that Jiang Xiaofei didn't take much effort to arrange everything for the banquet? And Jiang Jian is still struggling.

You can still buy it, but it is not easy to operate for a while, so you can only borrow it.

Jiang Jian also went.

Xu Yanxiu responded boldly and promised to take Jiang Jian to pick.

It's just a watch, he has many, Xiaofei is in the entertainment industry, Jiang Jian is also, the relationship is good, Xu Yanxiu is still willing to help.

"Mr. Xu, trouble you." Jiang Jian and Xu Yanxiu met at Jiang Xiaofei's house.

This is the place they both know, otherwise Xu Yanxiu wouldn't know Jiang Jian's home address, Jiang Jian wouldn't know Xu Yanxiu's home address...

Of course, the most important thing is to take Jiang Xiaofei along.

Xu Yanxiu famously called it: palm palm eye.

But who knows what's on your mind? Finally, Jiang Jian still winked, so he took Jiang Xiaofei with him.

"It's okay, it's time to go and see it together, you can choose whatever you want."

"Just the two of you, what am I going to do? I don't understand." Jiang Xiaofei stared blankly at the two of them.

"Palm eyes." Xu Yanxiu lightly parted his lips.

Jiang Jian looked at Xu Yanxiu and then looked at Jiang Xiaofei, Xu Yanxiu was obviously unwilling to let go of the chance to get along a little bit, he had already helped himself, he was naturally willing to assist.

"Together, it just so happens that you and Mr. Xu help me take a look, you two have good eyes!"

Xu Yanxiu gave Jiang Jian an admiring look.

"Okay, but I have something to do later." Jiang Xiaofei reluctantly agreed.

The group arrived at Xu Yanxiu's apartment in the city.

This is the house where Jiang Xiaofei came before.

"It's all inside, you can take a look. Any one is fine. If it doesn't work here, I have some in another house, but it's a bit far from here." Xu Yanxiu pointed to the inside and let Jiang Jian look at it at will.

"My God." Jiang Jian looked like a douchebag without closing his mouth.

Shoes, clothes, watches, ties, shirts... are kept in separate categories.

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