The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1034 One minute and five seconds

It's a pity that Emperor Jiang had already finished filming this issue of the magazine. Xie Jin Baba followed him, but he didn't see him, so he sighed to himself.

However, in this issue, Jiang Yingdi, a recognized national male god, is present, and the magazine's sales are top-notch.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 】

[After so many years, Jiang Yiheng has a new magazine, I goose asked me what I was doing, I was buying my husband's magazine! 】

[Jiang Shui, rush, Jiang Yiheng appeared in front of everyone again after many years, buy, buy, buy——]

[Already prepared the money, just waiting for the magazine to go on sale, go buy it directly, I want twenty copies. 】

[Want to ask how many people are robbing? I'm at work now, and I don't have time. If time permits, I'd like to buy it after get off work. 】

... The netizens in front of the screen have seen a lot of this kind of news. The magazine is not on sale on a day off. People who are idle at home are fine, but office workers are a little bit hard.

But most of them are still office workers, and they have an idea and start thinking.

[Oh, I also plan to buy it after work. There shouldn't be many people who buy it. Jiang Yiheng's younger generation is not very familiar with him, and our generation is busy making money to support the family. I don't think it's difficult. purchase. 】

[Buy plus one after get off work, anyway, there are so many sets, I can definitely buy them. 】

[I’m relieved when you say so, then I’ll go to work with peace of mind, and then I’ll talk about it after get off work. 】

Some people really went to work with peace of mind, while some people asked for leave after sending the message.

I'm not feeling well today, XXX passed away today and is going back to his hometown for a funeral, his daughter-in-law is going to give birth...

At ten o'clock in the morning, the latest issue of "VG" magazine was sold out as soon as it went on sale. The whole process only took one minute and five seconds, except for the delay in the program and the action of paying.

#burst! "VG" was robbed in one minute and five seconds! #

【What? Got robbed? I haven't bought it yet. 】

[Wow-why was it robbed? Didn't they say that not many people bought it? 】

【#图# Bought two copies, happy(*^▽^*). 】

[Hey, I bought five copies, making you envy and envy. 】

[I was late, so I bought a copy, but fortunately I bought it, and it was a false alarm. 】

[Isn't the one upstairs the one who said he wanted to buy it after get off work? Confuse. 】

[Cough, cough, cough! I'm sorry, but I took a temporary leave for fear of an accident. 】

[I went to the toilet to buy it, but the garbage company was afraid that the employees would use the toilet to play with their mobile phones. The toilet signal was super bad. I didn’t buy it. 】

[Didn't we make an appointment to buy it after get off work? Why do you bastards go back on their word, wow——]

[I am sincere to you, but you lied to me, Sang Xin...]

[Why do you believe this, you can't laugh or cry, that's Jiang Yiheng. 】

In addition to physical magazines, even the number of buyers of electronic magazines far exceeds the number of purchases in the past.

Because the physical journal still needs to be shipped after the shooting, it will take a while to get to the hands of the public, so the electronic journal does not have to worry about this at all.

Holding the mobile phone and admiring Jiang Yingdi's appearance from all angles, he slowly turned to the next page.

"I wipe!"

Countless people made such a sound.

There is Jiang Xiaofei on the inner page, and Jiang Yingdi on the cover is just a man and a woman. In order to make a gimmick, the theme of Jiang Xiaofei set by "VG" this time is the same as Jiang Yingdi, a man and a woman, the same I feel that I just experienced a beauty crit, I slowly opened it with reluctance, and found that it is another beautiful sky!

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