The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1041 Xia Guo Doll

"Of course! This is definitely her best chance, that is, George is a good person. I chose her to come here, otherwise I don't know where to stay."

The Xia Guo model in the corner listened to their words and smiled.

They are very provocative, but after working abroad for so many years, Yao Xi knows that it is too difficult for Xia Guo to be a model and an actor. Even if she is envious, she will not do anything, but will help. People in the country, some jealousy and so on seem to be slowly calming down here, and the rest is chasing dreams.

This time, Xie Jin, Bai Su, Jiang Ye, and Jiang Xiaofei's new makeup artist all came along. After all, Jiang Xiaofei will be here for many days.

Jiang Ye and Bai Su's foreign languages ​​are not good, but Xie Jin and the make-up artist have good foreign languages, but the make-up artist only does makeup and other things, and uses Jiang Ye and Bai Su for some things, so they all came here.

"George himself has outstanding design talent, so he is the chief designer of CC's family, and he is a good talker, provided that he does not touch his bottom line, and his bottom line is his work, so you only need to go on the catwalk and put his work on the show. Well presented, the rest is nothing."

"Of course, where there are people, there will be competition. Every show will have alternate models and other models. You have to be careful. It's okay to befriend them, as long as the show is peaceful on the surface."

Xie Jin knew that these people from abroad had a chain of discrimination against Xia Guo's models and actors, and were excluded and targeted... Besides, Jiang Xiaofei, a cross-border person, had no other requirements.

"Okay! I'll do my best." Jiang Xiaofei nodded. The clothing display could only be based on her feeling. Although she practiced a lot during this time, the crash course was still a little short.

Jiang Xiaofei and her party soon arrived at the CC show.

"Oh, beautiful Xia Guo doll, hello, I'm George, this is my assistant Ellison." When George saw Jiang Xiaofei come in, he felt like he had seen an angel.

"George, hello, Ellison, hello!" Jiang Xiaofei smiled.

"My God, Jiang, you are the most beautiful girl in Xia Guo I've ever seen. Oh, the last one surprised me. He has the same name as yours, also Jiang. His name is Jiang...Yi...Heng." George looked at Jiang Xiaofei's height and posture and was very satisfied.

It's much better than what I imagined. The height is almost enough to use high heels. There is no problem with her posture, and she has the face of an angel. As long as the steps pass the qualified line, he doesn't have high requirements for her.

"Jiang, thank God for letting me see the beautiful you." Ellison looked at Jiang Xiaofei with deep eyes and gave a kiss.

Jiang Xiaofei's smile stiffened, "I'm also very happy to meet you, my name is Jiang Xiaofei, you can call me Xiaofei."

Who is Jiang in their mouths? Jiang Xiaofei was passed by Xie Jinpu in the car. Jiang Yingdi, who was all-powerful in those days, has taken a path beyond the reach of the entertainment industry and fashion industry.

At that time, Xia Guo's artists were in their prime. Even if there was only one Jiang Yiheng who made a name for himself, such a person was comparable to dozens of others.

After a brief period of acquaintance, George is invested in work, time is money, and they prefer to work hard in plenty of time, rather than talking.

Jiang Xiaofei was taken to the dressing room by Ellison.

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