The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1062 The culprit

Ran Menglin felt the bad eyes around her, vomited blood, and stared at Jiang Xiaofei with an ugly face, slut!

Jiang Xiaofei smiled smugly and made no secret of it, clearly saying that she did it on purpose.

Ran Menglin closed her eyes, so she could not see.

Jiang Xiaofei accepted it as soon as she saw it, and she passed this one very quickly.

Director Lai asked everyone to rest for a while and drink hot water. It is not easy in the winter.

"Sister Xiaofei! Milk tea is here!" Bai Su brought a few boxes of steaming milk tea over with a few people.

"Thank you, everyone has been filming with you for so long, and you all drink hot milk tea to warm your body." Jiang Xiaofei greeted everyone to drink milk tea.

"Thank you, Miss Concubine!"

"Thank you, Miss Concubine!"

Everyone rubbed their hands and thanked Jiang Xiaofei.

Looking at other people, I know that they have been filming with them for so long and it is very cold. Please drink hot milk tea.

And the culprit...

Everyone shook their heads, it was not the cup of milk tea that Jiang Xiaofei wanted, but the things Jiang Xiaofei did that made people feel comfortable.

"This milk tea! This milk tea is super expensive." Everyone opened the box and took a look.

"It's more than twenty for such a cup, Xiaofei sister is refreshing."

It's a pity that Jiang Xiaofei has already left and did not hear what everyone said.

"Where are we going?" Jiang Xiaofei asked Xu Yanxiu.

He never said where they were going?

"Go to a good place, where's your cell phone?" Xu Yanxiu smiled mysteriously, betraying him.

"Here." Jiang Xiaofei took out her phone and showed him.

"Confiscation, someone in the province will disturb you." Xu Yanxiu turned off the two's phones.

He didn't want to be disturbed in the two worlds.

"Okay." Jiang Xiaofei didn't refuse, just shut down the machine, and it's fine.

Xu Yanxiu drove for a long time and Jiang Xiaofei fell asleep in the car.

"Isn't it here yet?" Jiang Xiaofei was a little lazy.

"It's coming soon."

The car stopped in front of a farmyard, surrounded by a field of endless fields.

There is no courtyard wall. The so-called courtyard walls are made of fences, which are more than one meter high. The wooden gates can see the houses in the courtyard through the fences.

There are both the main courtyard and the side rooms, as well as a well.

If it weren't for the modern car around her, Jiang Xiaofei would have thought she had returned to the ancient times.

"This is..." Jiang Xiaofei asked.

"The New Year's Day gift for you, this area includes this yard, let's go in and have a look." Xu Yanxiu took Jiang Xiaofei's hand and walked inside.

The lock for the wooden door is also an ancient style.

Open the door to see more clearly, there are several trees in the small yard, there is a small stone table and a few stone benches under the tree.

They were all kept as they were, except that there was a path made of stones from the courtyard to the main house, and the surrounding area was all land.

Walking into this courtyard, I felt my heart calm down.

Pushing open the front door, a sense of heaviness blows over you.

The smile on Jiang Xiaofei's face grew thicker and thicker, as if she had obtained a favorite toy and went to explore, and when she had finished visiting the whole yard, it was getting dark.

"Thank you! I like this place very much." Jiang Xiaofei looked up at him, but did not reject his gift. Xu Yanxiu didn't know how much thought went into this place. If he refused, it would hurt people's hearts. It would be better to return it in other ways.

"As long as you like it, it's getting late, let's cook, there is an earthen stove on the stove, as well as a gas tank and an induction cooker. Everything is packed."

"Well! What do you want to eat, you order me to make it!"

Jiang Xiaofei was in a good mood and rolled up her sleeves.

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